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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

Britain gets hurt leaving the EU simply by trade distance. They really never had a choice about being in the EU.

Yes, and they did this to themselves. You need no malice, not a shred, to explain this. Merely an absence of saintliness for not extending to the British all the benefits that come with the EU anyway.

Yes, the EU has poor policy along with good policy - so it goes. Not really relevant to the meme of someone shoving a stick up their bicycle's stake and crying why the EU would do this.

Re: bodycams in particular, IIRC there is evidence that bodycams don't do much to reduce police misconduct, indicating that either perpetrators aren't concerned about being disciplined or that they're not the kind of person to take it into account.

Or the third option, where the police have succesfully gotten all their benefits of bodycams(exonerating them if they do wrong) without any of the costs(catching their abuses). This has been ongoing for a while.

Racist people from Alabama treat African Americans badly, which explains why they're doing so poorly, but are happy to see Nigerians zoom past them?

That's.. Kinda it, yeah. The Nigerians mostly aren't moving to the south, and when they do mostly don't get caught up in the sorts of dynamics southern black people do. Pretty much.

So you are saying there isn't a single non-white group that arrived poor, and who is doing better than whites nowadays? If I find one will you change your mind on the cycle of poverty?

No, and that's so far off the mark from what I wrote that I've no idea how you could read into it that way. What the hell, man? The Africans who migrated to America over the past fifty years, disproportionately, were among the most well-off and affluent people within their own societies. The same did not hold true for the slaves carted off that way. A skilled Nigerian worker migrating for a nation more than eager to receive skilled workers is going to have extremely different outcomes from someone whose ancestors were still slaves in the 1800s and whose (white) neighbours, by and large, wish they were anywhere but near them.

We needn't be so anal about language to keep writing the longform 'people in X and Y states', I don't think. The people of Alabama and South Carolina treated black people differently from others than they did in 1860, and they do it in 2022 as well. Nigerians are black in the same way that both Indians and Arabs are brown: the difference is really really easy to see. Furthermore, what Africans got to America in the past fifty years aren't close to a random sample; they are extremely disproportionately people who were well off enough to chance migrating to America in the first place.

left-leaning posters

The what now?

This sorts of thing is some reversed 'republicans pounce' in action and it is every bit as pathetic. Of course this is a story. You don't need 'senseless purity spirals' to consider cheating on your wife and abusing your authority as a literal hero bad things.

It is difficult to teach someone to know something, when his argument depends on him not knowing it.

no u

Nah. Believe what you will, this place has gone to the dogs enough as-is.

The same arguments apply even if you think one is justified and the other isn’t

Then show us how they do

Well educated progressives mostly know that

Then tell us which ones do, because this is, put lightly, news to me

and don’t like dwelling on it. Particularly from a liberal arts education that journalists usually have.

Again, show us, please.

Wouldn’t be unreasonable to suppose

No! Stop assuming the worst of people you disagree with - and if you absolutely must, bite your tongue and show some respect here. You are claiming a hell of a lot of inflammatory shit - enough that, frankly, you should've tacked an equally-sized amount of grounding to go along with it.

I just don't think you have any. 'The arguments apply', 'my go-to assumption', 'wouldn't be unreasonable to suppose(lol)'..

This is not a thread to wage the culture war. Do your homework or reconsider where you are.

The reactionaries we have in 2023 AD are absolutely failed progressivists, no matter what lofty ideals and past figures they worship. If any of their idols met these guys, they would despise them, and rightly so.

The blackpilling thing, to me, is that I don't think people are that selfish. They aren't without empathy. They don't have zero care for justice. I think it's the aforementioned just world fallacy: they really think they have it coming. If they didn't have it coming, why, the police might be wrong. The law might be wrong. Society may be doing wrong by them. Everything may be wrong. The lower classes may in fact not deserve their fate.

It's a lot to take in and figure out and, genuinely, I don't think normal people are really in a mood to consider if maybe the whole criminal justice system is that big of a dumpster fire. Better to insist everything is fine, everyone falling afoul of it is a Bad Person, and to try your hardest to ignore all the signs it ain't so.

He know @elonjet existed. He specifically called out not fucking with @elonjet as something he'd do. Then, damn near immediately after taking over, he does it anyway.

That's what you meant, right ?

Fuck off, you very well know what I meant. If you want to bulverise, find another forum.

Not the employees or readers of Vice, who will agree with you that cheating on your wife is bad.

You don't have to invent things whole cloth, but starting with a position that isn't maximally inflammatory and unkind is a good start as well as sorely lacking.

Cool. Do we get to arbitrarily exclude subpopulations to look good, too?

Citing a handful of historical examples we've all heard of before is a poor substitute for an actual argument.

Yes, every community has liars and free riders. LGBT activists are human as much as anyone else. Indeed.

I'm not familiar enough with the organisation to know. Wouldn't that make the 'no apolitical spaces for The Gays' case even stronger?

Indeed. For all the griping that OBVIOUSLY everyone hates immigrants, the parties making the loudest fuss about them don't poll all that well.

I apologise in advance for posting in response to your comment rather than any of these other ones, but it seemed as good a place as any.

Put simply: NIMBYism is not a position where we just don't care about other people. That would be the maximised libertarian one, where people get to do as they like. NIMBYs care about what other people do lots and lots, be they OP or anyone else. So, by all means, please do - please do go for a regime that doesn't care about people. I think it would be better than a system that cares too much or one that is actively malicious.

No, police officers just turn their cams off/have them conveniently 'malfunction', and aren't getting punished for it when they do. The body cams function just fine when the evidence exonerates them though.

What do you think you have such a superior level of insight than the median voter in the netherlands.

Everyone has an opinion where they deviate from whatever is normal within their respective nation. Sorry, I don't even know what you're on about any more, and I think we'll both be better off leaving this at rest.

Bro, you're the one who mentioned Norway in the first place. I never did. I'm talking about the Netherlands and went out of my way to note how our situation might relate to a hypothetical American one. Barging in with Sweden, a nation not even yours - and then insisting we talk about it when you don't even know much of it is really weird. Unless you can tell me why and how Scandinavia's issues are relevant here, I just don't see why you started talking about any of this.


Because, you see, I'm just not sure why I should want to talk about Denmark when I am from the Netherlands, I know my own nation's situation best, and you not only provide no reason for why Finland is even relevant, you aren't even well-read on Icelandic issues yourself.

The median voter in the US voted for Biden, who played an important role in getting civil asset forfeiture passed in the first place. His opponent is the guy behind 'when the looting starts, the shooting starts'. I don't even care to defend literal looters - it's kinda whatever - but Trump is no criminal justice reform candidate either. I can think of lots of changes that might improve policing! It's getting them in the public consciousness and dealing with the nationwide tantrum police departments seem to throw that's the real issue.