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User ID: 50



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User ID: 50

And King George III is played by Jonathan Groff, who is quite openly gay.

Ah yeah...It does get down to -30/-40C in the winter. I always forget that regular people live in normal places where you don't have to think "Wow it's so cold today that it hurts to go outside" multiple times a year.

If you're looking for a Baby Monitor, we've enjoyed using the Wyze cameras. They're like 40$ on amazon, connect to your phone and are weatherproof so you can use them outside when you're done. We also have a backup simple VTech transmitter/reciever that we use for travelling/sleeping.

Thought about moving to Canada, specifically Alberta? We seem to need doctors and we have lots of small cities with lower costs of living (and no Provincial Sales Tax), and big rural doctor bumps. No idea how much of a thing that immigration procedure is though!

Honestly, playing with midjourney when it first came out was really exciting. I've never been good at drawing but always had ideas of things I wanted to draw, and being able to generate decent approximations out of thin air felt like magic.

Edit: also recently tried an E Bike. That felt like I was Iron Man or something, like it made me feel like a super person. Super fun.

I've been seeing some of this geoguessr guys (georainbolt) videos for a while now, but this one just seems too absurd to believe.


From a 0.1 second flash of a location he is able to tell where it is in the world? Is anyone suspicious of this at all, I know this is his thing and he streams it, but it seems genuinely impossible. I feel like it's more likely that he's doing some kind of trickery with the software (ie prerecording the puzzles and memorizing the pattern beforehand) than he can guess where he is in the world with this kind of consistency. Though his whole twitter page is sending people locations of their old family photos which seems so many levels of fakery...maybe a combination of both? or maybe the human brain is just that good...or maybe GeoGuessr has other clues or tricks (only certain cities in some countries)...This does seem crazy impressive if legit.

Friend encouraged me to pick up Days of Rage but the library didn't have that so I got Public Enemies by Burrough instead to see what I thought of the writing style. I'm nearly done, and have really enjoyed seeing how easy it was to rob a bank in the 1920s/30s. The bank robbers all had better guns/cars/armor than the cops and the FBI was completely inept. I'm also amazed at the level of fingerprinting and other forensics that existed even back then, matching bullets and pulling prints from gas cans on the side of the road. I remember watching the Michael Mann movie of the same name but don't recall anything from it other than the cool digital photography and I think I remember the shootout at Little Bohemia (another incredible FBI bungle).

Right, the way OP phrased it suggested the reshoots were because of the reception at Cannes which struck me as impossible. I figured there were probably standard post production reshoots last year as with a lot of these types of movies

Is there any source for indiana jones reshoots beyond just this guy? The movie comes out on June 30 - They premiered it at Cannes on May 18. I have no idea how this would possibly work - the Writers Strike (ongoing since May 2) means you can't actually rewrite anything AFAIK, organizing actors, travelling, shooting, and doing post-production in that short amount of time? I can't find anything in the trades about it either, surely someone would have spotted Harrison Ford or Phoebe Waller Bridge or someone on a plane or out and about.

I like Corporate Memphis, I think that is an excellent double entendre in this context

I have 3 (and we hope to have more!) - but I think my situation is very different than others. We started with twins, so in a way it doesn't feel like we really have 3 kids. More like 2.5 maybe, it almost feels like stolen valor. Our twins are a bit older (not like 2 years old), so that also helps quite a bit. I think having a 0 year old, 2 year old, and 4 year old simultaneously is much more difficult, so I think the ages of the kids makes a difference here.

As far as costs/house/vehicles - sometimes I feel like I won the lottery. My wife doesn't work, so we've always gotten used to a single income. I live in Canada, so our healthcare costs are literally 0 (except for occasional drugs, covered mostly by employer insurance). We also get around $400 per month per child in cash from the government, direct deposited (the Canada Child Benefit). We bought a dingy early 2000s 150k odo minivan for $2k cash about 5 years ago prior to our twins, and it has served us well up to this point. We bought a 5 bed 3 bath house in a low cost of living city for around 300k in 2020. At our current situation we could handle probably up to 5 kids without having to change anything.

As far as "rewards" - our 3rd is the most precious thing. I just feel like the more, the merrier. More cousins, more networking, more possible support later on in life, hopefully more grandkids or more likelihood of grandkids - I'm trying to build a clan, a kingdom, a tribe, echoing long after I depart this earth. 2 -> 3 is usually considered the hardest, but in a sense 0 -> 1 is definitely the hardest and you already did that.

My go-to for this is Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs - the technological improvement is a disaster, and the father is proven correct in his impulse to not partake nor support it. He never eats the food from the invention!

This is intriguing - I religiously watch The Operations Room channel, how do these ones compare to those in general? Deciding if I should pin it to watch later

Something you may find interesting: Even within LDS theology, alcohol is not considered evil per se. Right in our Doctrine and Covenants Section 89 (revelations received by Joseph Smith, similar in style somewhat to the Quran as opposed to the Book of Mormon which is a narrative), only "Strong Drink" is specifically called out. And at the time, this was not given by commandment but by suggestion - Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and others famously enjoyed and procured drink on occasion. I believe Brigham even operated a whiskey distillery (tsk tsk). Eventually, modern revelation has declared it verboten - BUT - we also know that Jesus drank wine. He didn't drink grape juice as the well-meaning primary teacher is oft to akwardly suggest, no, he drank wine and he was perfect. Therefore - alcohol is not some out and out evil.

The Word of Wisdom (section 89 as it's called) specifically says it's given in response to "evil designs of conspiring men in the last days" - and at least for me, I agree that even 300 years ago alcohol made sense. You made it yourself, you didn't have psychologists working on mass market ad campaigns to create the most compelling possible product, you didn't have stronger industrial made drinks at absurdly high price points, motor vehicles, social media...The world is different now.

Wait...holy crap, I never thought about that but of course it does! That's kind of crazy!

In the movie Wendell and Wild, which was a semi-recent Henry Sellick (James and the Giant Peach, Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline) animated film, one of the characters is definitely trans, but the movie doesn't even reference it as far as I can remember, but it kind of hints at it, and if you check Wikipedia it definitely claims that "Raul" is a trans boy. The animation is interesting in hindsight - they kind of the made them look like, well, how a trans person kind of looks but with some of the edges sanded off. I guess that's one advantage of animation is that you can make things look however you want.

Friend of mine swears by the book "teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons" by Siegfried Engelmann. It's from 1986 or something and I think there are free pdfs floating around online.

It is also very easy for them to relocate at a moments notice with no kids in schools that would need to be moved, no wives to convince that it's time to uproot. So that expendability works both ways, which is partly why I imagine they don't rise the ranks as easily.

In no particular order, without repeating the other commenter (+1 for matrix), and trying to get 50s/90s

  1. Forrest Gump

  2. Back to the Future

  3. Boyz In The Hood

  4. American Graffiti

  5. Cool Hand Luke

  6. Baz Lurhman Romeo and Juliet

  7. Quiz Show

  8. The Apartment

  9. Manhattan

  10. The Big Lebowski

I'm not much of a music head, but I do watch and review a lot of movies and was struck at how neatly your 5 star rubric matches to mine for movies, like almost to a T. Even the 4.5/5 star distinction where a 4.5 star is basically perfect, but to get that last little mmph it needs to move me in some way, or change me. Transcendent, yes!

Do you have some examples of 0 stars? I would enjoy seeing those

Haha I was reading the bullet points and my missionary brain just suddenly came surging back into full force, like that's a bingo. /u/Questioner1, you could always reach out to local missionaries in your area (google it, shouldn't be too hard to find an online chat to hook you up) - you can shoot the breeze with them, ask them whatever you want, if you grow tired of it you can tell them to get lost - might meet some interesting young people from who knows where.

In my experience, I think a city population of about 100k, being an hour or 2 drive from a major million pop city is the sweet spot.

Concerts/sports/Ikeas/IMAX theaters are still within reach, but your day to day is quiet and chill. Short commute, typically low housing costs but still decent employment prospects. The city is big and serviced, but not too big - you can call one of your city counsellors on the phone, you can get a hold of someone at the city to fix your water main or a street light in a day or two. You get decent services at a scalable level.

That channel is really interesting, and surprisingly non-political somehow.

You may enjoy this story. Photo is at the bottom


People on twitter were not happy lol

I guess it would be about 5 people, so not a lot - maybe I should clarify. They may have been gay the whole time, but there was no indication, it wasn't like a "ohhh, yeah, not a shocker" it was like, "are you our greatest living actor?"