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joined 2022 September 06 02:09:16 UTC


User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

Look into Rapamycin if you want the real "sounds to good to be true". I take both Rapamycin and NAD+ boosters.

What gets you fiercely activated, beyond what you can rationally justify?

Computer problems and being forced to go through call trees to contact some organization. If I'm alone I will scream and swear.

Yes, it would be insane if the house of the Speaker of the House didn't have 24-hour security else the Chinese could plant listening devices and terrorists bombs in the Speaker's home.

Another option, and the option I would take in her situation is cryocide. She could refuse food and water while under the care of a hospice that works with a cryonics organization such as Alcor.

Could you trade jobs with someone at your firm who wants to move from programming to management, de facto if not de jure?

You could look for a programmer with relatively weak technical skills but strong people skills.

I have raised a genius. Other than genetics, the key is finding something intellectual the kid really likes (math and programming in my kid's case) and keeping the kid's education in flow meaning giving him material that is challenging but not too difficult.

Katie Hobbs, the Dem candidate for governor in Arizona, is the current Secretary of State of Arizona and so is in charge of administering the election. I'm guessing lots of voters are going to be turned off of Hobbs because of this election screwup. Hobbs's opponent is ultra-MAGA so-called election denier Kari Lake who won the Republican primary in part with the help of Democrats who believed that Lake would be a weak candidate. Lake has turned out to have lots of charisma and is skilled at going on the offensive so if she wins should would be an obvious choice for the Republican Vice Presidential nominee.


I think the media usually downplays the value of self-defense in mitigating mass murder.

It should occur to Apple that Elon plus a president DeSantis could enact horrible revenue on Apple if Apple too obviously joins The Cathedral.

SBF ends up in North Korea running North Korean cyber-crime.

Robin's view makes sense if we consider ourselves in the reference class of sentient beings experiencing a Fermi paradox. Robin's theory explains why we exist very early in the universe given our reference class. I think if we take our reference class to be sentient beings we should assume we are in a computer simulation run by Hawking radiation since for the vast majority of the time the universe will be capable of sustaining life we will be in the black hole era where the only source of free energy will be Hawking radiation. In the black hole era, the expansion of the universe will have made being a grabby civilization obsolete.

We should have a regular nerd talk thread.

But what if I want to discuss why we will be lucky if we are just exterminated. That's not fun.

I've been told by a knowledgeable source that Conan the Barbarian (minus the magic) had a more accurate description of pre-history Europe than post-WW II anthropologists do.

Conan: Total war, might makes right, population replacement through violence. Post WW II anthropologists: Everyone lived in peace. What Hitler tried to do never, ever happened in the distant past and if you think differently you are a Nazi supporter.

The warrant is strong evidence that he actually stole stuff and the whole story isn't a troll.

But political Twitter has some power (hence the FBI's interest), and it should be possible to translate that power into money.

Remember, for Google you are the product not the customer. Give the searcher what he wants is probably an OK but not perfect proxy for maximize ad revenue, and as Google's search algorithm has improved (from the viewpoint of profit maximization) it has moved away from the former.

Try "Create a new SCP monster with....". There is lots of SCP Internet content on which, I suspect, the chatbot has been trained.

Soft corruption. Twitter sells extremely expensive advertising to candidates and parties. It is known that if just one side pays for this advertising the algorithm overall greatly favors them.

Could be that history classes are useless for the median student, but a country greatly benefits from its elites knowing a bit of history.

The key difference between big city housing and traffic is that you are worse off the more other drivers are on the road (the externalities are just negative) while the reason you want to live in a big city is because of the net benefits (net positive externalities) of living near the other people.

Me as well, so I don't live in a city.