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User ID: 50



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User ID: 50

The wiki link suggests that Allende had a bad economy due to Nixon meddling...is this true? His wiki page is also extremely light on criticisms and mostly talks about how good a job he did

It felt like a movie made by someone who only wanted to entertain an audience. Like at every point they said "what would look cool or be fun?" and you think that the movie doing a "pass the torch to the younger generation" but nope, Tom Cruise is like "I will save the day" and does (with good help, satisfying like when Han Solo rescues Luke in A New Hope). Great sound, great jet footage.

Friend of mine swears by the book "teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons" by Siegfried Engelmann. It's from 1986 or something and I think there are free pdfs floating around online.

I want to double this and kind of ask the question in a different way:

If someone says: "I am a woman, and I want to be a man" - we put the person through an intense, and experimental regimen of hormones and surgery. We do massive amounts of work, with a few high profile regretters. The process seems to carry a high risk of infertility?

If someone says: "I am gay, and I want to be straight" - nope. Sorry. Technology just isn't there. You have to accept who you are. There is nothing we can do, nothing we can try. "But I really don't want to be-" stop internalizing your own homophobia. Your lived experience here is wrong. - is this an exaggeration? I'm not trying to strawman here.

Really in all directions, I feel like I have seen a lot of people in my life go from evidently and obviously straight to gay. Like, if they were closeted, they were Daniel Day Lewis level acting and hiding their true feelings for decades. Even talking to one wife just shrugged and was like "it literally makes no sense". I have never seen someone go from gay to straight (sorry, I don't believe Milo). Even members of my faith who do the "i'm gay but I'm not acting on it" don't try to pretend that they became straight. Why? If it's a spectrum, and fluid, why does it only ever seem to go in one direction?

I hope this doesn't come across as hostile or sarcastic - I'm genuinely curious how a lot of this stuff works inside the brain/body, and if there was a way to change it how that might change a lot of things. I get why on some levels we don't - awful stories of conversion therapy attempts from the 70s and 80s seem to have really hurt a lot of people. Maybe there are people who had a successful time and we just don't hear about them. But I'm guessing the outcomes were negative, and the health establishment isn't willing to risk it again. But they seem to be willing to risk it for other things - and if it's consenting adults as opposed to minors, then well...give er? I'm assuming there is still a market for "Christian guy who doesn't want to be gay", but maybe not as much.

How do only 3% get that last one right? That seems like, not as easy I guess as the other ones, but its just going line by line and saying "parents and teachers agreed in general here, disagreed in general here"...am I missing something?

PVP factorio? Why not just play Foxhole?!

Seriously, the new facilities update has a lot in common with Factorio it seems.

It's a fair concern - our boys (twins) were born 5 weeks premature and have always been noticeably behind on milestones. Not something we're super concerned about, but our biggest issue is that one of the twins is a little bit behind the other. Tough to decide if it would be worth it to put them in separate grades...i think that would just cause more issues.

The coded way for LDS people to signal their religion to employers is a bit of a joke within the Church - putting a section on your resume about your missionary service, but trying to make it as subtle or as not obvious as possible so gentiles don't pick up on it. To be clear, it's really only something you list as a new grad when you're scraping the barrel for things to put on there.

"Organized door to door sales presentations, presented quarterly earnings reports to superiors", it's kind of a meme.

There's nothing fancy - i looked like one of those kids in those "preteen you're arguing with on the computer" memes. I let my hair just sit flat on my head, across my forehead, 0 effort.

My mom especially begged me to throw some wax or gel, or let it get cut in a more stylish way and I just thought it was dumb, but a good hairstyle can really improve confidence and how people interact with you. Took me too long to figure out.

In Canada at least, I believe they have you take a course....I think your ceiling is limited somewhat without a degree, and in the hiring process if there is a lot of competition then you may find yourself overlooked, but it's at least worth looking into. Even a simple 2 year diploma from a community college probably wouldn't hurt.

Artifacts or artwork? how did you select your conversation starters?

I really like the idea of the small fridge, thank you

Haha...i am LDS and familysearch is my katana. I'm trying to see if any cousins have enabled "see me as a live person" on ancestry.com, i guess I've seen that's an option

I can't speak to other sports, but my impression is that Hockey is more fun to watch. High skilled players like Connor McDavid use speed and slick moves to score highlight reel goals, more players are attempting fancy lacrosse style goals (aka "the michigan"), it feels less grindy, the neutral zone trap/dead puck style is able to be countered, goaltending is either worse or players are better which is resulting in higher score games with greater opportunities for comebacks. The refereeing also feels better? Low bar though.

This is helpful thanks. It sounds like you liked the same things I like about my current job. I think my plan is to take the job if it's offered, keep living at an income level based on my current income, and if it doesn't work out - I won't burn any bridges and I see a number of people that come back to my company after a few years, so my thought is they keep the door pretty open. At least I could pay off my student loans and put a decent dent in my mortgage before my rate goes up in 2 years

I just love it. It's such a funny thing, especially the part where the speaker said the "thank you for your service" incantation. I didn't think we would surpass (multiple, separate occasions) photos of our "woke dream" PM doing blackface in terms of pure lol factor, but this has to be close. The politician who got caught on a home camera peeing in a coffee mug is maybe a close 3rd. Canada politics man.

This is certainly somewhat unprecendented (hence why it's sticking around), but there's no reason to assume malfeasance here, a rogue PR agent. It's been out long enough that someone would have corrected the record by now. Usually the Church responds to things through its newsroom portal, in this case they just responded to a request for comment. Not sure why, but also not sure why it matters.

we don't know specifically why the Church viewed his actions as morally unacceptable, but it is true that he has repeatedly invoked Elder Ballards name and the Church is trying very hard to tamp down on various forms of affinity fraud that sadly take in many of our more guileless members. If the sexual allegations are true it's even worse - but for now it's all based on anonymous accounts so idk. But at minimum, using an apostles name to make money is, to me, bad enough.

This is hilarious, I can't wait to tell my boss

Your comment about punting reminded me of this video which I think any football fans on this sub if they haven't heard of this, might get a kick out of (sorry).

The Search For the Saddest Punt In The World

It's 54 minutes long, but I'm not a football guy and really enjoyed it. Assuming the premises and conclusions are mostly reasonable as the channel seems popular among at least some football fans.

To add my 2c, my experience with this was that I served an LDS mission from 2010-2012, which in a sense is like being cryogenically frozen (culturally) for 2 years. If anyone doesn't know, briefly - you don't (at least, you're not supposed to...) watch movies, listen to popular music, play video games, at the time browse the internet (missionaries now are permitted Facebook for contacting and proselyting, which is a whole thing but big no-no back then.). We had a cellphone but this was a new thing for missionaries and it had only the most rudimentary calling ability. I remember we gained the ability to "text" about halfway through which was very exciting.

Prior to my mission I enjoyed surfing the internet, I remember spending a lot of time on sites like Failblog, and many of the other sites under that umbrella. Facebook was still somewhat cool and I spent time on there, but that was a young people thing. I remember near the end of my mission one of the older members of a congregation I was in had an iPhone 4S, which had this thing on it called "Siri" which was a real life virtual assistant! But before my mission, the only people who had iPhones were like the cool tech bros I was friends with, so that felt like a bit of a shift.

Another thing was getting home and my family members telling me about the song "Party Rock Anthem" and "Shuffling", some one-hit wonder named Gotye, and Kony 2012. The sense I got was that a lot of stuff that maybe used to be more limited to more Online people (as it were in the late 2000s), was now breaching "containment" of sorts and virality was extending more to the normies. I don't know if that's an accurate read, perhaps I wasn't aware enough pre-2009 to see that it was always there in that way, but I think it was a little different. I remember Pants on the Ground and Antoine Dodson ("hide yo kids"), but that was 2010! I thought it was earlier. Is there an online meme "inflection point" as far as normie virality goes, and when was it?

Right, the way OP phrased it suggested the reshoots were because of the reception at Cannes which struck me as impossible. I figured there were probably standard post production reshoots last year as with a lot of these types of movies

My go-to for this is Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs - the technological improvement is a disaster, and the father is proven correct in his impulse to not partake nor support it. He never eats the food from the invention!

This is intriguing - I religiously watch The Operations Room channel, how do these ones compare to those in general? Deciding if I should pin it to watch later

Something you may find interesting: Even within LDS theology, alcohol is not considered evil per se. Right in our Doctrine and Covenants Section 89 (revelations received by Joseph Smith, similar in style somewhat to the Quran as opposed to the Book of Mormon which is a narrative), only "Strong Drink" is specifically called out. And at the time, this was not given by commandment but by suggestion - Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and others famously enjoyed and procured drink on occasion. I believe Brigham even operated a whiskey distillery (tsk tsk). Eventually, modern revelation has declared it verboten - BUT - we also know that Jesus drank wine. He didn't drink grape juice as the well-meaning primary teacher is oft to akwardly suggest, no, he drank wine and he was perfect. Therefore - alcohol is not some out and out evil.

The Word of Wisdom (section 89 as it's called) specifically says it's given in response to "evil designs of conspiring men in the last days" - and at least for me, I agree that even 300 years ago alcohol made sense. You made it yourself, you didn't have psychologists working on mass market ad campaigns to create the most compelling possible product, you didn't have stronger industrial made drinks at absurdly high price points, motor vehicles, social media...The world is different now.

It is also very easy for them to relocate at a moments notice with no kids in schools that would need to be moved, no wives to convince that it's time to uproot. So that expendability works both ways, which is partly why I imagine they don't rise the ranks as easily.

I'm not much of a music head, but I do watch and review a lot of movies and was struck at how neatly your 5 star rubric matches to mine for movies, like almost to a T. Even the 4.5/5 star distinction where a 4.5 star is basically perfect, but to get that last little mmph it needs to move me in some way, or change me. Transcendent, yes!

Do you have some examples of 0 stars? I would enjoy seeing those