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joined 2022 September 05 00:45:21 UTC


User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

that is against the rules of speak plainly.

I know there’s this mythical class of people who would love to participate in productive society but their circumstances have done them wrong; if only they got the right social worker they could turn things around.

I blame Hollywood for that, people are too stupid to avoid being influenced by movies (Good Will Hunting et al). For another example we have the case of silencers in guns.

my values enforced > your values enforced equally > your values enforced unequally

Since the story of the fired swedish dentist I don't take any official data regarding Assylum Seekers at face value. Do you have reason to do so (like the dentist was lying or something)?

so, blues that sometimes vote republican/third party in a nutshell?

But it doesn't matter - they're not going to try to win a war here. They just need to make one successful strike anywhere to cause humongous losses to all Western economic system.

This sounds suspiciously like "Of course they aren't going to invade" circa January 2022.

Nobody on the right even understands that deal. Agree they are reneging on that. I’m fine with some people being transexual - biologically fuck up.

The deal is not exclusively between progs and republicans, but progs and everyone else including moderate democrats.

Gender is a social construct ? I’ve never had a female buy me dinner because she made more than me. Sounds fun. Doesn’t happen.

So? what is your point there?. I'm just telling you what it has been agreed, if you have a problem with it because females don't pay for your dates take it with them. You can begin by going to the wikipedia page referring with genders (not a perfect source of the definition but it's there at least) and fight it out with the editors there if you want.


why are you conflating sex with gender (Gender roles)?

I’ve always included the pick up artist community in the alt right for example.

But why?. The mayority may lean right in the politics spectrum, but there must be a sizable left population in that community, right?.

First the Vineyard, then the Capitol!!

it's just that I already had an example in mind for one of the points of your so called "illuminati theory", for the one that is the most outlandish at that. The others are results from the functions of the government, so I don't know why you think they aren't controlled by it, reports of WMD for war and lowering or rising interest rates through the federal reserve for the stock market and inflation. The only tricky one would be Pandemics, but as COVID19 shows, you can fund your illnesses abroad if the local laws prevent gain of function research where you are.

thanks for the heads up, added another link.

interesting that they gave her rosacea, or at least it is more pronounced in your link. At 3:21 she still looks like Nicado, at 3:23 not so much, so lighting may be a contributing factor to the imitation.

god no. Can you imagine a bunch of quokkas going about EA and Skynet every two days on the forum?. The place is better served by users grounded in reality, be they lefties or righties.

then let's agree to disagree.

Nobody said that it was, but it is pseudo slavery if your only options are that, crime (medium term death) or starve (early death).

Illegal immigrants undercut domestic workers, it would logically raise employment and wages amongst the working class.

they don't have better prospects too.

I have a few comments saved, but I don't think it alerts you to responses, you would have to check periodically and keep track of which comments you have already seen.

It ought to be convincing in that generally Republicans want Republicans to win, and so allowing a plot against Republicans to succeed in a GOO-controlled state is not what we would expect.

Only if you consider Trump a neocon, when in reality he is more outsider to the whole political scene than anything.

sorry, wasn't very clear. What I'm referring to in "I think this advancements will render a great many people unemployed with its accompanying social unrest." isn't GPT 4.5 specifically, but the entire field of language models. I don't think they are still there but I imagine GPT 6 or 7 will be enough to take a few thousand jobs; that is if, it isn't lobotomized into oblivion by that point.

OAI just announced last week what could be considered GPT 4.5 in their dev event, including it's integration with a vision solution for uploading images to the LLM and having it interact with it. While I don't consider this in the same realm as AGI nor I think we are in any danger from it exterminating the human race ala Skynet; I think this advancements will render a great many people unemployed with its accompanying social unrest.

Could be. In this instance time will tell. I'm just waiting to start the series when the last book comes out.

Is that or no final book (and the publisher won't leave money in the table, I bet they already have the eulogy written and the contract with Sanderson drafted). Your choice nerds.

I assume that is due to ignorance, as there is no Disney movie with the horrors of pre-colonization life, it must have been rainbows and flowers and all that noble savage jazz.

for my part, a lot of top level posts made by a user named Questionmark (or something like that) in the old site were very likely GPT made, at least to my eyes.