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Zensunni Wanderer

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joined 2022 November 02 23:32:06 UTC


User ID: 1783


Zensunni Wanderer

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 02 23:32:06 UTC


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User ID: 1783

It depends on why the discrepancy exists. If it’s genetic, then you can only contain the damage by limiting opportunities to rape (I don’t buy this as the best theory). If it’s poverty, fix the poverty. If it’s culture, change the culture.

My suspicion is that we’re looking at a cultural difference in which white men are taught to seek long term mutual supportive relationships with women. The goal is at least a companion if not a marriage. The goal for black men seems to be bedding a woman, or preferably multiple with no intention of forming a long term relationship at all. If this is the cause, the solution it to change the culture to being more like the white men in seeking out long term mutual relationships, rather than simply notching the bed-posts. You can do this (at least in a thought experiment) by forbidding arts and media from celebrating easy sex, among other cultural bad habits. You can also purposefully inject more useful memes into the culture to promote marriage, sobriety, and industriousness. I think the Christian sect that Kanye is in is a sort of answer. Promote the idea of keeping the law as a practice, which naturally includes not raping people, working hard, being a family man, being sober, and so on.

The ticketmaster thing is a problem in the sense that it’s creating artificial scarcity. Her tickets are not sold out at the price she offered or at least not to humans. Tickets have been captured by bot-buyers who buy the entire lot for resale. Humans simply cannot buy the tickets at list price from the venue because they sell out in mere milliseconds after the “public” sale — all to TM and a few other resellers. And so it’s not that the fans aren’t really fans if they rebuy from TM, it’s that TM has used bots to get themselves a virtual monopoly on ticket sales for concerts and large events.

I think it actually could become a problem in that the far left and far right are in pretty strong agreement on the accusations against the Jews, that they’re manipulating narratives to their own benefit, and that they only care about themselves. The left has absolutely blamed all Jews for the actions of Israel, and they don’t seem to care what Hamas and other Palestinians have done or want to do. There’s barely even a whisper of blame on Hamas for launching the attacks or holding hostages or the crimes committed during the attack. And when you couple that with full support of the intifada, chanting of the slogans that deny Israel’s right to exist,

Personally, I think most of the Gaza situation is on Lakud which isn’t all Israelis and has little to do with Jews who don’t support Lakud or Natanyahu.

But compared to the USA, Russia hasn’t been a globe-trotting military power imposing its will on other countries. This is the first large scale military invasion of a sovereign nation by Russia since the end of the Cold War. Compare that to America who has invaded Iraq twice, bombed Libya, invaded Afghanistan, and expanded NATO to include almost all of Eastern Europe. Whether or not you agree with either the geopolitical position (not wanting a NATO member along a difficult to defend border) or the stated aims (removing Nazis from Ukraine) or not, it’s not exactly the military adventures of the USA.

I don’t think anything he did amounts to a crime in most jurisdictions. The DA can’t do anything if it’s not illegal to bang on a door.

Tweeting the home addresses of court officials and witnesses is a pretty serious thing, especially given the anger of his base is pretty much asking for something to happen. I don’t see it as unreasonable to stop him from doxxing people and stirring up the base to do something about the unfairness of it all. I think not only is it dangerous to those people, but that it ultimately hurts his defense.

I don’t think this order means he can’t talk about the case or proclaim his innocence. My reading of it is more that he cannot specifically name people involved or give out identification of people testifying against him. He can still talk in general terms about the case, he can still make statements in his own defense about the charges. He just can’t say (SlowBoy (inserts photo of SlowBoy) is lying about me and persecuting me and preventing me from helping you by restoring America). He can say it’s political. He can accuse generally that witnesses aren’t telling the truth. He can campaign. He just can’t name names and post pictures of court officials and witnesses.

I think we may not mean the same thing here. What I mean by insurance is that it only pays out for people with a demonstrable need, rather than being a defined benefit that you get at a given age regardless of any need. You can be perfectly able-bodied to the point of being able to hike twenty miles and climb mountains— if you’ve reached retirement age, under the current system, you get SS. Likewise, you can be filthy rich have millions in assets— if you’re at the right age, you get the same check as everyone else. My ideal system is based on turning people away who don’t need it either because they can still work or because they have enough money to not need money to retire. I’ve little objection to paying for people who literally can’t work for various reasons but are too poor to afford to stop working. Fair enough. But we’re showering money on able bodied people who can provide for themselves which doesn’t make sense.

Productivity improves mostly by eliminating the overpriced workers.

I think inflation is a bigger problem as if people can’t afford necessities, that tends to lead to recession. If it gets bad enough, people have revolted because of food insecurity.

I generally find the idea of rules in war to be completely disingenuous and actually kind of stupid. The point of having a war is to win the war quickly. And dragging it out on the pretense of following the “rules” (in quotes because really, the rules mostly exist for propaganda purposes and only matter in the context of things that countries we don’t like are doing and creating a causus belli for stopping them or arming enemies) doesn’t really benefit civilians as much as advertised. A war that drags on for years longer than it has to because the tactics that would win it are “illegal” doesn’t actually protect civilians. They live in a bombed out country with no infrastructure, a tanked economy, and completely disrupted lives (especially if they don’t live in heavily protected green zones). The fields of Ukraine haven’t produced much since the invasion and what they have produced cannot go anywhere because of the war. They have a deep recession that makes it hard for average people to live, most industries have pulled out and anyone with brains and a passport have left for better economic prospects elsewhere and won’t be returning. Schools have been shuttered for the most part, so kids are missing out on years of school. And so what’s left of Ukraine is a basket case even if infrastructures hadn’t been targeted.

If targeting infrastructure and so on could have decided the outcome of the war in a matter of weeks or months, all of that could have been rebuilt. People could return and rebuild the economy and schools and run businesses and invented things in Ukraine rather than Poland.

I mean while I’m sure that we did accidentally stop human rights abuses, the story of never again is really only propaganda. Nobody has or will go to war over human rights. It’s just that it’s something the West has generally found the idea useful as it sounds a bit better to say “human rights” and “fighting to end war” than “we’re strong and we are stronger economically so toe the line or else.” The real reasons were pragmatic and aimed at our own ends.

I’m thinking more of a reverse Maoist revolution. Completely remake the culture, ban the bad stuff and purge those who advocate it from all positions of power. Remove cultural artifacts that promote that same bad stuff. Promote the new culture: traditional families, American traditional culture, Christian ethics, and capitalism. Promote useful education and the study of the Western canon.

You don’t have to go even that far. Eating a lot of meat is a luxury (I think some small amount is necessary for health) so given that the choice is wants vs morals, there’s no good moral reason to choose to eat large portions of meat.

I don’t think that requires the trolley directed at humans, and I wouldn’t do that.

I don’t think the war is actually winnable in any near future. And this brings up a lot of potential problems.

First of all, we’re draining resources fighting this war by proxy. Not just the weapons, but fuel, and aid. We don’t have infinite oil reserves to keep Russian oil off the market for the next ten years. Russian and Ukrainian grain was very important to stabilize grain prices globally, that’s not happening because Russia is embargoed and Ukraine is too busy fighting to plant. We can probably do it for a couple of years, but once we get to the place of fighting by proxy for ten years, these kinds of problems are going to get worse.

Second, it’s a distraction from other problems. China wants Taiwan. And if we’re distracted by Ukraine, taking Taiwan becomes much easier. I don’t see us trying to have a two front proxy war with both China and Russia. We don’t have the weapons or materials to support both.

Third, I don’t think we can keep interest on the home front for continuing to support Ukraine with billions a year.

I mean there’s a good deal of scientific research on how the human brain develops from infancy to adulthood, while it’s not perfect as it could be because of individual differences in development, we can roughly understand just how much freedom a twelve year old can actually handle on his own.

True, but the thing is that feudalism has been tried in lots of different civilizations and has proven pretty stable overall. And I don’t see how such accountability is hard to conjure up.

I didn’t exphim to win, but even the polls that had Trump losing were fairly close, and at least based on Social Media, should not have shocked anyone. The energy online was excitement about Trump where I never saw anything like that for Hillary. Ad in the rumors about her health and the rather ill-timed email investigation announcement and it’s not hard to figure out.

I think there’s a limit here. Once he’s put in prison, it’s really going to be hard to make the case that he’s viable as a candidate.

There are three things that make it at least plausible: he doesn’t seem, to my eyes very affectionate to Michelle Obama, he has zero sex scandals in his past, and these rumors has been around for a while.

As far as Barack and Michelle, I just don’t recall him ever being affectionate. They don’t hold hands, they don’t kiss in public (or at least nothing more than a perfunctory peck. He doesn’t seem to ever put his arm around her or help her through doorways. In fact, if you see them together, you only click them as a couple because you’ve been told they are. And that’s pretty indicative to me that their marriage is much more an arrangement than a romance. That might just be that she wants power. Who knows.

Second, the fact that the single most powerful person on the planet has no sex scandals at all actually is pretty weird. He’s surrounded by people who have a lot to gain by making him happy, an intern working for the president is making her career and would be at least strongly incentivized to go along. Bill Clinton could get interns to do sex acts as governor of a podunk state that has nothing special about it. Obama was much more powerful. The fact that he’s never had something like that ever seems a bit odd.

Finally, these rumors have, as far as I know, been pretty steady. The first being an ex girlfriend from the 1970s, but it’s not exactly going away either. And usually in scandals, if you find multiple people saying the same things over time, they tend to be true.

Judging by the general competence of the elites and how poorly correlated success in politics and competence are, I don’t hold us in much higher regard than the worst of the emperors. Given the crises that we simply cannot possibly deal with as responsible people, I don’t think the cliff is as far away as we think it is.

I think the best answer is to reject the idea that these identities exist and get others to do the same. Identity politics are strengthened by people accepting the premise as most ideological constructs do. If you’re living in a country that’s based on religious ideals, playing in that sandbox makes it impossible to break out. If I accept that religion is real and should be a part of state government, then there’s no outside position. I might reject the ideas of Shariah, but if I’m rejecting them to implement the Talmud or Catholic Canons or something, we’ve already agreed on Theocracy, and the legitimacy of theocracy, we’re just arguing about the one on top.

Yeah her demeanor isn’t frightened at all. Someone frightened would be looking for a way to leave the situation. She was pressing.

The problem is of course that AI can take jobs faster than we can train people to do them. It’s just as adaptable as we are, maybe more so. Can an AI atttached to cooking utensils make a hamburger that’s as good as Five Guys? I think it probably could, given enough time. If it can do that I think it could probably make just about any food you wanted. I think it can also produce creative writing and movies and TV. What it takes is someone deciding to train it.

A much better solution is to create a Christian Hasidim which is, in a sense, a nation within a nation. A lot of the social technology they have developed can be grafted into a Christian setting: dress codes, mandatory prayers, mandatory (Christianized) rituals, a strong national identity as Christian Israel (this is already in the New Testament yet simply ignored in today’s theology). You can even gradually introduce Latin as a new internal language. Go back to original Christian house churches and you can reduce your community’s tax burden. Create your own kashrut which must be blessed by a priest. Etc.

We already have this in the form of the Amish and Mennonite churches. They have their own German dialect, rules, and dress code. But I don’t think you could completely wall off a community unless you cut off technology.

I mean I’m able to predict that I don’t know those things because in that case, it’s a known issue for me. I’m also not exactly up to speed on a lot of other topics, including things that I think I know. And if everyone around me has the same blind spots and misbeliefs about a given topic, the chances of something getting on the screen that’s obviously wrong to an expert, or even a layperson interested in the subject goes up quite a bit.

I’ll be the first to tell you I don’t know much about the law. Most people don’t. The problem is that because of the popularity of legal shows and crime dramas, most people think they know the law. Any draft readers will have the same ideas about the law you do. And so it gets into police and crime dramas where most people think that’s how the law works. Any knowledgeable lawyer or even anyone who’s been in a real courtroom knows that the courtroom scenes of most crime dramas are bunk. Jury trials don’t work that way, at all. The lawyers are not allowed to pontificate as they do in crime dramas. The rules of what kinds of evidence and testimony and questions you can ask are far stricter than what TV has taught American audiences about criminal law. It still shows up on TV every week.