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joined 2022 September 06 02:09:16 UTC


User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

Why didn't Lee join the Union army and then sabotage the Union war effort?

  • -10

Might Turkey join the fight against Israel? Former US Colonel Douglas Macgregor thinks they might. Obviously this would be horrible for Israel, the US, and NATO. Does anyone understand what is happening in Turkey well enough to know if this is a possibility?

As former President Jimmy Carter enters hospice care, we are likely to soon see a huge number of stories concerning what an honorable person he was. But keep in mind that in 1971 Carter, then Governor of Georgia "proclaimed ‘American Fighting Men's Day" likely in support of First Lieutenant William L. Calley who had recently been convicted for his role in the Mỹ Lai massacre. The massacre involved the rape and murder of Vietnamese men, women, and even children.

Revealing the source would reveal my identity. Ukraine was a fully trusted member of the Soviet Union and had lots of smart scientists. Ukraine has currently working nuclear power plants. Ukraine was preparing for a Russian attack. Don't you think it likely that Ukraine has a few nuclear weapons? If nothing else, the Soviets were bad at keeping track of stuff and so probably didn't manage to remove all the nuclear weapons from Ukraine when the Soviet Union broke up.

You lose allies when you suffer strategic losses, not when you succeed in ruthlessly waging war.

Israel could launch repeated airstrikes on Iran.

Did Iran really know the drones were going to be easily shot down?

Would help the US in its great power competition with China.

I would rather a rule that before posting anything lengthy you have to put it into ChatGPT with a prompt of something like "rewrite this to make it clearer and more concise" to see if ChatGPT can improve your writing. Of course, don't automatically go with whatever GPT gives you as we are at least a year away from that level of reliability.

Look into Rapamycin if you want the real "sounds to good to be true". I take both Rapamycin and NAD+ boosters.

I have used Cologuard even few years, at my doctor's recommendation.

Here is a test: Did you know that it is normal for people to see images in their mind's eye when they read books?

It didn't mean it as a Lol, as I think I would try it in your situation. Lots and lots of people get plastic surgery which seems far more "drastic" than wearing a mask that people couldn't tell was a mask.

I was thinking of stuff on places like Reddit or here.

I suggest eliminating the objectionable content. I'm not an expert, but I've heard it is better to rewrite the posts rather than just delete them.

Economies of scale in military protection means the US benefits from adding rich, stable, culturally compatible states.

But politically Biden loses a lot more if Israel is weakened than if Russia keeps larges parts of Ukraine.

I wonder how Jewish academics are going to handle this. Will they update their believes about their woke colleagues and students, and if so will they work to change hiring and admissions policies?

Agreed. But lots of damage could be inflicted by air attacked. Alan Dershowitz wants Israel to destroy Iran's nuclear ambitions. https://twitter.com/HappyCamper2626/status/1710815116479058301

I think you are looking at the issue from the viewpoint of a moral philosopher. From Israel's viewpoint what matters is will the attack mean if it attacks Iran, the US won't punish it?

Soft corruption. Twitter sells extremely expensive advertising to candidates and parties. It is known that if just one side pays for this advertising the algorithm overall greatly favors them.

Try "Create a new SCP monster with....". There is lots of SCP Internet content on which, I suspect, the chatbot has been trained.

"The fundamental power balance in this war is that Russia could obliterate the entirety of Ukraine in under an hour and still have plenty of nukes left to raze Europe and North America if they intervene." True, but Ukraine could likely kill much of the Russian population. Ukrainian scientists worked alongside Russian scientists in Soviet biological and nuclear weapons programs. Good chance that Ukraine has working nuclear weapons, and it either has or could easier get working biological weapons.

Isn't Russia framing the conflict as Russia vs the American Empire?

Iran just gave Israel the option, but not the obligation, to launch a massive attack on Iran without Israel losing the support of the US.