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User ID: 448



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User ID: 448

Where else do you imagine illicit repairs would be done?

That assumes the repair is logged or discovered. Perhaps shoddy black market repairs is or has been an issue in Poland?

Obviously this doesn't apply when there the maintainance contract gets transferred like here.

Again, men's perception of "value" is utterly warped around what women want for obvious evolutionary reasons. Stuff like physical fitness, having lots of money, being outgoing and confident, etc. are all stuff women value, and so men value it in themselves and others.

Is this a joke?

I can't speak for the American bureaucracy but in Sweden I can fairly confidently say that most of bureaucracy is public service minded, and to the extent I've interacted with other western European bureaucracies they have been too.

People of course complain about the actions of the bureaucracy but this mostly comes off as them disagreeing with the stated goals of the bureaucracy but blaming the personal motives of the workers.

America seems like it's becoming partisan to truly stupid degrees so maybe the bureaucracy at large really is out to get people for ideological reasons, but I have a hard time believing this.

On the individual level, absolutely.

See my message to you.


Have you actually interacted with these men at all? They are not dependable. At some point people become a negative value proposition for anyone that isn't desperate and it isn't the welfare state thats making women not desperate, its being able to work.

To turn it into a source of graft for the Trumps? Use the war to indebt the Ukrainians to his family personally.

He would only be spending American money, not his own, and he'd gain a source of graft as well as regain prestige. Furthermore, money would primarily flow from blue constituents to red ones.

Sounds perfect for Trump.

I realise all that. I'm saying that the reasoning for why this exists might not be nefarious or even intended to sabotage competition.

Newag continues to lie and try to blame others.

That might be possible but it's not stated anywhere in the article. The only mention of communication with Newag is when they stated that the breakdowns was due to a "safety system" which could very well be correct.

The issue isn't that they lied, it's that they failed to communicate what this security system was or how to disable it. This is just glossed over but seems very important.

It could be due to incompetence or malice, or some combination. I'm saying that the existence of these kinds of systems doesn't necessarily imply intentional industrial sabotage. Regardless, they clearly failed to live up to their contractual obligations.

What I'd be interested in is a more detailed explanation of these systems, and the systems in other trains they aren't servicing themselves. Is this a generalised system or tailor-made for each train/competitor? The article isn't clear on this but it seems like a fairly important detail. If it's the latter then intentional industrial sabotage seems like a given, if it's the former it is plausible that it could be due to incompetence and/or poor routines.

I'd also like to know more about what Newag has said and what happened in the communication between the two companies.

The lack of this information and the limited response from Polish authorities makes me suspicious.

Yes, half my family is working class or lower middle class. Some have fallen down to be underclass adjacent. I have also lived in underclass areas and worked jobs with the underclass.

You think that kid has a lower or higher 'status' than the football star who'll end up beating her and who's been a serial cheater from day 1?

Compared to what? The intermittent pizza delivery or Uber driver? The guy that has issues holding down a job as a hospice care giver? The guy occasionally cleaning subway cars at night? The part time gas station attendant? Almost all of them drug users and video game addicts? This is the underclass, not the construction workers or guys employed in the manufacturing industry. Those guys don't end up single or criminal either by the way, they're doing fine.

The football star that beats her might very well be the better option. And what's to say the other guys dont beat their spouses as well?

Neither of the groups have any value at present but one at least did something at some point in his life. There is some capacity there that might transfer to a kid.

Ignoring the discussion about IP, you're not copying here. You're literally stealing.

Sure, but things correlate with multiple things at once.

I don't know what the law says here but usually these things are handled by laws giving fairly wide powers to governmental agencies to fulfill their mission as defined by the executive. They are indirectly accountable through the executive (and legislature through whatever overarching laws there are). If there is no legal basis for this agency exacting fees for this kind of category of inspections then it does seem iffy.

I can of course not speak for US law, I'm not very interested in this particular case, I just commented on the claim that the bureaucracy isn't public service oriented, which I disagreed with.

Just like I find a clever way past not paying for my dinner at the restaurant by going to the bathroom and climbing out the window.

I'm not going to do that this deep in a thread no-one is going to read. I'm done.

Starting a company is both correlated with bankruptcy and business success.

Just looked up the drama and that is some of the most pathetic and deranged incel shit I've ever heard in my life. LMAO

They don't even seem "liberal", in the American sense of the word.

It is very easy to source ethical meat and not very expensive either. Treating it as some kind of unfeasible or cumbersome solution is so strange to me. If we want to reduce suffering then surely that must be an easier ask than asking people to eschew meat entirely.

But that's kind of the point isn't it? The vegans don't really want to reduce animal suffering, they want to be on a moral crusade. Veganism isn't an intellectually principled moral stance, it's a religious one.

Sweden? The TFR was pushed up above 2.1 in the 80-90s after some reforms.

The swing up started too early to just be due to the boomers and our baby boom was kind of tiny.

There might be other explanations as well such as people who delayed childbirth finally got around to it (maybe due to better conditions?), which then didn't translate to sustained higher rates as the fertility then went down again.

A way of thinking about this is that radical life extension already exists, it's called having children and being part of a tribe.

Relative pitch is just knowing what the interval between tones are. This doesn't require some grand effort to learn. Sight-reading/sight-singing isn't some rare skill.

What you said about absolute pitch might as well apply to relative pitch.

What do you mean? I'm using the standard definition of power.

the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.

Through personal recommendation.