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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

I don't get that last part. Claimant whole? I don't know how to parse that.

Are you aware of when the EU thought the Poles should take some of those in?

I haven't been to any music festivals in Poland, but I've been to the ones in Serbia. Whiter crowd than Western Europe, no different behavior. You're genuinely barking up the wrong tree.

Serbia, for that matter, has an amount of graffiti penned down I've not seen in any city where I live(the Netherlands). It's not even close. Not the very tiniest bit.

Certainly policing isn't something that makes the Eastern Europeans look good, either. Eastern European police officers take the job to wear a uniform, look cool, harass epople they don't like, and draw a salary from bribes as much as they do payment depending on where you're at.

I'll say it again: you're barking up the wrong tree. Any of the flaws you attribute to us Weuros - I don't mind the term - could be applied to Easterners, aside from the general charge of being vaguely anti-immigration.

They will not be having a white ethnostate for long.


This requires a lot more support than a mere idle mention. American foreign policy cares about money, influence, and power, not about heckin wholesome BIPOC.

Why we pay so much attention to modern day tankies I don’t really know.

For the same reason some liked to pay attention to the likes of the Westboro Baptist Church: they are (loud) weakmen you get to tar your outgroup with.

Didn't the EU just enact trade sanctions against Russia with a great negative impact on the cost of energy for its members?


I don't know what the current energy situation is like in Poland, but this demonstrates that being part of that trade-group is not always helping the Polish economy.

The Poles are the nation most in favor of sanctions, and would love for them to be stricter. Arguing that it's bad for Poland when the Poles (with broad popular support) disagree with you is peak tier ivory tower thinking.

While Putin's views of history come with their own bias/inconsistencies/falsehoods perhaps, but at least his vision takes into account history.

This is a meaningless sentence.

What is the EU's views of history?

Putin is one man, and the EU is one of the most disjointed and inconsistent autonomous political entities in the world. If it has a version of history, it isn't the stupid caricature you're talking about. Instead, it'd look like the following:

'Before, Europe routinely tore itself to shreds, from the dark ages all the way to 1945. Today, we recognise this was a terrible thing, full of death and pain and destruction; we never want to go back to that, and we will be better off for unifying under the blue flag with golden stars, whatever that ends up looking like.'

So far, the EU has managed to do this. Between Yugoslavia, Armenia, Georgia, and now Ukraine, I'd argue that the unprecedented peace of the past seventy years inside the EU has been a resounding success, and no amount of wrongheaded bitching about immigrants or gays from ornery foreign rightists is going to convince me that such a peace as we have isn't worth it.

The Poles seem to think being under the American umbrella beats being under the Russian umbrella. Today, I can look at Serbia, at Armenia, at Kazakhstan, at Kyrgyzystan, at Belarus, at Ukraine, and see how the Poles have a point.

Why should they prefer being under Moscow's sway moreso than being under that of Washington/Brussel?

Trump voters skewed and skew pretty old. What do these numbers under, say, 30 or 35 look like?

Right. In that case, Tarnstellung beat me to it. The ECHR is toothless as it comes.

Sheesh, I hadn't seen that addendum at all. Those numbers do skew pretty heavily - slightly less than one-third of younger Trump voters would be female. That's a pretty big difference, even if I do question the importance of these things in dating anyway.

America spent 2 trillion dollars on Afghanistan that has a GDP a fraction of the size of what it cost to put troops there.

Yes, and this doesn't contradict what I said at all.

America signs trade deals that aren't even that lucrative, as long as it gets to crusade with its ideology.

Trade deals aren't an ideological matter, unless that ideology is appealing to wealthy shareholders. So, money, not a vague hatred of Ukraine being a white country.

American NGOs have been pushing diversity hard in Eastern Europe

American NGOs are not the American state. The American state is eating popcorn and spending a fraction of its wealth on seeing its old rival bleed dry in a backwater. The Ukrainians get gadgets, intel, training, and money conditional on killing Russian invaders, not conditional on being good to gay people.

Hungary is being sanctioned by the EU for not cooperating with liberalism

Hungary has been that way for over a decade. These sanctions got through this year not because of liberalism, but because Orbán is deemed not anti-Russian enough and threatened European disunity. Compare Poland, or Lithuania, or Latvia, or Croatia, or Bulgaria, countries no more liberal than his which do not get sanctioned because they don't then fuck with stuff the EU actually cares about.

The Poles find your arguments unconvincing, and are the most ardently anti-Russian people in the EU. I don't blame them. The Ukrainians might agree, and are fighting a war because they very clearly think people like you are wrong.

Mind you, the arguments you then bring forward are drivel too. Demographics in Russia and its sphere of influence are worse than the west's. You talk about propaganda without thinking for even a moment of what sorts of propaganda is blared from the other side. You talk about organisations protecting its borders that literally can't - the US because it is on the other side of the Atlantic, the EU because it doesn't have the people.

None of these things are oit-there facts particularly tough to find out about. They only require you to look beyond the part of the world that is extremely online. I don't know why you keep insisting on things that (large) nations of people nigh-unanimously agree on are wrong without stopping to listen to them and see what they are talking about.

I just think such attempts were fundamentally dishonest

That's a fair view to have. What would it take to convince you otherwise?

You keep repeating the same point, and keep failing to look at the other side of that line: of what things look like for pro-Russian countries. They're doing worse. Much worse. The Poles know this, the Ukrainians know this, just-about everyone who isn't an internet contrarian knows this. Why do you insist all of these people are wrong?

Worse by what metrics?

By yours and mine alike. You keep returning to birthrates, birthrates, birthrates the way many on the right do, and Russia is at a cool 1.5tfr, with ethnic Russians skewing even lower than that. My nation skews higher than that, as does most of the EU: be they Czechs, Danes, Irish, or Romanian, these people will do better at 'showing up' in 50 years than the Russians will.

All of these people are wrong because they contradict themselves when they say they don't want to look like Brussels yet take steps to align themselves further with Brussels.

Again, Brussels does not have any battalions, and neither does the ECHR. This is 'old man yells at cloud' levels of silly. The Poles get to do what they want within their territory, the Germans get to do what they want in theirs, we Dutch get to do what we want in ours, and blithely insisting that surely the spooky EU will always get its way is, plainly, wrong. I genuinely want to know if you have anything to back these ideas up that isn't mere assumptions; scaremongering about the EU is plentiful and easy, precisely because it doesn't defend itself much and makes for a wonderful scapegoat. It even does many things, in regulation and diplomacy. But turn Warsaw into Brussels? Absolutely not.

From a historical point of view, most people's current behavior is wrong.

That's been true for a thousand years or more. Is that really the best you've got?

The fact that outgroup birthrates are cratering is a signal that something they are doing is wrong.

Indeed, the Russian state is a failed one and the morally correct course is for it to step aside in favor of people who can correct this. Yes.

Not if they succumb to the EU/NATO.

Denmark is a founding member, Czechia and Romania joined as soon as they could. Talk sense.

The most powerful weapon has been TV for a while.

Powerful enough that all of Europe rallies behind Ukraine regardless of ideology - Hungary, Serbia, and Belarus nonwithstanding.

That was a quote from Mariusz Błaszczak Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defence Responsible for all activities of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.

Yes, and this works out for them just fine. It also works out for the rest of the EU just fine. It doesn't work out for the worldview you keep insisting is right, but EU citizens and leaders don't need to entertain your worldview as much as I choose to.

Russia is transitioning from a state-mandated atheist country to a more Christian-friendly one. Of course they have a long way to go, after the soul of the Russian people was crushed by nefarious ideologies.

Russia is transitioning towards being a crater, a more northerly Balkans, a wasteland, or halfway Islamic itself. The United States is far better at being Christian - and so is Poland, so long as you are Catholic.

In some ways, Poland is going the other way.

Polish tfr trended down for years upon years until it joined the EU, and it has only ever gone up since then. Getting free money works. It has never not worked for them.

Did you have a view that statistics seem to back up, too? None of what you're saying checks out, and these numbers aren't secret or hard to find.


Rehashing beloved tales is ancient human behavior. It isn't a new thing at all.

Most women, feminist or not, absolutely know better than to dump feminist creeds on their dates.

To put things gently, I don't know that OP would. Coted weirdo Peter Thiel can't get conservative men laid, and the question is 'why do women hate them?'

I don't recognise that quote, who said that?

Then again, we don't have anything like the Villages

England - really, northern Europe in general - outsources this to Spain and France. It very much is a thing.

I am quite sure that the US has learned enough from its war on drugs

The US hasn't even learned enough from the war on drugs to be smarter about the war on drugs. I can't even really blame politicians for this one either; the populace is extremely divided on it all, too.

Indeed. It is the inverse of what you'll find on blue-leaning fora, where Europe is a paradise with Mediterranean food and Dutch cycling culture and Nordic welfare states everywhere and the like. People who turn away from their blue peers reverse such stupidity, and see Europe as an amalgamated hell in much the same way.

No, it absolutely is elementary absence of evidence. NATO also isn't in charge of shit; they get to fund Zelensky, they get to cut him off if for some reason they're sick of him, but they don't get to tell him where he is or isn't supposed to hang out on a given day.

How do wokes

You should, sincerely, find a better place to ask. Nobody here self-identifies as woke, preciously few people are even adjacent, and people who hate them, despise them, are numerous as they get. You'd get a better and more honest answer just-about anywhere that isn't here and, additionally, I think you kind've know it. That this is not a place for the woke to be is no grand secret.