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Defend Kebab

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joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481

Without having much of a stake in this discussion, I can confidently tell you that you can go to any bar in Europe or Turkey tonight and signal some affluence as a man and check for yourself if the rumours about Ukrainian women are correct.

It's a game. Why does it have to be efficient?

Presumably because there is a lot of money in making it so

Have been living in mid-sized city for almost a year. Like it here and will probably stay long term. I really want to learn my way around the city very well. I typically cycle and walk everywhere, and I want to be able to just think of any two points in the city and travel between them without ever checking GPS. Any tips how to achieve this fast?

No I don’t know what you are talking about.

But I lived in poor countries with expensive and intermittent electricity. So I was just referring to what happens in such places.

And good luck with middle class installing Tesla walls when the Chinese stop subsidising your consumption in exchange for all your industrial capacity.

It’s viable if those panels and turbines are produced in Chinese coal powered factories and the US forever prices itself out of any competitive industrial production. It’s pretty damning that the production of renewable electricity generating devices never seems to use renewable energy itself.

Also after many times multiplying your electricity costs, you will still have to deal with blackouts regularly. Which means home generators for the rich and just “dealing with it” for the poor in practice.

People do wear helmets when mountain biking or cycling on racing bikes as a hobby (probably the most popular hobby around) though

I love that I can use a bike as almost an extension of me. No planning, extra equipment or hassle needed, just leave the house unlock and go. It’s just fun and increases my mobility greatly. Carrying a helmet would make this much less smooth and fun.

people are generally riding heavy bikes very slowly in highly protected lanes

It’s true most bikes are pretty heavy. But no people definitely don’t ride them slowly. And highly protected lanes depends very much on where you are. Suburbs or newly built cities yes. On more historical cities not at all. Also virtually nobody wears helmets with e-bikes either. Scooters going in the bike lane have to use helmets since last year though.

Pedestrians weave back and forth with abandon, huge groups take up the whole path, and dogs on leashes dart in front of cyclists at will.

This is my average everyday cycle in Amsterdam city center to be honest.. but it’s not very safe and with kids in tow definitely understandable to be cautious. Don’t you think something like a “bakfiets” would be safer against rolling than a tow?

I feel like I have to join any online discussion about bikes and helmets. But I live in the Netherlands and see about a million kids a day on bikes themselves or towed by their parents. Helmet ratio is probably a couple percentage points tops. And it’s almost always neurotic American expats. Is it really worth ruining the whole experience and habit of biking over a minuscule safety improvement? (Assuming you aren’t cycling through infrastructure unsafe for biking)

Similar experience but I always thought this was due to the types of weed commonly sold changing

Reading Polanyi’s Great Transformation was one of the most mind opening experiences ever for me when it comes to economic history.

I Also have an SE like the other comments (this must be a case study for the type of person who buys an SE). But if I got to choose again I would probably go with the mini models or the latest regular stock iPhone. The total size difference is not that much but you are losing a lot of screen space.

In a similar position. Have stronger personal reasons to buy so I will buy regardless, but really difficult to shake off the feeling that it’s financially a bad decision. Prices are already ridiculous how can they go up any higher?? But then I had the exact same idea 3 years ago and here we are. I just really really hate that housing became a speculation vehicle that can go up or down in value in big unpredictable swings. It must be the most boring low return low risk investment ever

Perhaps a bit cliche but I have never not been totally awestruck walking into the Hagia Sophia.

The US is giving everything Israel demands and more. What can one accuse Biden of not doing to help Israel?

Also an unknown but likely substantial numbers of those hostages have died/will die due to Israeli bombardment and starvation. It might backfire big time if some documents end up leaked tying IDF action to deaths of American passport holding hostages.

members of the US intelligence community

Has there ever been a more reprehensible neologism? These people are, at best, wildly overpaid midwit bureaucrats and at worst absolute crooks.

Something like YNAB?

I genuinely go to many Rust events and this is something I really experienced at every single one of them. But sure

I like going to Rust events and trying to guess if someone is a very ugly woman or a tranny. Usually the second

If I were a parent with young boys, I would enroll them in a martial art or sport of their choice

Any nice ones that won’t kill their brain cells or give them wrestler ears?

And the slow motion. And the endless scenes of people descending ramps

Agreed with everything except this. Many such scenes in the first movie were jaw dropping and deeply mysterious. In the second movie it was just rushed and lacked the visual effort.

Yes I have also been to Latin America and indeed the culture was more familiar. Not sure how this relates to the point you were making. 99.9% of Russian and Chinese population can freely leave their country on a middle class income and many regularly do for vacations, education or work. Everytime the current Cuban regime allowed such a thing in any limited form the country has seen a mass exodus. Out of these three, it’s clearly not the choice if you want a decent life. Russians are generally not an alien culture to average westerner and China has good weather too.

What if those contracts are not worthless by expiration? Indeed what if they are worth more than what you sold them for? Do you think this possibility is not taken into account while pricing them?

I work at a small options trading firm at a non trading role. I interact with the guys working on modelling and pricing options every day. One thing I know is that these guys are really fucking smart and spend most of their day and night hours thinking about how to very efficiently take your money and getting very well compensated for this. I would advise anyone away from competing with these guys unless you really know what you are doing. Derivative trading is meant for institutional investors to hedge certain risks. Options are to be bought as well calculated insurance policies and not as a way to gamble with leverage. It’s a pity that they became a very efficient tool in the crypto world to part fools with their money.

You have an interesting argument and then try to support it with an awful comparison. Life in Russia/China absolutely sucks for factors but not in Cuba. A country with absolutely the same factors, and not even the upsides of Russia/China being mid-high income countries by global standards. What’s even the logic here? China has cool beaches as well

That’s not what I was suggesting. I was suggesting Greeks are culturally and politically Balkan/Anatolian people pretending to be Western Europeans.

Ethnically the comment above has a point in that when you get down to it people of Turkey are not very ethnically Turkic. It’s more accurate to say some locals of Anatolia and balkan converted to Islam and admixed with genetically small amounts of steppe ancestry. They didn’t even necessarily speak Turkish. Then they found their way to modern Turkey either during the many population transfers of Ottoman administration or through the ethnic cleansings of the modern era (for every Turks ethnically cleansed this and that peoples story, there is usually a comparable group of Muslims being ethnically cleansed into Anatolia around the same time. Balkan and Caucasus didn’t end up so homogenous by accident).

So yeah, if you have a Quick Look at higher echelons of secular Turkish society it’s typical to find more white/slav/caucusus/greek ancestry people as they always had a more secular culture. Atatürk himself was a blond blue eyes army officer whose family was ethically cleansed from Macedonia and Thessaloniki. That doesn’t make them any less Turkish