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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

Specifically serving a disfavored group

For this one it would be Racists, as they are discriminating on the basis of race.

writing letters about how dumb racists are

For this one it would be Activists or Political activists, but it would depend on to whom the letters are send and with what purpose.

If there is a need to encapsulate both terms in one umbrella, Progressive would suffice I think, that term has been poisoned enough that I don't think it is salvageable.

Same thing that happened during the 2020 election to Kamala Harris wiki page, it too got sanitized.

Has there been any policing done by your in-group on this issue? What I mean by this is, has anyone inside the progressive caucus reported or made sure the kids of these kind of events weren't abused or is there a in-group watchgroup that does this?

are you refering to the roman salute, or the OK hand symbol?

the most famous example I know is Octavia Butler


Considering the lenghts they and their allies went to discredit any other viewpoint for something on the level of an Influenza, it could be argued that at the very least they are incompetent. But if we take in consideration:

1.- The level of coordination between the parties (intended or unintended as part of the Protect the Narrative campaign)

2.- That there is a high chance Ecohealth efforts and by proxi Faucci's whole cabal are indirectly responsible for the pandemic

3.- That even after it was grokked out that it wasn't Ebola or the Black Death in airborne form, the mayority of the catedral refused to actualize priors.

4.- And that we will never know the why, how and when of the Pandemic due to the collusion of the Chinese CCP and gain of function establishment.

I would say that yeah, at least indirectly responsible of mass murder. And that is without taking into account the Nursery homes murders in New York and elsewhere (Minesota I think) and events like that. There wasn't self policing, just like with any other progressive cause as of late. Just an intransigency to give an inch on any front.

Well the worst thing in that case would be that he wasted his time that could have been better employed.

1.- He lied to congress with the "Gain of function" research by torturing the meaning of words.

2.- He is part of inhuman experimentation in dogs (inhuman in that they could anesthetize them instead of letting them suffer like it was reported)

3.- In his own words "He is the science", sounds too Palpatine for my tastes. If I wanted an emperor I would want a competent one.

4.- His continual refusal to condemn the BLM riots as a health concern.

not enough radical left? :shrug:

The thing that strikes me is that no one is saying the obvious. To me, and I'll guess to many others, I really don't mind diversification of media. Or, that is to say, I wouldn't mind it, if it weren't for the fact that it's now the norm, it's practically mandatory for any show that doesn't want to be cancelled by internet SJWs, it's crammed down my throat everywhere, and it's turned into a major moral issue where half the audience browbeats the other.

It's less diversification of media and more appropriating of already existing works. Cultural Imperialism if you will.

but aren't Asians honorary whites at this point? I would imagine that we are approaching the reality of Asians being as white as Italians or Irish.

Why go to Hong Kong first? Seriously...What was the thinking here?

Chinese money probably.

The big new anime in Japan right baits a lesbian relationship between its two main characters and an important story element involves one of their gay dads' interracial relationship. This sounds like an enormous red flag of a descriptor for something new out of Hollywood but no one really cares even in the places on the English side of the internet where you might expect they would because that's not the entire point of the show.

Au contraire the problem is when the show baits but doesn't deliver, like with the Euphonium anime. It even has a name as it has become a trope: "Yuri Baiting".

But you still gotta clean after them, and there is none of the milestones of first word spoken, first day at school or first walking attempt.

Makes sense, they aren't going to complain to Child Protection Services. Get the animal to alleviate a little of your loneliness and if it gets a little worse treatment that it should in other situations it won't be telling anyone.

Gentlemen, I present to you the devil's hormone: Dopamine

He is a grifter without core principles. Whatever he has to say about anything is worthless. He is Unironicaly Evil

What do you mean by "it" in:

this is the kind of use that makes me highly suspect of the actual utility of it.

The short and sweet of it is that as any breadtuber out there he uses a bunch of tactics to argue in bad faith in any debate he has with ideological opponents. He constantly tries to dehumanize them when all is said and done and he is "alone" in his stream and his only apparent core principle is winning, expressed in the quote "You call it selling out your principles?, I call it Fucking winning. And that is my principle"

I am not sure where this core distaste is coming from but I am sure it exists. My best theory at the moment would be Minotaur's, that they believe they "own" art and cringey libertarians with doofus monkeys and robots can't be allowed to have it.

Probably this. As creative types in entrenched industries lean left it makes the illusion that Art and its expression is left aligned. It's just a temper tantrum and this "controversy" will go the same as Photography. The more concerning development on this space is that they are modifying the algos to introduce Black people and assorted terms to the images when the prompt isn't specific enough.

As for the Vaush issue, I'm sure this issue is better and more honestly expressed elsewhere. I would prefer to give views and hear the arguments of principled individuals trying to define the issue, rather than making the mudrakers's platforms bigger, especially of someone that has expressed a distaste to debate channels smaller than his just because he would be expanding their audiences.

EDIT (Regarding Art & Leftism).- This is probably why there was so much blowback when Terese Nielsen liked tweets that weren't kosher with the party line, despite being a married lesbian living in Utah, and the vitriol when she defended herself comparing that situation to when she was in the closet still. The mob couldn't conceive that they were even superficially similar to those Conservative Bigotstm.

First the Vineyard, then the Capitol!!

I think it is named Concern Trolling.

Faucci became overpoliticized, I just have memory longer than a goldfish. If you just wanted to defend him, may as well have said so from the beginning intead of acting all coy and "asking questions".

And I repeat, If you just wanted to defend him, may as well have said so from the beginning instead of acting all coy and "asking questions" and when answered then launch ad hominem attacks. You may want to drop the passive-aggressiveness.

In that case I think the correct response would be just to ignore the content and move on.