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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

That is the narrative paranoid rightists suggest, because 'they betrayed us' has been their playbook since the Dolchstoßlegende. Where Europeans elect rightists more interested in culture than money, they can in fact work against immigration, they do in fact work against immigration, and people who say it never works out aren't looking very closely. Sometimes the left beats them to the punch to take the wind out of their sails. And sometimes, in 4D chess moves that are entirely too funny to me, even the most pro-immigrant nations will take action against immigrants while insisting it's about antisemitism bro trust me bro we surely don't care about the people sucking up benefits. The French are sick of it and in no way get 'the same result'. Eastern European nations where people move away from more than to do it.

There's plenty of anti-immigration policy in Europe to be found, if you care to look. Did you actually care to?

The EU acted just-about as much in good faith as anyone could hope to expect in such a situation, and indeed could have done much worse if some people felt like being particularly ruthless.

As with FCfromSSC above, so too here: unions can exist without violence. A bunch of employees can agree to bargain together and walk out together if they'd so enjoy. The US may or may not deal with this very well, but that's the US' problem, not an issue with people in general.

The dissident sphere doesn't need to like it, but that is indeed the proper way to prosecute culture war.

why is PlayStation competitive against Xbox?

The answer is in large part 'because Japanese people WILL NOT EVER buy foreign products, whereas westerners do not mind buying Japanese'. PlayStation has a couple dozen million guaranteed customers, something Xbox has no way to replicate.

We could well flip the script, and consider American management uniquely hostile to its employees in a way German and Japanese management is not. Both of these, or neither, may even be true.

Still no government needed there, no matter how much you insist it's OBVIOUSLY true that's how it goes.

He just wanted Crimea and the Donbass so badly he sent a quick strike and later riot police towards Kiev?

Us ordinary Europeans keep voting for the people who have been doing this for decades. 'Victim blaming' is mostly a fake and gay concept; vote for neolibs, get neolibs. Simple as.

we as a civilization and especially academia cannot possibly acknowledge the truth of it, that'd be unthinkable.

People who insist on their harebrained pet theories as UNTHINKABLE to those obviously small-minded people they live alongside are an incredible tedious lot. Academia historians talk about minute details and obscure theories all the time. Constantly. They don't stop. The degree to which they dig into minute things honestly scares me, occasionally. If they aren't collectively convinced by one guy's substack posts, consider that they are unconvinced for a reason, and that it isn't because they just are too brainwashed by the man to see the REAL truth.0

Unless the employer can fire the unionized employees for not accepting the wages they are offering.

Yes, of course that's possible. The law forbids employers from firing people for joining unions. It does not compel employers to do anything else, and they are free to laugh unionised sorts out of their offices when they dislike the terms.

If that is the society you want to know about, the answer is really quite simple: we don't know, we have never known, we aren't going to know. There are places where these are things you can know; China and the near east have left behind enough writing from their bronze ages that you can see what's up. Greece didn't, and it has been combed over more extensively than most anywhere else has been. It's just not happening.

How do wokes

You should, sincerely, find a better place to ask. Nobody here self-identifies as woke, preciously few people are even adjacent, and people who hate them, despise them, are numerous as they get. You'd get a better and more honest answer just-about anywhere that isn't here and, additionally, I think you kind've know it. That this is not a place for the woke to be is no grand secret.

The same arguments apply even if you think one is justified and the other isn’t

Then show us how they do

Well educated progressives mostly know that

Then tell us which ones do, because this is, put lightly, news to me

and don’t like dwelling on it. Particularly from a liberal arts education that journalists usually have.

Again, show us, please.

Wouldn’t be unreasonable to suppose

No! Stop assuming the worst of people you disagree with - and if you absolutely must, bite your tongue and show some respect here. You are claiming a hell of a lot of inflammatory shit - enough that, frankly, you should've tacked an equally-sized amount of grounding to go along with it.

I just don't think you have any. 'The arguments apply', 'my go-to assumption', 'wouldn't be unreasonable to suppose(lol)'..

This is not a thread to wage the culture war. Do your homework or reconsider where you are.

It is not a detente; it is an alliance of convenience against blue-haired HR vampires. Do note how the religion those people imagine on their side (Islam) does not nearly get so fair a shake here.

There's a reason those people were selected.

They had, like, five fucking older brothers and didn't stand a chance to inherit anything good. Or a king they never met lost a war and they got displaced. Or they were from a Godforsaken frozen mountain in Sweden and farming on the great plains is just a better deal. Yeah.

Humanity has equated itself with the Gods since the time we've had Gods; even the Christians have to make up saints now and then when someone particularly impressive comes along. Oppenheimer famously invented power as in the Mahabharata; Borlaug shall be our Demeter, for making grain sprout where it never had before; Saint Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland, and modern man has since driven out so many predators that the list is larger than I'd know to guess at; no more women pray to Hera to save themselves and their children from gruesome death in labour, for we have usurped her power too. If we had still believed in most these Gods, we would do well to rank ourselves among them in terrible power and might. We have genuinely gotten so far that to what few people still do live in premodern conditions, we might as well be that.

But (I think) no Gods exist or have ever existed, and people still run off the same hardware that we did in the days of Cyrus and Alkibiades. And even in those ancient days, people had their upheavals! As Europe went from being ruled by freeholding farmers in tribes and city-states to being ruled by larger landowners yet, we invented Nicene Christianity. When a middle class later emerged, many countries became protestant. And now, with more changes than I care to note, many people are choosing to reject Christianity wholesale.

People in the past weren't stupid. The traditions from their day that survive by and large served them very well and don't deserve the universal scorn they receive in some atheist spaces, though even that is out of fashion. They are, even so, dated. You don't need to be Uncle Ted to notice how much industrialisation has changed society, and you don't need a fedora to wonder if a book dating to Roman times is the best we can do any more. I absolutely believe we are due a new prophet. And when he pops up, I pray we see him for what he is, too.

The Israelis care more about their own security than they do about proving paranoid rightists and anti-colonial leftists wrong, as they well should. If the standards of being a good ally include refusing aid, Israel still isn't a uniquely bad ally. Insisting they don't take the money or else they're big meanies is ludicrous.

The military lying to people in order to have them enlist is such a time-honored tradition that, clearly, we can be confident and glad that nothing has changed.

Worked is not merely debatable, it is debated even among Christians to this day. It isn't very hard at all to point at times when it did not in fact work, and caused much grief to both its adherents and victims.

I'm not dense enough to think the people are Vice think everyone should be polyamorous, into swinging, as well as cuckoldry. For what it's worth, I don't think you are either.

The median Vice employee, let alone reader, thinks breaking your wife's (or husband's) trust is bad; no sacred union is required, for nothing is sacred to begin with. If that means you both go into marriage thinking any of these three rightwing boogeymen is okay, then power to them, so says the Vice liberal. If you drop it on someone out of nowhere, cheat on them, betray what was a generic relationship? Not so power to them, shitty move, so says the Vice liberal.

This isn't very complicated. This isn't news to you, either: I shouldn't have to spell it out. I don't know why you'd imply that this isn't obvious if you weren't trying to score tediously cheap points, so if you will, please tell me what the point of this has been. The ranks of Vice aren't full of people who think cheating on your wife is totally awesome, and to twist around so it kinda-sorta might look that way is tiresome. Not clever. Not enlightening. Just tiresome.

Not the employees or readers of Vice, who will agree with you that cheating on your wife is bad.

The other thing is that for all this talk, Trump actually was President for four years, and neither Ukraine or Taiwan were invaded under his watch. Is that because he was construed to be a committed idealist?

America isn't the sole mover in world politics. I'd caution against attributing everything that happens to whomever is in office.

Australian democracy seems to work just fine, best I can tell, in the sense that they are getting exactly the sorts of government they deserve. This isn't always very nice, but if nothing else, it is absolutely just.

Stereotypical frat kids and the media they consume are not particularly feminist, but they still will find casual sex all kinds of awesome. The issue runs pretty deep.