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User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

Agreed. To win the message is San Francisco liberal not cackling childless cat woman.

Polymarket currently gives Trump a 63% chance of winning, and this anti-Kamala ad seems pretty good, so it's not just "copium" Republicans are high on.

The Black Hand got a random troubled kid to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Suffice if Trump had been the only victim.

Then forward anthropic shadow means this timeline has more weight because of something Trump will do.

Wait until the fall college semester starts.

The PA governor is Jewish. I wonder if having him on the ticket would hurt with turnout with a segment of the Dem base?

It's my impression that women hate women who use sex to get ahead in the way that Kamala did.

But being endorsed by God (or whoever runs the simulation) counts for a lot.

But harder now for the Dems to attack Trump for this.

How long until Trump tells a joke about Kamala and Willie Brown? I bet he already has some prepared.

Yes, news of the reports are evidence that so far Biden has resisted dropping out.

Then you drag him off the stage.

Could be an excuse to either drop out, or to stay in and not do any more media events for a few weeks.

If it happened now, an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court would likely quickly result in Trump being freed.

If you truly hated Trump and lived in Pennsylvania you registered as a Republican so you could vote against him in the primary. You had to register as a Republican to vote in the primary.

Interesting, thanks. Then shouldn't the Secret Service have placed fixed cameras on all the roofs in shooting range that they didn't plan to have men on?

Yes, Douglas MacArthur was fantastically brave and on a podcast one of the reasons given was that he knew he was a man of destiny and so wouldn't be killed before victory.

Only if Trump thinks that his enemies think Vance is a true MAGA believer.

But drones with cameras are cheap. Couldn't the Secret Service have easily had eyes on all the rooftops within sniper range?

Trump obviously believes in quantum immortality so knew he would survive from his viewpoint.

"and went to Kamala." This indicates insider information about insider coordination.

I didn't mean to. I think giving off the vibe of being a sociopath is the hindrance because voters want someone who they think cares about them.

For me, Newsom gives off an "I am a sociopath" vibe. I mean this literally, and am not implying that the vibe is reliable evidence of him being a sociopath, rather a possible hindrance to him being elected president. Do any of you also get this vibe from him?