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joined 2022 September 06 20:53:06 UTC


User ID: 886



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:53:06 UTC


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User ID: 886

Is there a reason you choose to use the pronoun she for a male pedophile?

I find the idea of women's sports chuckle-worthy, about the same tier of interest as the Little Leagues. Aww, you poor things, incapable of standing up in absolute terms, let's make a nice carveout for you so that you can say you tried.

Antagonistic, uncharitable and unkind.

Read the book "Clean Code" by Robert Martin.

Do any of the dating apps still let you filter by race?

Lacking experience is a pretty big lacking. I would add lacking experience AND JUDGEMENT, though (see anyone that takes on 6 figures of debt for an art history degree). The real question is was it easier for a 16 year old to be an adult in previous centuries because mostly you were able to learn all the things growing up in your village that you needed to know as an adult then? Is it only modern complex society that requires more time to learn enough to not fuck up?

Do you have any hard numbers to back that claim?

Clarification: In this metaphor is a woman having your child the chef and you are the... eater of the baby?

Its not an amazing poem but definitely a poem, clearly understood as such.

I have some nitpicks, the last stanza is terrible and there are some poor other lines, I don't like "while gaudier prints took on the grime and stains of daily wear" not sure how I'd rewrite it (remove the "on" or a more dramatic surgery).

Yes, older poetry has structure and rhythm as well as words, and it is fine to prefer a clear rhyme, a clever structure to this, but modern poetry is still poetry. More about mood and image than language play.

I found this extremely refreshing. The central example of rape is "woman was minding her own business when someone broke into her house and forced her". It is incredible how little of what gets called "rape" actually fits that category, and can be better described as "woman cruising for a dicking regrets the dicking come next morning". It is the worst argument in the world, enshrined into our legal code.

I find this a deeply icky way to generalize date rape involving intoxicants or sex with young teenagers.

I find your comment confusing. You disliked sexy teenage movies because you were a teenager not having sex?

t just has to be plausibly deniable so that the girl can tell herself (and her friends, and her family, and her boyfriend/husband...) that she really didn't mean to sleep with the guy, but it "just happened". It's a way to get past her anti-slut defense.

It's not an anti-slut defense. It's a reasonable out "if I change my mind once we are alone" defense. Even with people I know well and have had sex with before (exes) I don't like the pressure of inviting someone over for sex explicitly. Because sometimes you change your mind, and you feel pressured by your earlier offer/commitment. Much less with a stranger. (I've never found myself in this situation with a stranger).

MtFs commit crimes at the same rate as other men (and sex crimes at 5-6 times the rate).

I'd rather be in a sketchy womens bathroom with any randomly chosen male rather than one that deliberately wanted to be there.

If a girl's exposed, far more likely for a permanent 'ick' to form or the window to close of perception.

Not necessarily. For me, anyway, trust comes before lust so online dating is frustrating and I'm a 75% of lovers were friends first kind of person.

That said, I do consider most of my male friends unfuckable.

Is that going to be as true next month as it was last month?

That family! Lots of chimerism. Like their embryos are porous and bad at maintaining integrity.

and result in more deaths

?? The estimates I've seen were something like an extra 1600 homicides per year across certain cities. You think that is more deaths than we are going to see out of this war?

but feminists have historically rejected those. I think both views are defensible, but you can't have it both ways: if a woman who wears jeans and doesn't shave her legs isn't any less of a woman, why would a man who wears a skirt and shaves his legs become less of a man

The word "but" confused me here. The feminist perspective is that he isn't a woman no matter how many skirts and shaves. I think Dylan had a crisis last week and decided to be a "they" but I'm on a twitter fast so I can't confirm.

Have you read the body knows the score?

She's getting a divorce so you might not have to settle for a lookalike.

Recipe: Mix 2 parts mayo with 1 part ketchup or worchestershire.

Thanks for the update on GERD.

For example I don't know if we've ever won before, and I don't care. Also true of mens soccer. I generally know who won the super bowl and have watched it a few times. It also makes the news when the baseball and hockey stuff (stanley cup and... ok don't know the name of the baseball.... world series?)

Yes, but if we are going to have transnational thursdays, each country a person posts about should be their own reply not in the top level or mushed together in one comment.

I don't think many people are meaningfully able to notice a benefit that won't exist for 50 years, nor are willing to put up with repercussions (severe ones) that will last for 49, so I think 50 is a good line there.

I definitely believe in adverse possession for lands held that long.