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joined 2022 September 04 17:59:20 UTC


User ID: 50



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User ID: 50

My guess is that he was not wearing garments for his sex trafficker undercover work...though that would certainly be a Choice

The wiki link suggests that Allende had a bad economy due to Nixon meddling...is this true? His wiki page is also extremely light on criticisms and mostly talks about how good a job he did

This is certainly somewhat unprecendented (hence why it's sticking around), but there's no reason to assume malfeasance here, a rogue PR agent. It's been out long enough that someone would have corrected the record by now. Usually the Church responds to things through its newsroom portal, in this case they just responded to a request for comment. Not sure why, but also not sure why it matters.

we don't know specifically why the Church viewed his actions as morally unacceptable, but it is true that he has repeatedly invoked Elder Ballards name and the Church is trying very hard to tamp down on various forms of affinity fraud that sadly take in many of our more guileless members. If the sexual allegations are true it's even worse - but for now it's all based on anonymous accounts so idk. But at minimum, using an apostles name to make money is, to me, bad enough.

See, i did actually think this is within the realm of possibility. I don't know enough about DNA to know how far you can go to establish a relationship, but yeah between siblings, cousins, etc. Maybe there's something

Huh, well there you go! He must have been somewhat familiar with the literature then

Artifacts or artwork? how did you select your conversation starters?

I really like the idea of the small fridge, thank you

Your comment about punting reminded me of this video which I think any football fans on this sub if they haven't heard of this, might get a kick out of (sorry).

The Search For the Saddest Punt In The World

It's 54 minutes long, but I'm not a football guy and really enjoyed it. Assuming the premises and conclusions are mostly reasonable as the channel seems popular among at least some football fans.

This is helpful thanks. It sounds like you liked the same things I like about my current job. I think my plan is to take the job if it's offered, keep living at an income level based on my current income, and if it doesn't work out - I won't burn any bridges and I see a number of people that come back to my company after a few years, so my thought is they keep the door pretty open. At least I could pay off my student loans and put a decent dent in my mortgage before my rate goes up in 2 years

I design and draft electrical drawings for commercial and industrial construction jobs - basically stamp and hand off to electrician and then babysit more or less until job is done. It's a lot of fun, every job is different, get to go on field trips, learn about logistics and construction.

I would be stuck at my house with wife and kids, who are generally well behaved so it wouldn't be a nightmare or anything (well, easy to say now). We've talked about possibilities of traveling way more and just working on the road during the summer (wife is stay at home). But again, grass is really rarely greener, which concerns me about this stuff

I CTRL-F'd that post with the word "Master" to see how many people were talking about it, and only one person it seemed made a joke about how "so Reddit going woke was the cause of the outrage", but made sure to put a /S tag a the end of it...As one deleted replier put it, I mean, yeah wokeism literally broke reddit.

If you're looking for a Baby Monitor, we've enjoyed using the Wyze cameras. They're like 40$ on amazon, connect to your phone and are weatherproof so you can use them outside when you're done. We also have a backup simple VTech transmitter/reciever that we use for travelling/sleeping.

Thought about moving to Canada, specifically Alberta? We seem to need doctors and we have lots of small cities with lower costs of living (and no Provincial Sales Tax), and big rural doctor bumps. No idea how much of a thing that immigration procedure is though!

Friend encouraged me to pick up Days of Rage but the library didn't have that so I got Public Enemies by Burrough instead to see what I thought of the writing style. I'm nearly done, and have really enjoyed seeing how easy it was to rob a bank in the 1920s/30s. The bank robbers all had better guns/cars/armor than the cops and the FBI was completely inept. I'm also amazed at the level of fingerprinting and other forensics that existed even back then, matching bullets and pulling prints from gas cans on the side of the road. I remember watching the Michael Mann movie of the same name but don't recall anything from it other than the cool digital photography and I think I remember the shootout at Little Bohemia (another incredible FBI bungle).

The church statement was confirmed by Deseret News, and KUTV. It originated from an employee named Doug Anderson, and at least I'm tapped into rumors in LDS-land that yeah, it's bad and the Church is pissed at Ballard. If the Church would like to make a statement disavowing the Vice article, they have had 5 days to do so and have not.

It's funny - I asked my optometrist relative if he had "noticed" anything, like no studies per se, but a gut feeling of something you've realized looking at dozens of eyes a day for years and years. He said he was almost certain that kids not spending enough time outside was linked to why more kids need glasses today. So I'm always trying to do the opposite, get my kids outside for reasonable increments depending on UV index, etc.

Recently some govt org here in Canada made the recommendation that kids be encouraged to participate in lightly risky activities, and that was always a thing I've tried to do. There are some things where I think - as long as the risk of this going bad doesn't result in long term damage, I'm fine with it. My wife stays at home which makes a lot of this much easier, because we know our kids and their limitations really well. It seems to work out well.

It felt like a movie made by someone who only wanted to entertain an audience. Like at every point they said "what would look cool or be fun?" and you think that the movie doing a "pass the torch to the younger generation" but nope, Tom Cruise is like "I will save the day" and does (with good help, satisfying like when Han Solo rescues Luke in A New Hope). Great sound, great jet footage.

I know I saw a chart of incident frequency on airlines and it hasn't increased. Boeing planes having problems has become newsworthy, so now everything is being reported on - but this kind of thing has basically always been happening.

There's nothing fancy - i looked like one of those kids in those "preteen you're arguing with on the computer" memes. I let my hair just sit flat on my head, across my forehead, 0 effort.

My mom especially begged me to throw some wax or gel, or let it get cut in a more stylish way and I just thought it was dumb, but a good hairstyle can really improve confidence and how people interact with you. Took me too long to figure out.

Double Date: you get a dollar store notebook. You fill in each page of the notebook with one absurd item that doesn't exist in a store. Each couple then passes their notebook over. You go to a store and walk up to an associate, flip the page, and ask where to find "Daddy Butter" or "Snoop Dogg Goes Jewish Vol. 1", whatever it says. Basically Impractical Jokers style thing.

Taste test - go pick up different types of bottled water, french fries from different fast food places, apples, whatever and try to decide which one is best

Chopped - go get 3 random ingredients from the store for each person and challenge to make a dish. Requires reasonably stocked kitchen.

I wonder if the whole "lottery" aspect to the tickets also made this go crazy. They were so exclusive! I know people who couldn't get tickets. I know someone who bought tickets online (Stubhub maybe?) And flew to brazil and when they landed found out their tickets didn't exist! There were all these stories and tales of great sacrifice to go to these concerts.

In Canada at least, I believe they have you take a course....I think your ceiling is limited somewhat without a degree, and in the hiring process if there is a lot of competition then you may find yourself overlooked, but it's at least worth looking into. Even a simple 2 year diploma from a community college probably wouldn't hurt.

I've got a friend who worked for Desjardins and Intact. His job was adjusting - aka evaluating the claims that came in. You get in an accident and want money to fix your car - was it your fault? What is your policy? Etc etc.

Eventually you can go into management, more corporate stuff, or I've heard a lot of people go into fraud detection, building cases against a lot of organized crime insurance fraud schemes and passing info off to police.

I don't know if it's the same in the States, but in Canada I'm always telling guys in your position to do insurance. Typically it's a quick on the job training course (few weeks?) And then you're making 50-60k, often fully remote, busy and occasionally interesting work in adjusting, or later on fraud prevention. You could also take like a heavy equipment operator course or something along those lines.

I have enjoyed playing around with AI to make various joke images, but I fear I'm not creative enough with my prompts to generate something interesting I'd actually enjoy looking at. Still, I'll give that a try.

In my case, I just got super lucky. A guy I worked with a few years ago reached out on linkedin and asked if I wanted to work at the company he now works for - I asked how much, he gave an answer and I had to take it. I think the key here is that the job is fully remote, but the salary is definitely keyed to being "acceptable" for the city the closest office is located in, which is a high cost of living city. I happen to live in an extremely low cost of living city (bought a 5 bed, 3 bath attached garage house for 300k in 2020).

Only because the movie is about a real world dad and son relationship, making the lego scenes appear as realistic as they would if you were the kid playing with them helps put you in the kids shoes. If the movie was done in traditional 2D style, I believe you could tell the same story but I'm not sure if it would land as well emotionally.

In general I'm not sure. Would I like Toy Story as much if it was a standard cartoon style? I like the Miyazaki films well enough I suppose. Other than those I don't think there are any traditional 2D films I like as much as say, Ratatouille or The Incredibles. And I don't know if that's because of the animation or in spite of it