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BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

12 followers   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC

Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

12 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC


Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

No, I'm trying to figure out what you're actually asking.

Are you trying to smuggle the idea that there are "legitimate reasons" to shoot up a mall in under the radar?

  • -13

Im not discussing morality, I'm discussing facts and hypotheticals. If you were to fire your gun into a crowd, what would you expect to happen?

  • -13

And this sort of behavior is why I continue to maintain that White Nationalism as it currently exists within the continental US should not be taken seriously as an intellectual movement.

You came in spouting a bunch of bullshit clearly having only skimmed what I had wrote, and then you got angry at me for failing to immediately bend over backwards and cede the field to your superior Aryan intellect. Sorry buddy, but I am not under any obligation to make your arguments for you, or to make your life any easier. Either come correct or don't.

  • -13

Six or a half dozen regardless.

  • -13

You keep strawmanning your opponents with an appeal to the Nazi-esque notion of racial purity.

I don't think it's a strawman at all. I think that "intelligence is heritable from parent to child" is the proverbial motte and that "and that's why we need to do away with all this anti-scientific nonsense about all men being created equal and replace it with the 14 words" is the bailey and that the vast majority of the HBD advocates here on the motte are very much in the baily.

  • -13

Maybe, alternatively you are lying about not being an identitarian.

  • -12

You seem to be using that term exactly the opposite way of Yudkowski, as HBDers have no problem linking those beliefs to anticipated outcomes.

Am I? Are they?

My reply to you is effectively the same as my reply to @The_Nybbler, even if HBD is true (and that is an "if") what value does "HBD Awareness" add over a colorblind meritocracy in terms of anticipated experiences?

  • -12

My read of that interaction is that you were trying to use arguments as soldiers and then got pissy when they got slaughtered to a man because you'd marched them into a killbox.

This is far from the first time that you and I have done this particular song and dance. You'll make some blanket claim about X-outcome is entirely explained by genetics and then someone usually myself or @FCfromSSC will point out that all the genetics in the world won't teach kids to read, or turn a flabby sack of dough into NFL athlete if they don't eat well and go to the gym, at which point you accuse your interlocutor of misunderstanding what you plainly said and/or quoting you out context. Rinse, wash, repeat, every 3 - 4 months.

Simply put, if you don't want to be used as an example of HBDer's poor behavior, stop providing such good examples.

Edit: See also my replies to @DaseindustriesLtd, and @hydroacetylene.

  • -12

What I don't understand is what you think there is to reconcile. To me you seem to be to be starting from a desired conclusion IE on of strict race-essentialism and bio-determinism and then working backwards. If I am not someone who believes in those things, or who otherwise does not buy into the Left's wider narratives about group and class identity, where is the contradiction?

  • -11

This is a laughable assertion.

No it is not.

Near as I can tell, the sort of view expressed by @Folamh3, @self_made_human, and others here that...

it's all genetics, the children whose parents can afford to send them to private school tend to be smarter than the children whose parents can't; "school quality" and "teacher quality" have pretty much zero bearing on educational outcomes and are almost pure signalling; if you sent all of the private school kids to a public school and vice versa, you would see essentially zero change in educational outcomes in either cohort; and so on and so on.

...is not an extreme or hyperbolic take, it's the median.

Charitably you are engaging in a very blatant Motte and Baily where you try to play the "group differences in outcome" card right up until someone asks how exactly you determine group membership for the purposes of determining group differences. IE Is a dark-skinned man who votes Republican "black" or is he, as Joe Biden and the Hosts of the View assert, "white". (Edit: See Slate and the LA Times' treatment of Clarence Thomas and Larry Elder)

Less charitably you are simply lying.

  • -11

It's not descriptive at all. HBD as it is espoused by yourself, @RandomRanger, @Folamh3, @self_made_human @SecureSignals Et Al is not about describing a position it's about justifying a position. It is normative through and through.

  • -11

Ordinarily I'd just report you for being a low-effort/single-issue troll * and move on but seeing as I don't expect the mods to actually do about this I'm going to go against my own advice and feed the troll, because like @FCfromSSC I find that preferable to ceding this space to the enemy with out a fight.

So, to answer your question, two things spring immediately to mind.

First is the issue @Evinceo raises, if things like intelligence and personal discipline are primarily genetic why are the children of our elites so consistently idiots and drug addicts. This isn't a recent development either Strong man builds a grand empire, or sucessful empire only for his kids to piss it all away has been recurring theme throughout human history.

Second, the axis would have won WWII. The Japanese and German militaries both entered the war with a substantial advantage in technology and training over their opponents. If the HBD-Tards' and Woke-Cels' theories about race were accurate, this ought to have translated into quick and easy victory. Instead the racially diverse, hopelessly disorganized (IE decentralized), and utterly lacking in warrior spirit/tradition armies of the Aglosphere proved far more capable of cooperation, innovation, and stacking enemy dead like corde-wood than their ostensibly superior and racially homogenous opponents. As much as Weebs fetishize the IJNS Yamato but the historical truth is that the one time she actually fought enemy surface ships for real, she and her accompanying task force got thrashed by a by a squadron of 4 escort ships that collectively weighed less than Yamato's main armament. That sort of thing doesn't happen in a sane world run by math and autistic notions of genetic destiny.

* 2/3rds of BorfRebus' total posts have been abpout race/hbd

  • -11

Whereas what the nation offers is all responsibility and privileges.

Yes. We live in a society. That is what a society is.

  • -11

HBD is a worse substitute than existing policy frameworks.


I would even go so far as to posit that this is precisely why it is so popular amongst dissident activist types. I suspect that a lot of them recognize on some level that, in a world where people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin they would be the ones left out in the cold.

  • -10

So quit whining and get good.

We all go before the judge sooner or later.

  • -10

It's ok, in his defense he's only pretending to be a retard.

  • -10

Again, this is a stupid question.

If you were to fire your gun blindly into a crowd and kill someone, do you believe that claiming that you never intended to shoot that person in particular would be a valid defense against the subsequent criminal charges?

  • -10

What facts? I'm not commenting on the guy's home life, I'm commenting on the guy's essay and the wider movement he is touted as representing.

  • -10

The only rational conclusion one can draw is that as stupid as the working class may be, the sort of person who votes democrat is even more so ;-)

  • -10

I know this is probably going to come across as uncharitable I find it difficult to get mad about about pedos and gore fetishists getting forced underground, if anything this strikes me as one of the DEI/LGBTQ/BBQ movements few redeeming qualities.

  • -10

Can you name any specific HBD-tards?

A handful in this forum but I'm already in the dog house with the mods.

  • -10

Not "generally", only when they are forced to retreat from the bailey to the motte. Hence the derision aimed towards "blank-slatists" and the like.

  • -10

Typically meaningless tactic for dismissing points you don’t like. A lot of whining

That doesn't necessarily make the accusation false.

I would be very, very surprised by this. Is this actually true? Are children of the top 10% actually lower IQ and more frequently addicted to drugs than the bottom decile?

From my experience the children of the top 10% are generally no smarter than anyone else and substantially more likely to be drug users of some kind, though how much of this is simple availability + opportunity is unclear.

In any case you don't need to compare them to the bottom decile to falsify HBD, just the decile immediately below them if genetics really does have a far greater effect than culture, upbringing, geography, etc... we should see a substantial difference between the children of the top 10% and the top 20% and that's not something anyone has been able to demonstrate.

I don’t think any HBD advocate claims that by accepting HBD you automatically win all wars regardless of other factors

No they claim that racial purity and homogeneity lead to superior outcomes and then get pissy when you point out historical counter-examples.

  • -10

What is the end goal of white nationalism?

To see our founding principles utterly discredited and destroyed so that they might be replaced with a load of post-modern psuedo-marxist intersectional nonsense.

If you want to understand "white nationalism" as it exists on twitter and various rat-adjacent spaces, you need to understand that they are motivated by the same thing the intersectional left is. Specifically, certain sense of entitlement/having been chosen coupled with belief in the ideology of victimhood that ultimately manifests as a deep and abiding resentment of what the West in general, and the Anglosphere/US in particular has historically represented. The idea that all men are created equal is simply intolerable to them because it means they have to actually work at being better if they want to be perceived as being better.

Idiots like Steve Sailor and Greg Johnson can bitch about dysgenics all they want but at the end of the day the middle-class white guy who marries a thicc Latina and pumps out a couple of kids is doing more to actually implement and embody the 14 words (not to mention build a nation) than the vast majority of so-called "white nationalists" are.

Look man, you and I have been doing this for years. 10 years this October by my count. What do you think my "engaging charitably" would look even like in this context?

The way I see it I have been eminently charitable, and in the decade I've been participating in this specific community I've seen an HBD post that rose above tired "arguments as soldiers" or "look at me I'm so edgey" maybe a handful of times at the most.

What this look likes from my end you have staked out a position in the Motte, and because your position in the Motte may have some merit (emphasis on the may) I am expected to cede the Bailey as typified by the linked post without a fight in the name of "charity".

If that's what is expected of me then, yes. I will admit that I do take a certain amount of pride in refusing to "engage charitably".