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User ID: 594



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User ID: 594

IDF. The sooner and thorougher they finish eradicating Hamas, the sooner the Palestinians life will start improving.

Edit: Not a satire or sarcasm. Hamas has entagled all military and civilian spaces so that enormous civilian casualties are unavoidable, hamas has made the life of any palestinian in the gaza strip hell, hamas made the coexisting of Israel and Hamas impossible (how israel helped creating hamas is matter for another time), the best way to save palestinians is to help Hamas lose.

I recall one American woman being run over by an Israeli bulldozer trying to prevent such an incident.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I like it when activism has consequences. Makes the game for the next players higher stakes and spicier.

Kaplan has used his power to get academics fired for criticizing Israel’s war crimes in Palestine

Framed like that it seems like you assume that Israel's war crimes in Palestine are settled fact. I don't think this is the case.

Running like a rat out of a flooded tunnel is rarely a stuff of legends. Hamas are hypocritical, where ISIS were at least sincere - Hamas are willing other Palestinians to die for their cause, but not themselves.

Not facetious. There are no organizations there which are independent and which can guard their resources and supplies from Hamas. So whatever you send - Hamas will have dibs on it. And there is absolutely nothing in the way Hamas has acted so far that indicates that they will put the wellbeing of the civilians that they use as human shields instead of that of their members.

There may be organizations that are honest and will help but they will be working with the displaced civilians in Egypt, not with the ones in the cross fire.

Bad analogy. Anyway look at the facts - the baby is with major brain damage, needs constant life support, it may not survive the trip, the logistics of the trip themselves are not trivial, and that care is terribly vague. All of the first were could be taken out of consideration if there was some serious data on the last. It is not blocking the way to the hospital, it is blocking the way to a quack.

Generally speaking I am in - I want Russia to win in Ukraine mostly because of the prestige the EU and US have put there and because Zelensky is behaving like entitled brat. But any analysis that doesn't include at least couple of paragraphs on the Russian situation, and the challenges in front of them is incomplete.

Do we have any reasons to believe that Russia will be stronger next year or that at least the decline of Ukraine will be faster that the one of Russia (then the artillery theorem comes into play and Ukraine is fucked). That Russian economy won't crash because of the sanctions kicking in? That Russia's military industrial complex will be able to produce enough stuff that goes boom?

"My health is at risk because if I'm not permitted to abort I might harm myself" is a free at-will golden ticket as long as you're able to memorize and repeat a sentence of that length.

I have a simple solution - allow abortion doctors and psychiatrists and hospitals to be sued by the patients if they have buyers remorse pre-menopause. Same with the ones that transition kids before they are 18 of age. If those are the unadulterated goods that proponents say they are - there won't be issues. People will think twice before rubberstamping one. There should be a skin in the game for the medical personal if they play fast and loose with life altering decisions

Gazans get your shit together? Israel has pulled out of Gaza in 2005 and there has been no attempts to resettle it.

That is good - as with GMO ban. My concern in both cases are the long tail effects on the human body. In Europe and US we can afford the traditionally produced and expensive calories. I prefer the third world to be a test bed for such innovations for a couple of generations.

If Hamas blows the tunnels and collapses the area to avoid giving Israel evidence, will anyone accept that it wasn't an Israeli bomb?

That is evidence in itself.

I definitely have an issue with how you present the findings of the article. No one wants to kill the baby. They withhold care and not even on cost base, but because there is no benefit. Second - the article is preciously light with details about the treatment that the Vatican hospital proposes. I doubt that the UK doctors wouldn't recommend the baby to be moved to Italy if there was even a shred of evidence that their treatment there would potentially lead to permanent improvement. Or even to advancement for the medicine as a field.

Wasn't some Israeli soldiers literally lynched and mutilated by a palestinian mob couple of years ago?

No man left behind means also coup de grace. With reports about mass rape, breasts cut off (thankfully the case I read about was post mortem) and people set on fire - if a hamas vehicle is taking hostages to gaza and you can lob a rocket into it - probably would be better for your people inside.

Latinos have always been white for me. If you are from European descent and culturally Christian you are white. You don't have to be A4 skin color.

Edit: To sound cynical - it is every American's god given right to look down to blacks and natives (the same way for Europeans with gypsies). And when you remove that right they become cranky. So one can expect a lot of Asian and Indian "white" supremacists in next couple of years. Not only Hispanic. The whole point of the social pyramid is not to be at the bottom.

One problem with suburbs is that they don't generate that much economic/tax revenue to support their infrastructure compared to the denser mixed use land in the city proper. Let alone the business districts.

At my hometown - during communist times there were quite a lot bedroom communities and when I moved they were deserts economic wise. Right now some of them are quite vibrant -due to somewhat Laissez-faire situation after the fall, a lot of land left by the planners, and because a lot of shady interests built there business districts, bars, restaurants and all other kinds of business. But they were quite dense to begin with - one of the biggest had 300000 people living in 10 square kilometers in Large Panel System buildings. If they were single housing units - there wouldn't have been enough land for anything.

So you need proper planning for everything - to have spare land for any kind of use. The problem is that people really like their single houses and are quite reluctant to change it. And unfortunately YIMBY-sm just doesn't have answer to that.

I wish there was a Yellow menace. If I was to choose between the current woke pmc and ccp leadership I wouldn't blink before choosing them.

"hey man, why are you being an asshole? You made Astra cry and feel unsupported. People kill themselves because of people like you".

Think of all the emissions that they won't emit. It will help fight with climate change. And open space for immigrants and will alleviate a bit the housing crisis and unaffordability of the homes.

Yes. If you don't eat meat (or whatever crap) and you insult a loving grandma by not eating her dish that she has prepared with love - you are not moral, you are an asshole.

The bar for blowing hospital and it not being a war crime is quite high. Not impossible and Hamas has made sure to make Israel life easier by doing their best to make any civilian infrastructure legitimate military target, but still it is a big deal.

In that case they are - otherwise they would have provided details what magic they would do that the UK doctors won't. No but I can block your way to the torture chambers - and invasive treatment without chance of improvement is exactly that.

Really? The US has only client states and adversaries. No allies. There is no such thing as equality when dealing with the US. Look at the charming way they reacted when the idea of United European army was raised.

To me it seems that the Koreans genes have sharply diverged around the mid 1950-s. So is with the German genes in the mid 1940s

She will be totally in place in the godfather as southern Italian wife. Or some time piece situated in Costa del Sol...

There is a weird type of skin color that could mean anything depending on culture and behavior and other cues.

In the same order of magnitude. Just different things you cant say. British libel laws are notorious. And the police is quite active in anti bigorty and hate speech online.

China cares about things people say that towards the state, UK - what people say to each other. Since I am quite fond of China retaking Taiwan, suppressing Tibet and don't give a fuck about Tiananmen - I don't think I can get in trouble with my speech in China ...

Yes. CCP Don't want to export their values unlike Brussels or Washington and them being the hegemon will allow to solve the two biggest problems facing EU - mass migration and inability of current migrants to culturally assimilate. Which requires some mild application of the stick not only the carrot.