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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

Back in high school, we absolutely read the things fascists wrote to learn about that ideology. When I went on to study history in university, we did much the same. None of this happened all that long ago, and it seems to have worked out pretty well, so I don't know why I'd even agree with your base assumptions here.

Also - why are you flipping first names and surnames? What is that all about?

For what it's worth, I do agree that posting what he did in a woke place would do him no good either. In general, posts such as these are going to generate more heat than light: you'll get people accusing you of badthink and people with an axe to grind regarding woke ideology much more than you will find people interested in coming up with a good answer. OP is better off finding someone to ask personally, without fifty hyper-online people staring at him and waiting to judge his virtue. The social dynamics to figure out good-faith believes plain and simply aren't there in the sort of wide-open online forum you can easily post such questions.

I'm curious, actually. Have you talked to anyone in particular, in private, outside the 'public' sphere that is such a server? Or are the conclusions you draw the sorts of conclusions you made from seeing them engage among themselves without further prodding?

Woke ideology is the space busybodies, the permanently aggrieved, social strivers, and grifters flock to; it appeals to these sorts of people very much. If you want to bully people for believing unpopular things, if you want to scold your neighbours for falling out of line, if you want to get power and status for little real effort, joining up with team woke is really really helpful. This isn't even a criticism of the ideology: humanity has always had people like these, we will always have them, and they will always be nuisant antisocial bastards dragging the rest of us down.

The problem, then, is figuring out who genuinely has reasoned themselves into a woke space, and who's there for the community instead. What proportion there is I cannot say, but there will absolutely be people with good arguments to make for whatever we might call woke. And insofar those people are around, asking them to reveal their power level in SocJus spaces and asking them to risk their own standing before people they know well just to entertain a heretic just isn't the way to go. Your curiosity about their ideology isn't worth all that much, and they rightly aren't going to give you a genuine answer out in the open like that.

Finally, as a parting thought..

I came here specifically for a principled anti-woke perspective.

Here as elsewhere, you'll mostly find people whose guiding anti-woke principle is that they really hate funko pops. It is what it is.

Maybe I'm an easy mark

Maybe. Are you American?

I realise that question comes across as the peak of European snobbery, but ancient languages are still taught in (posh, high-tracked) schools here. The upper echelons of power are lined with men who went to such schools, and the classics lose a bit of their mystique because of it. I don't regret having been taught three years of Greek and six of Latin one bit, I genuinely appreciate what I learned there, but epic poetry was designed to be easily recited and after high school + Oxfordian education on the matter, Johnson had damn well better be able to recite what he's learned from memory. That's how it's supposed to be.

by their nature they like things the way they were or at least the way they were when they were kids

No? No. Hell no. Absolutely not. The past conservatives point at is always idealised and through no coincidence happens to align with their views perfectly. When the day that conservatives will be glad to return the union membership rates, societal wealth distribution, teenage pregnancy levels, alcohol consumption, the mother fucking housing policies or other issues yet from when they were young, I will in fact believe them. As-is, their link to the past is as tenuous as it's suspiciously convenient, and I'll have none of it.

How exactly is this different from just raising taxes?

life imprisonment without parole

My nation abolished the death penalty before the 1900s even came around, but we are a founding member of the EU and do practice life sentences without parole. So, yeah, totally possible.

And we did it anyway, we continue to do it anyway, and we're cheerily part of the EU. The EU in general, and the ECHR in specific, has precious few teeth with which to bite.

I don't get the logic of people (and I don't just mean you, I see this all over) being at the same time loudly pro-choice and complaining about the threat to abortion rights, and then use "he paid for his girlfriend's abortion" as a criticism.

Pro-choice voters aren't the target audience here, because pro-choice voters weren't going to vote for him anyway. The intended audience is pro-life voters, and the intended effect is to get them disgusted enough to stay home.

I'm not a doomer about the EU one bit, so..

I doubt it's going to last much longer than next 10 years.

Do you care to make a bet on that? I'll gladly take you up on it.

What's with the aggressive response? Agree or disagree, I don't see any reason to fling heated insults like that. Chill.

Perhaps "Russian Oppression" has just become central in their national historical narrative in a way that it has not in other Eastern European countries?

Have you been paying attention to Eastern Europe? At all?

While Western Europe's smaller states tore each other to part in the early modern period, Eastern Europe saw itself consolidate into several larger realms. While the various people of Eastern Europe were ruled over by the Russians, Turks, and Austrian Germans, Western Europe saw the development of the nation-state, of nationalism, and of the national boundaries you see today. Through consolidating our nations here in Western Europe while the Eastern Europeans still had to deal with various empires, we ended up settling border disputes one by one, war after bloody war, with that mostly having come to an end after Germany reunified itself. Tellingly, the part of Western Europe that does still have a violent border dispute in living memory, Northern Ireland, is itself in one of its younger nations. The Irish just haven't had the time to figure that out as long as the rest of us did.

None of this applies to Eastern Europe. The Poles and Lithuanians look at the commonwealth they used to have before cursing Stalin's name, if they aren't brawling over just what should be whose instead. Hungary has people bitching about Slovaks 'having no culture' and clearly just being Hungarians in all but name and being rightfully theirs, if they aren't going on about Transylvania and Szekelyföld instead. Yugoslavia, Moldova, the other Baltics, and even such forgotten peoples as the Rusyn: they have not had as long to practice their nationalism, at all, and are in effect playing catch-up with the rest of the continent where that is concerned.

tl;dr: Poles are European as much as anyone else here is. Nothing weird to be seen here.

There's a shitload of Poles compared to most other Eastern European nations, they have beef with the Russians in a way Croats or Hungarians don't, and they - the ones in Germany, the UK, and other nations especially - tend to pop up in places other Russophobic randos also don't.

Why do the ranchers even care?

The Venn diagram of people who ranch and people who take trains is illustrated by two separate circles. How these two groups get along with one another is not even an exercise left to the reader - we need but look at the retarded slapfight downthread to figure it out.

That's really interesting. Who did Jefferson's actual farming again? How were these people treated? How did people grapple with the actual farming for the next century?

I feel like they were morally wrong hypocrites, too.

Plato's lessons on ideas, or Aristotle's lessons on metaphysics, or even Jefferson's lessons on statehood, even, are not so intimately connected to personal morality as Jefferson writing about farming is.

Aside from that, what are you even trying to ask me here? Of course lots of important long-dead men weren't very nice people. If that seems like modern snobistry, ask your local pastor what happened to Plato and Aristotle after they died. Being able to deal with the works of people you don't find very admirable is something everyone does, every day, and I don't think that's a particularly abnormal habit.

So you can see why I brought it up then yes?

I'd assumed, and still do, you lean pedantic for little reason - Lord knows I have it in me. I haven't really swayed from that belief yet.

Yeah, so the 'urban train-lovers' part of the equation here was the one that got unwilling to negotiate. Sure. I believe it.

Would you say it's more or less than a hot take than to declare every city a disaster best run by rural dictators? Ban both, ban neither, but banning only one is ridiculous.

On a scale of one to 'cities are disasters and should be ruled by rural dictators', how much heat is that exactly?

If this is true, why does non-English twitter not look like this even though it has next to no human moderation (or really attention from the company at all)?

Because if you're ESL and want to be a troll, you head to English-language Twitter anyway.

The most violent criminals tend to receive huge amounts of fan letters from women

Violent crime leans heavily male. The few violent female criminals that got big amounts of publicity get a ton of fanmail, too; adoring this sorts of celebrity, even the vile kind, seems more human than it does feminine.

No. The sorts of was as the Syrians had, or the Lybians, or even just the Yugoslavs thirty years back, is not the sorts of war where more men on any one side would've made anything better.

Outgroup homogeneity bias isn't a new thing, nor one found only among the leftists of this world.