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User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

I was thinking of stuff on places like Reddit or here.

I suggest eliminating the objectionable content. I'm not an expert, but I've heard it is better to rewrite the posts rather than just delete them.

Agreed. But lots of damage could be inflicted by air attacked. Alan Dershowitz wants Israel to destroy Iran's nuclear ambitions. https://twitter.com/HappyCamper2626/status/1710815116479058301

Soft corruption. Twitter sells extremely expensive advertising to candidates and parties. It is known that if just one side pays for this advertising the algorithm overall greatly favors them.

Try "Create a new SCP monster with....". There is lots of SCP Internet content on which, I suspect, the chatbot has been trained.

Silly religious people don't realize that hell only exists for those who make bad acausal trades with future AI Gods.

Revealing the source would reveal my identity. Ukraine was a fully trusted member of the Soviet Union and had lots of smart scientists. Ukraine has currently working nuclear power plants. Ukraine was preparing for a Russian attack. Don't you think it likely that Ukraine has a few nuclear weapons? If nothing else, the Soviets were bad at keeping track of stuff and so probably didn't manage to remove all the nuclear weapons from Ukraine when the Soviet Union broke up.

The purpose of academic feminism is to advance the position of women as defined by leftists elites. As feminists might say, you are implicitly accepting a highly male autistic notion of truth that you think can exist outside of existing power dynamics, and even if we grant that everything you say is "true" this truth is an information hazard (feminists wouldn't use this exact term) whose promoting will do far more harm than good. From my own viewpoint, while yes the last sentence makes feminism look bad to rationalists, the feminists are acting as normal humans do in avoiding promoting beliefs that help their near enemies and cut against their cherished beliefs.

Quillette founder Claire Lehmann Tweets about the Guardian article's author "Somewhat surprised to see that @guardianscience has known antifa associates writing for them now. (The author of this piece is pictured below behind camera, next to guy in brass knuckles). But I suppose scientific credentials are not required when the target is @realchrisrufo"

For US national security and AGI arms race reasons, I hope the US military plan is that if China is about to conquer Taiwan, we first destroy all Taiwanese computer chip factories.

Do you think Germans would have elected for themselves someone as grotesquely corrupt and dim as Zuma ?

They did elect a guy who wanted to start a war of choice with the Soviet Union.

Yes, it would be insane if the house of the Speaker of the House didn't have 24-hour security else the Chinese could plant listening devices and terrorists bombs in the Speaker's home.

Ukraine has to be the number one suspect. Ukraine is at war with Russia and blowing up infrastructure is what you do in war.

Trump is Tiberius Gracchus

On which of these other places would you see a comment like this implying that readers know who Tiberius Gracchus was?

The Powers-That-Be will likely be sending Trump to prison if Trump doesn't win in the next election. Don't just look at US history, but all of human history when considering the possibility of the elites killing the guy at the top. The US has been extraordinarily lucky in nearly everything since the Civil War, so expect reversion to the mean and don't consider past US history as a good bases for your Bayesian priors.

I wonder how long before AI makes substantial progress with string theory, which based on my limited understanding is based on geometry.

If Israel gave notice and said "Everyone out of northern Gaza because we are going to destroy it in two days" and Biden didn't object I think Israel would be fine. Because of scope insensitivity people are about as bothered by 100 birds being killed as by 100,000 of them dying. I think something similar is true with how the world feels about Palestinians. (As I expect AI to soon be able to uncover all of our identities matching what we write here to text under our own names, please note I'm not claiming that any of this is a good thing.)

Biden and Obama have tried to make peace between Iran and the US, which is why the US recently unfroze $6 billion in Iranian funds. It is in the US interest to prevent a large war in the Middle East. It is in Biden's interest to prevent a significant increase in the price of gas that would likely come about because of such a war.

Trolley problems are fun, until they get real.

We can't imagine what a 200 IQ genius would be like. Imagine a group of 8-year-olds had you locked in a jail cell and were told if they let you out you would kill them. Do you think you could eventually convince the kids to release you? Also, there will be a line of humans trying to help the 200 IQ genius out of the tank.

I think the US could afford for Ukraine to lose because so few Americans care about Ukraine. Even if Russia gains territory, the US will be able to rightfully claim that Russia is weaker because of the invasion because of the economic, military, and diplomatic costs it has suffered.


Another option, and the option I would take in her situation is cryocide. She could refuse food and water while under the care of a hospice that works with a cryonics organization such as Alcor.

Establishment Republicans will want Trump to remain banned, and Musk might want them to do well.