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joined 2022 September 05 14:36:46 UTC


User ID: 594



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 14:36:46 UTC


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User ID: 594

Any chance sexual desires are involved? To me this pattern matches quite well to a - getting close to a girl, she doesn't show interest, you lose interest in her, move to the next?

The traffic in India (Bengaluru) is amazing. My memory of being there in brand new car inside a river of scooter and our parktronik was beeping all the time because we couldn't get up to the speed for it to shut up. Also the concept of oncoming and our direction traffic being separated and contained in the right and left of the road was lost. And from the hotel I could hear the honking symphony 24/7

KL and Jackarta were worse when it came to speed of movement, but people obeyed the laws.

32GB was possible on Sandy Bridge processors (technically 2011),

So it probably was sandy bridge. It wasn't xeon with certainty. Too many years. I remember having core 2 duo 2006 or 7 with 8GB, I remember that the PC I built in 2016 had 64 (which I still hasn't changed, the performance growth in everything but the GPUs have been pathetic), and I remember that it replaced a PC with 32 - so it probably was early 2011. Also possible I build one in 2010 with 16 and then one in 2012 with 32.

Anyway RAM was peanuts compared to the payroll for developers so it didn't make any sense to not pump their workstations.

Since always. Even in the modern day when a system will easily have 16-32 GB of memory, that's 10% (or 20%) of the entire system! It's not remotely acceptable for a single app to take up that much memory.

Except VSCode and Brave and DBeaver are roughly 100% of what I do on a machine while developing.

going to 32GB would not have been standard, and it'd probably cost you upwards of 250 USD in RAM alone.

My PC built in 2016 with skylake (2015) had 64GB ram. My assembled in 2010 had 32. And with developer salaries being what it is - it was always affordable even in Eastern Europe.

Since when is 3GB memory hogging?

VSCode for eating all of their RAM

I don't know where this myth came from - usually bad extensions are the memory hogs.

this is my VSCode at the moment - 3gb ram - way less than my browsers. And 32 GB ram was baseline dev computer 8 years ago.

Image Commit (KB) Working Set (KB)
Code.exe 229,192 203,380
Code.exe 196,436 181,052
Code.exe 181,540 158,272
Code.exe 146,848 143,044
Code.exe 170,172 146,452
Code.exe 158,840 142,484
Code.exe 116,608 114,484
Code.exe 149,196 117,328
Code.exe 112,392 98,688
Code.exe 90,580 92,056
Code.exe 86,820 97,276
Code.exe 1,423,064 86,692
Code.exe 73,020 76,104
Code.exe 73,356 75,808
Code.exe 56,140 61,656
Code.exe 56,864 59,304
Code.exe 50,748 41,668
Code.exe 39,788 44,236
Code.exe 37,548 43,608
Code.exe 23,656 22,300
Code.exe 22,832 21,832
Code.exe 21,308 20,340
Code.exe 21,208 20,296
Code.exe 20,956 20,192
Code.exe 20,924 22,388
Code.exe 21,160 23,428
Code.exe 17,980 16,276
Code.exe 17,992 16,244
Code.exe 18,004 15,824
Code.exe 15,096 21,176
Code.exe 11,004 9,376

Has anyone seen anything on the topic of historical correlation between pornography consumption and obesity?

Windows 11 may have my least-favorite feature ever. Try this:

That is not by far the least favorite feature of windows 11

When your propaganda is too toxic for your own consumption...

Ukraine’s parliament has scrapped plans to give soldiers who have spent prolonged periods fighting on the frontlines the chance to return home on rotation, after passing a draft law seeking to boost the number of soldiers in its military.

Ukrainian lawmakers have for months debated whether to allow the longest-serving of Ukraine’s soldiers the chance to return home, or whether Russia’s unrelenting aggression means they cannot afford to allow exhausted soldiers to rest – an invidious dilemma that has sparked public outcry.

Soldiers serving for more than 36 months were originally slated to be allowed to demobilize and return home, but the provision was removed from a draft law following an intervention by Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and military commander Oleksandr Syrskyi, according to Ukrainian lawmakers.

Gun meet back.

Recently Ukraine changed their subscription doctrine that deployment to the front is one way ticket. You only come back dead or disabled. That both reeks of desperation and will probably hurt Ukraine in the one area they had clear advantage over the Russians - their morale. So I guess the tonal shift is just regressing a bit to the reality on the ground.

Why should I believe that?

Absolutely massive protests that erupt every couple of years. And the participants there are actually people with something to lose. Unlike the LARP-ers in the west.

They try to obtain nuke. That is actually good enough reason for regime change or preventive nuclear strike.

Few people in Iran supports the current regime. And if they do reconstitute - you kill them again. Until they are tired of dying

You only need to summary execute couple of Ayatollah and decimate the revolutionary guard - the people of Iran will do the rest.

Iran is the perfect country in which decapitating strike will work well.

Anecdotal observation - sport and hard physical work are not the same. I don't know why but even people doing properly backbreaking labor - they can get really strong, insane endurance, but not really lose extra fat - at least not to the point where a person would expect them to be with their energy expenditure.

Does anyone has observations/explanations?

Campari spritz, basil smash and other cocktails - the programmer's job market is not what it was so I am into cheap booze now. And the best cocktails are made with the bottom shelf stuff.

Also I am into making big batches of clear ice lately for all kinds of drinks - chopping ice with cleaver is fun. Still trying to find a way to make a proper mini clinebell on a budget. Right now I make a block of clear ice that is 20kg - but I have to sacrifice all my freezer space to achieve it. So looking for something with external power.

It is not about money. It is about attitude of the people living there towards life. It doesn't take too much of money to not throw trash on the street. Poor places look worn out but tidy. Slums look like slums because the majority of people living there don't gives a fuck. We had in our country - they demolished a ghetto to resettle in renovated socialist era prefabs. Guess what - they started giving out slums vibe almost immediately.

The US is the size of continental Europe and also has Canada and Mexico grid connections. If you put enough density of turbines and solar panels - chances that there won't be enough trough all of the areas are quite slim. By the time that there is peak in NY the sun is still shining in California. 6 months of the year you have very long days in northern Canada.

It is doable. Half of the year with the surpluses we could split corundum into al and oxidize, in the winter burn it as thermite.

I don't think it is toxic combination of scientific curiosity and hubris. Could work for Oppenheimer though.

Because at some levels of obliviousness/recklessness it is on the victim. Especially when the fate has thrown her a warning or two. Like a girl going to a bar where you have warned her is junkies watering hole and then she follows one of the said junkies while he was high to his apartment when you pleaded her not to, and then she calls you panicked two hours lately while she is locked in the bathroom after attempted rape. Thankfully i got there in time and she got away from the whole ordeal with only a big scare.

Life is like a horror movie - after you ignore the side character, commons sense and pure luck's warning to turn back - whatever happens after you open the dark door and enter inside is on you.

The experience is Eastern Europe after the Berlin Wall fell and in Argentina since forever shows that the state can just say - fuck you we give you 10 cents on the dollar to their citizens and they will take it and the state won't disintegrate.

It was taught as part of Marxism Leninism attributed to Marx in the Eastern block. Roughly the accumulation of quantity leads to qualitative changes

I don't think that you have to provode evidence for hypotheticals. I am just pointing out that lizard people controlling everything and lizard people being less competent than before is not in any way contradiction.

The carrots are not working, so there should be sticks implemented. Not sure how, but we should make childlessness painful.