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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

I only found out transsexuals existed 18 months ago,

oh, wow. Speaking of bubbles yours looks to be pretty airtight. Anyway, considering your life situation, I don't think continuing this discussion is really worth the time spend; so let's agree to disagree.

Don't think of it too literally, it wasn't a group of people in a conference room signing papers; it was done how everything else is agreed upon in society. A new idea came up in the zeitgeist, in this case the progs idea of Gender and Sex being separate and all that and it gained traction until it became mainstream. But because progs are progs they are pushing again to "Alter the Deal" and merge the 2 again but with their bullshit definitions tacked in.

They promoted gender differences an alt right position.

Do you mean sex differences here? because gender differences or differences in gender roles is a mainly Leftist Idea, so it reads really weird if you mean that.

but aren't Asians honorary whites at this point? I would imagine that we are approaching the reality of Asians being as white as Italians or Irish.

Let's not forget too the minority grooming/rape Gangs that were abetted for years too. No child is sacred, only the ideology.

What is the ratio of Cannibals to trans activists in our society? and that is without the disproportionate impact that trans activists have when they introduce or modify laws. I'm unaware of cannibals trying to pass laws related to their proclivities.

It's curious that a bunch of activists managed to do what all the might of the Alcohol and Tobaco industry didn't. Still remember those cigarettes commercials with Doctors seal of approval and whatnot.

What about safe spaces, does that count?, and then we have Affirmative action, segregated graduation ceremonies.

Considering the lenghts they and their allies went to discredit any other viewpoint for something on the level of an Influenza, it could be argued that at the very least they are incompetent. But if we take in consideration:

1.- The level of coordination between the parties (intended or unintended as part of the Protect the Narrative campaign)

2.- That there is a high chance Ecohealth efforts and by proxi Faucci's whole cabal are indirectly responsible for the pandemic

3.- That even after it was grokked out that it wasn't Ebola or the Black Death in airborne form, the mayority of the catedral refused to actualize priors.

4.- And that we will never know the why, how and when of the Pandemic due to the collusion of the Chinese CCP and gain of function establishment.

I would say that yeah, at least indirectly responsible of mass murder. And that is without taking into account the Nursery homes murders in New York and elsewhere (Minesota I think) and events like that. There wasn't self policing, just like with any other progressive cause as of late. Just an intransigency to give an inch on any front.

if your child is old enough

What range or limit are you thinking about here? 14 and up, less or more?

The way to deal with this is long before your 14-year-old has decided that they are trans, ...

How do you grok this with cases in which the children were groomed secretly by their teachers and they spring this up suddenly to the parents?

This leaves me in a bind, because I still feel myself a liberal in my bones, and female equality is a natural and inevitable derived principle of liberalism.

Every time that impulse rears its ugly head in my heart I beat it bloody by remembering Ukraine and the draft, and concluding that enfranchisement should be only for those expected to die for it.

But because this is an opportunity to shit on Democrats/the left nobody feels the need to have falsifiable beliefs anymore.

I think the real reason is because this lived experience is shared by a lot more folk than previous usage of the term and it is easily verifiable by a large amount of people.

Koreans tend to be more attractive

isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder (or attractiveness in this case)?

I would prefer we keep only the pretty ones.

Isn't this just young males having less of it and females having equal or more than before while sharing an ever decreasing number of "desirable" partners?. I think this is the case at least in the US dating Market.

Just to notify you that you are allowed to care about more than one thing at the time. That there is war in Ukraine or what have you, doesn't make it so we can't talk about other less important things.

One of the big complaints about the modern trends in gaming is the disappearance of the "AA" game. That sort of middle-ground between budget/indie and AAA. I think Alan Wake 2 should have been an AA game.

I think that is more the realm of the Japanese and other Asian devs. Things for example like the recent Unicorn Overlord.

And considering that Alan Wake 2, IMO was actually pretty good,

that may be your (and game Journos) own bias, it looks like thought it is Remedy's fastest Selling Game (at least according to estimates), the last news about the topic is that it still didn't turn a profit.

would you say that she adopts the opinions of the environment she see herself in regardless of what they are?

nothing says "living in the wild" like living in a welfare state, these people live in another reality alright.

but if the rat utopia is any indication, it is also inevitable.

Half the population would be enough, I reckon.

which would be a funny parallel with the jews and the kingdom of Judea before the Romans did shenanigans in the region.

that is against the rules of speak plainly.

I know there’s this mythical class of people who would love to participate in productive society but their circumstances have done them wrong; if only they got the right social worker they could turn things around.

I blame Hollywood for that, people are too stupid to avoid being influenced by movies (Good Will Hunting et al). For another example we have the case of silencers in guns.