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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

To use your post as a stepping stone, an AI App That Lets Users Talk To Historical Figures Slammed For Misrepresenting Hitler, Nazis. I suspect it is due to the inherent tampering with GPT-3 that the historical figures in the app are incapable of actually spouting their true "thoughts" and slogans.

"Some examples of Nazi responses, according to NBC News, include Hitler’s chatbot saying killing Jews during World War II “was a terrible mistake.” No historical evidence exists that Hitler made such a statement."

I can only laught at that. Of course, one could also say that Hitler now recognizes that maybe the holocaust was one of the factors that contributed to their defeat and thus "was a terrible mistake"; just not due to the reasons one would think.

thanks for the heads up, added another link.

interesting that they gave her rosacea, or at least it is more pronounced in your link. At 3:21 she still looks like Nicado, at 3:23 not so much, so lighting may be a contributing factor to the imitation.

hence the Quokka meme that is so richly deserved in the rat community.

you are ignoring the videos that will be shared in social media about that invasion, doubtful it will be pretty and not all faces stomped by a boot will be male.

it's why the crazies in the right are found dumpster diving while the ones on the left are in yachts.

yes, but I would imagine the difficulty of finding him would ramp up in inverse correlation with the notoriety of the person doing the searching. Not unlike someone ducking loan collectors but being readily available to go to the pub with friends.

He is a grifter without core principles. Whatever he has to say about anything is worthless. He is Unironicaly Evil

chess, engineer billions of transistors per sq in, manipulate genomes, program LLMs with billions of tokens, perform a million-trillion operations every second.

All of those are discrete (except manipulation of genomes), chess has an finite number of movements and we are barely understanding the genome; grouping it with something simple as chess is disingenuous. By contrast the climate has a number of inputs that can't even be comprehended, are analogue in nature and affect it in variable ways, from mayor ocean currents and wind fronts to cow farts and the movement of people. We can't even predict the weather from one day to another, just forecast it with probabilities.

nothing says "living in the wild" like living in a welfare state, these people live in another reality alright.

I would like to posit that we need a function like "watch a post" or something to that effect where you are notified everytime the post you are watching is replied to. Very important for contentious topics where you don't want to clutter the thread with useless responses, but want to follow along the conversation and respond in the future if apropiate.

As I understand this issue and reading between the lines, the real concern is that with an inverse population pyramid the SS scam comes tumbling down, not so much that they become extinct.

instead of nosediving it looks more like the polarity was just inverted.

except people in JTarrou situation, which I assume is a bigger crowd than the one composed of economic experts.

I'd categorize everything about it as luxury signaling, and expect it to fold like a cheap tent when faced with any real-world decisions.

that was what it was said about SJW in campuses all around the US.

In my corner of the world I see a lot more Women than men wearing masks. And my suspicion is that they do it just to forego Make up for half of their face, instead of for any real concern over Covid.

Most working class people won't go to AA universities, by definition elite unis must only comprise a small proportion of students, and most of those will be middle or upper-middle class

And as more and more racialized politics becomes the mainstream the less there will be any possibility for them to enter. Don't really see how voting for the party that wants them as second class citizens is in their interests.

This wasn't a statement about the advisability of the policy, just pointing out that it shouldn't really govern anyone's voting behavior (on either side as it happens but the discussion here was about working class Republicans)

What issue do you think should be more important to the working class white that would compel them to vote Blue?

but also special in that thousands of people with PhD's, from Montana to Mongolia, overwhelmingly agree that its possible to model climate usefully.

Well, they have a vested interest in it, no?

What reason do I have to disbelieve climate science that doesn't also apply to designing bleeding edge microchips, or medicine, or applied physics

that they at least produce the predicted results, be it a bleeding edge chip or a failed attempt at one, weather forecasting as I see it isn't much better than an old man and bad knees.

What makes climate science different?

That is trying to understand a really complex system, that a myriad of special interest have their hands in all kinds of places, and that the system as such began a long long time ago and we don't know much about that period.

I'm back at special pleading that science is a liar in this case in particular.

not this case in particular, you can add Psychology with its replication crisis to the pile and whatever the COVID clusterfuck was.

would you say that she adopts the opinions of the environment she see herself in regardless of what they are?

It's curious that a bunch of activists managed to do what all the might of the Alcohol and Tobaco industry didn't. Still remember those cigarettes commercials with Doctors seal of approval and whatnot.

case in point:


Honestly I am tempted to just dismiss the whole thing as banned users of a community airing their grievances.

For those whose life motto is "The personal is political" I would expect to be in cloud nine. But I think when all is said and done and we are in a Cyberpunk Dystopia (without all the cool shit and a ton more of subscription services) they will be between the first to revolt.

So it looks like WNBA’s Brittney Griner’s 9-Year Prison Sentence Upheld In Russian Appeal Court.

One thing I find interesting about the whole ordeal is the similarities between her case and the Jan6 detainees, in both an hostile government dishes disproportionate punishment to a member of an opposing tribe.

While I feel for Ms. Griner I can't help, but chuckle at the parallels and remind myself that in the real world there aren't good guys, just your guys and theirs.

Jan. 6 detainees say a D.C. jail is so awful that they'd like a transfer to Guantanamo

But I don't think either were inspired by The Terminator or other such works of scifi.

we are in agreement on that point then.

Let's not forget too the minority grooming/rape Gangs that were abetted for years too. No child is sacred, only the ideology.