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User ID: 323



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User ID: 323

I dunno, I'm a big fan of "hide nuclear secrets in a half-eaten peanut butter sandwich to sell to the Brazilians, then tell the FBI agent that if he's willing to pay you more, that'll prove that he's not from the notoriously stingy FBI."

Also his wife then tried to pass him a secret message asking him to lie about her involvement while they were both in jail, which was equally entertaining.

If i recall, that was the night after protesters had shown up with a guillotine for their demonstration. So depending on how seriously you want to take that or other generic "Trump must go" rhetoric... note: I don't think tbey were serious, personally, but I also don't think either that or Jan 6 rose to the level of "insurrection ". But if people are going to use the symbolic gallows that the Jan 6 protestors had as evidence, it only seems fair to take into account the symbolic guillotine.

Management isn't for everyone - I've known a few engineers who thought they wanted to be managers and then noped out and went back to being an IC, and are far happier for it.

Personally, I'm not management, but I've been in a position to be responsible for everything but salary, and have good visibility/insight to my management, and I found W. J. King's "Unwritten Laws of Engineering" helpful - particularly, in this regard, the section on management.

As far as I can tell, the biggest difficulty most technical managers I know have (aside from no time due to meetings) is hiring the right people, and enough of them. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that hiring and personnel development is their top priority... even if they have to fight tooth and nail against their own HR departments.

I will be brutally honest here, though: based on what you've written, I don't think you're the sort of manager I'd be interested in working for.

Joe could have not banned religious themes from Easter egg contests for military families at the same time.

The Egg Board says this had nothing to do with Biden, though?

"The American Egg Board has been a supporter of the White House Easter Egg Roll for over 45 years and the guideline language referenced in recent news reports has consistently applied to the board since its founding, across administrations."

Hiding behind one to advance another, however, is deceitful.

How so? Isn't it just tailoring your argument for your audience? Does it matter how or why or for what reasons someone agrees to your end goal, so long as they do? If your goal is prohibition, of course you're not going to use the same argument on the baptists as you are on the bootleggers.

A bar owner is a powerful and scary enough wizard to scare away one of the main villains of the game, while the entire Hogwarts staff, and government of magical England is just kind of an afterthought that the evil wizard isn't worried about at all?

I will admit, i do love the classic D&D trope of "the bartender is a retired level 18 fighter" and wish more media would lean into that. The evil overlord *isn't * afraid of the king, a level 7 noble, or his guards, a bunch of level 5 warriors (at best). But the old dude who wrecked 15 dragons and seven demon lords, and has his old +5 hackmaster hanging above the fireplace (crossed with a decorative useless sword), and the dusty suit of armor holding the menu is his mithral full plate of speed? Now *that's * who the overlord worries about, plans for, and tries to keep out of the fight.

So far, the only "woke" thing I've encountered is that character creation lets you do whatever the hell you want regarding genitals/build/voice, but it's a pretty high magic setting, so whatever. I certainly haven't seen any "current day" topic stuff, and I'm not expecting anything as unsubtle as "Tiefling Lives Matter" to be a dialogue option, if that's what you're asking about.

Please elaborate/explain?

Wasn't it an explicitly religious hobby group? I recall "reverent" being a part of the Scout's Oath or whatever.

The present ruling population of Israel mostly moved to that territory in the late '40s, and from the start has continued violently expelling the ancestors of present Palestinians from their homes to acquire their land for themselves.

My understanding is that prior to the '40s, said present ruling population (or their ancestors) had themselves been violently expelled from their homes, in some cases by the present Palestinians/their ancestors, or other related groups. It feels odd to me to acknowledge the Arab/Muslim claims on the territory and ancestral lands while pretending all Jews are interlopers. Kind of like if we recognized England as "Ancestral Norman land".

It's not quite pigeon, but correspondence chess by naval courier was a plot point in one of the Honor Harrington books, if I recall.

It isnt even that they weren't allowed access to restrooms... the building was closed (at least partially) due to construction, and the students had to shove past a security guard to get in. So it's more "You're not allowed to use the restrooms in the building you broke into (same as everyone else isn't allowed to enter and use them), but you can feel free to leave and use any other building on campus (like everyone else)."

Campus police also prohibited the people delivering Panera from entering the building to deliver it to the protestors (which, again, this building was in a somewhat-closed status unrelated to the protests).

It's also a bit ironic given that Vandy came out with a Free Expression Initiative a little while back, which I was heartily in favor of. I think overall, the admin has done a pretty good job of handling this, the overall Israel/Hamas conflict, and also the upcoming election.

I'm finding it very interesting how the Democratic party usual suspects are getting hit by their own supporters

Is that a Yemen flag there underneath the Palestinian flag, with a Trans flag in between? I guess they're... supporting the government over the Houthis?

You're quite right. None of the news sources I've read has said anything about what's stopping Israel from just walking up to the reception desk with a bunch of fuel cans and spare generators, and having a look around for tunnels while they're there. The assumption has to be that either it's defended by Hamas, or that Israel is kayfabing that it's defended by Hamas, but no news outlets seem to want to say anything beyond "the doctors say there's no Hamas, but we as reporters didn't bother to ask the IDF commander why they don't just walk inside."

It's really, really weird to read.

Will Al-Shifa be the turning point, one way or another? Or will nothing change? If the IDF takes the hospital, and there are tunnels there, will anyone change their tune, or will it be "Well, the IDF was telling the truth this one time, but they still shouldn't have killed babies"? If there are no tunnels, will Israel back off and end their campaign in shame (their own and the US intelligence community's), or will they try to brazen it out and assume no real net change in total hatred for them? If Hamas blows the tunnels and collapses the area to avoid giving Israel evidence, will anyone accept that it wasn't an Israeli bomb?

Or am I overestimating the importance of this one battle and the massive accompanying news coverage?

Wasnt there that white kid who was also kneeled on, died, and then the cops were aquitted? Had an alliterative name, i think.

The usuals amongst my friends are already talking about how it's a war crime to shut off the water (that Israel desalinates...), so I don't expect this to change the moral responsibility assessment in most people.

I'm sure there's some fucking official lore about how everybody in FR is pansexual and sexually super liberal (because the author just said so!) and so none of this is strange in-universe

My understanding of Ed Greenwood's notes (which are, by contract, canon even if unpublished) is that you're not even remotely wrong.

So this post should be higher effort, but that'd take away from important Baldur's Gate 3 time, so all I'm going to say is: Hot damn did Larian deliver, at least so far. I've got a few minor nitpicks, but I can't recall the last time I enjoyed a game this much. Was up until 5 AM playing it last night.

I'm also trying to figure out when exactly I got hyped for it. I ignored it all the way through early access, then a week before launch, I suddenly was all-in, and I don't remember seeing any news or reviews or anything other than "Oh hey, it's about to come out."

The deep state used to be described by the DC phrase, "Band leaders come and band leaders go, but the band plays on."

I mean, they could guess, but you keep the search going until you're certain anyway. You never want to err on the side of assuming they're dead if there's a chance they're alive, however slim.

Man, that article is wild. I'd forgotten about the shooter who showed up with a box of chicken sandwiches.

  • I don’t think that a Muslim immigrant in 1900 would have been permitted to wear a Hijab or skullcap. They certainly wouldn’t have been able to demand that schools and workplaces install ritual baths or schedule their work/school day around prayer times.

I mean, unless they were in a Muslim-heavy immigrant community. You certainly had thatt sort of... not quite enclave, but significant presence, in some areas, I believe down to things like German-language newspapers, for instance.

will actively and persuasively lie instead of saying something along the lines "I didn't see shit and if I did it would be unsafe to tell you."

I think that's the big concern, but it's also difficult to ask them to not lie if Hamas is demanding it. Other than journalists (and NGO headquarters) getting wise to the fact that they can't, in theory, trust anyone on the ground to not be making statements that are under duress, I don't think this problem (them acting as mouthpieces for Hama propaganda) can be solved.

Especially if it's the exact same statement they'd make if the hospital were empty, and they were filled with righteous indignation and a war crime.

What videogames would you say have excellent writing, then?