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BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

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joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC

Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

12 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC


Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

Right back at you, link me an example of yourself or some other prominent HBDer arguing that cultural attitudes matter more than melanin content and I'll shut up concede the point.

as I've told you before, HBDers don't think genetics is the be all and end all.

And yet HBDers keep arguing the contrary.

To be blunt, you either endorse the linked comment or you don't. Which is it?

Did he? I don't know, all I have is your word for it and you aren't exactly an unbiased source. The More interesting question from my perspective and more relevant to this discussion is "Has @cake? or "Have you?" and If not, why not?

Edit to add: Like I said above I'm not commenting on Hood's home life I'm commenting on his writing and the consumers thereof.

The obvious anser to me would seem to be that academia is not a particularly rigorous field and that especially at the highest levels it's primary role is to sort aspiring members of the chattering class into "winning" and "loosing" buckets rather than to educate, hence why so many professors grade on a curve rather than against knowledge of the material.

As such I think claims made based on anything produced by academia in the last half-century or so it should be taken with a grain of salt. Anecdotally the sort of naive symbol manipulation that seems to be measured by IQ tests and academic achievement seems to be only tangentially related to conscientiousness, foresight, and ability to take-on/integrate new information. In fact, there seems to be a tipping point +1 or 2 SD where it actually becomes negatively correlated with outward signs of intelligence as the Higher IQ/Symbol-Manipulation Quotient gets turned towards rationalizing previously held opinions/beliefs rather than updating one's model to reflect changing circumstance or generating accurate theories of mind.

Meanwhile correlation to income and criminality is easily explained by academia's role as a means of sorting aspiring members of the chattering class into "winning" and "loosing" buckets, though I would question the "criminality" claim. Are we certain that the Bidens are less crooked than the median family "unlicensed pharmacist" living in the projects? Or are "the elite" just looking out for their own? Personally, my money would be on the latter.

I am keeping it in mind.

No they are not, They are Woodrow Willson lite. Claims to the contrary are lies sold to you by your jewish marxist poli-sci professor.

A flattering thought if you're a member of the atheism plus crowd but the sad truth is that there is nothing particularly Christian or egalitarian about Marxism, just the opposite in fact

I see what you're trying to do, and I am not going to change tack

The other 80% has fuck-all with who this guy is, only what he wrote. So why do you believe that your appeals to his alleged Bono Fides should change my assessment of his writing?

Again, we've been over this, you might not like it but yes you do. After all, all you're doing in this post right here right now is mindlessly parroting progressive propaganda like a good little stooge.

You're only dirty to the degree you dirty yourself. What you're telling me here is that on some level you recognize that your participation is a net negative, and that is why you habitually change your username.

As for the psyop, isn't it obvious? Like @yunyun333 the post seems explicitly designed to undermine race relations, and given the smugness that permeates your post and that the only other comment you've ever made on the motte was whining about "da joos" I think it's reasonable to assume that this is not a coincidence, it's enemy action.

Controversial Opinion: maybe you had it coming

Amusingly, similar experiences seem to have resulted in my development of the same reflex only in the opposite direction.

I watch the advocates of "innate cognitive differences" stack epicycles upon epicycles trying to explain why teaching methods don't matter, why classroom discipline does not matter, why nutrition, poverty, a tradition, literacy, a stable home-life/two-parent household, and any number of other things don't matter while arbitrarily dismissing any arguments, claims, and evidence to the contrary as "blank-slatism" and can't help but find it just as (if not even more) ridiculous.

Especially when the most aggressive and ardent advocates always seem to be coming from the same space. This might sound uncharitable but perhaps if you redirected some of that energy from rationalizing the world into being a little less neurotic and asking that cute barista out on a date maybe the problem of dysgenics would start to seem a little more tractable.

Or maybe I can just read between the lines and recognize that "meaningful group differences" is a shibboleth for various flavors of HBD partisan.

Hmmm, I'm not sure I understand your point. To be uncharitable, this looks like exactly the sort of creative misdirection I was talking about.

And to be blunt, I could say the exact same thing to you.

Charitably you're latching on to genetics because it seems easy to quantify/measure, life would be so much simpler for the budding academic if things like intelligence, virtue, and propensity to defraud the government could be determined via a simple blood-test or looking at an individual's skin color. See the old saw about the drunk looking for his keys under the street lamp.

Less charitably you seem to be tying yourself in knots to avoid considering the possibility that the IRS might be following perverse incentives. One of the reasons you might being doing this is that your ideology requires you to frame things a certain way (IE in terms of the intersectional stack) while discounting the importance of individual character/agency. You believe that group differences exist, they are meaningful, and they are wholly a product of genetics, because biological determinism, and Hegelian oppressor/oppressed dynamics say they must be so, and believing those things is what separates rational high-status human-beings from the plebs and chatbots.

Such as the fact that your credentials of a no-nonsense Southerner tough guy who's calling out literal Nazis and Monarchists on their "blue tribe leftism" are making an increasingly funny combination with your support of censorship and propaganda by big government agencies

I see a stark difference between being angry about being silenced, and being angry about someone else's silence. The HBDists might feel that the NIH has a obligation to support them, but do they? This is the kind of thing I'm talking about when I talk about inferential distance. What some might call "valuing objective truth" others might call "compelled speech", where do you draw the line?

Edit: and for what it's worth I actually make a conscious effort to avoid being clever, ironic, or anything else which granted has gotten me in trouble on occasion but also means that my mind is essentially an open book.

No it isn't. HBD as typically sold by its advocates requires genetics to be the dominant factor.

You're wrong, This is absolutely the median HBD advocate's on theMotte's central claim. It's why you think it's racist to suggest that black couples should stay together for the sake of their kids, and why the OP is going on about "failed attempts at uplift".

If racial purity is supposed to lead to superior intelligence and intelligence is supposed to result in greater production (amongst other things) what does Germany and Japan falling way behind on production tell us?

1: questionable

2: shrug (see my previous posts about academics grading on a curve)

3: questionable

4: questionable

5: questionable

6: questionable

Identitarians who get fixated on HBD also seem to get weirdly hung up on the Jews for some reason, and a cynic might suspect that this is because the Jews are their dark mirror. They got this whole complex around how they are "the chosen" but then what they think ought to be the choice doesn't get chosen.

Again, I am not "dodging" anything, I am questioning the entire framework upon which the question rests.

A plot can be made to demonstrate anything. To demonstrate, if I were showed you a plot showing that the ratio of squantches to dingflarbs amongst the black population is less than one, and appended a bunch of Jewish sounding names to the end so you could tell that it had come from a serious academic source would you agree?

You tell me. What value does HBD awareness add unless one is looking to justify discrimination based on qualities other than individual merit?

This is absolutely something liberals and the Blue Tribe have as a perspective

Is it though?

If your user-name and flair are any indication I get the impression that you might not grasp the difference between de'jure and de'facto.


If you didn't want to be ruled by these people you wouldn't be. You'd move to a different state, you'd join a crime syndicate, or maybe even start your own. "Kolmogorov Complicity" is just "Complicity" wrapped in "Copium". No one has any more power over you than what you give them.