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joined 2022 September 10 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 1089



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 01:37:00 UTC


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User ID: 1089

Congratulations. May you have many long and happy years together.

I feel like I've stepped into a time warp and come out in /r/MensRights circa 2012. Yeah, men have it rougher. Yeah, women have a glass floor as well as (sometimes) a glass ceiling. Yeah, you can't say this to anyone without being perceived as low status (this is why The Red Pill provoked such an immune response - it was being presented by a cute, blonde, former feminist). Who cares? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It's the world, we have to deal with it, and it is very hard to teach people rational overrides to their visceral responses unless you control culture from top to bottom. IMHO, a large part of this problem comes (as do many others) from childlessness. At least some number of online feminists I used to get mad about had changes of heart once they realized how their rhetoric impacted their sons.

Regardless of the unfairness and its causes, at least we men are always assumed to have agency. No matter how bad things get, there is an action a man can take towards a path up and out. It might be a long and twisty road with low odds of success, but there's always something to do. Don't expect the world to be fair, don't expect anyone else to care that the world's unfair, and don't expect anyone else to notice the unfairness runs counter to the egalitarian principles that you were probably taught (I was, and it threw me for years). You'll be a lot less disappointed, and then you can start to build with clear eyes. Build yourself up, build a space for those you trust, build a space for your family and close friends, and maybe you can shelter some of those people from the unfairness.

But there’s a also a finding-religion confound in my case.

Would you mind writing more about this, when you have a chance? Religiosity among Motteposters is very interesting to me, as I've been wandering a bit down that path.

I think of it as conservatives erecting boundaries so that people can be as free as possible within them. In this case, wanting kids to wander the kid internet doing kid stuff and not being able to access porn.

Please also spare a thought for those who want children, but so far have failed to find a compatible romantic partner.

They piss me off too, but the only way I can productively deal with it is to play the ball as it lies.

The unfortunate irony of this is it's probably his conviction that this is true, more than anything else, that makes it so.

What if it was radical rather than gradual? Why leave triggers for old habits around while you're trying to break them? I suggest instead a series of larger jumps.

Isn't this just a rephrasing of Merited Impossibility?

Hm, maybe it is. I initially thought Merited Impossibility was more about noticing.

Thanks but I don't see it, and visiting your profile page shows a thread that's "deleted by user". The reply is still accessible from your profile. Misfiring automated tools?

You don't happen to have links to those annotated conversations, do you? I tend to struggle online.

Last time I tried, I couldn't dodge the "provide a phone number or another email" bit. Will have to try on a VPN.

Great work. Can you summarize what you've been eating, particularly anything that's been good for your satiety? I struggle with appetite, and while I've tried a GLP-1 agonist, I desisted: I felt like I wasn't seeing much loss and felt like my appetites were drifting back to what they were before I started. Given the horror stories I'd heard of people having insatiable hunger after ceasing a different GLP-1 agonist (semaglutide), I decided to quit while I was ahead.

I didn't know new Ursula was based on a different one, I only know about the "Divine" connection.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the pushback against trans only really started gaining ground once the gender/trans/DQSH stuff was pushed so egregiously as to break through into normie awareness. If it hadn't started hitting people close to home, it may have consolidated even more cultural power. Again, it's a case of a (different) group that was feeling emboldened in their time and tried to push for the complete educational/cultural victory.

I would've thought that Nigeria's population would be under-reported: it seems that everyone I've ever met has some sort of connection to the royal family.

Once you realize that most people lack intellectual standards or believe in the principles they claim each week, you can go looking for the people who actually do.

Industrial Annihilation is vaguely on my radar but I don't know whether or not the factory building is team vs. team.

Yeah I used to dance a Latin style. I found Latin scenes more politically compatible with my views than something like Lindy Hop.

I'm mostly here for Wellness Wednesday and Friday Fun now, and I can't really say that I mind. I haven't seen any CW developments for a while that are genuinely of a new kind.

I will probably miss this one, but that would be nice if you run another.

How does one get a Google account these days that isn't tied to an existing identity?

The old place had Mafia games, and while I didn't participate, I endorse this precedent.

First, congratulations! Second, thank you. I think your advice about not messaging too long and saying "I got it" when the bill comes (and then either splitting or saying "you can get the next") match my experience back when I did take women out on dates. Your remarks about politics and children are also sensible, so I think think that most of what I'm doing wrong must be in the profile and photos.

Height. Sadly, this is the most important factor. If you're average, you're fine here.

I'm about 5'10". Not tall enough to honestly put that magic 6'0 on the profile, but probably not so short that it's going to be a massive problem online? Given the amount of fudged numbers on people's profiles, maybe the better thing is to omit the number and have a bunch of photos which don't make me look short?