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joined 2022 September 05 21:17:20 UTC


User ID: 716



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User ID: 716

Software career advice- I'm a junior React dev in the UK at a "local" 50 person company. I was approached and may be able to get a similar job at a large multinational (AutoDesk). On average, is it better to work for an American multinational? I'm pretty comfortable where I am, and it's not great timing to jump ship as I'm quite sure I will get promoted in 2-3 months, though I might be able to use an offer to negotiate an immediate promotion. I presume AutoDesk is a step up in the trimodal nature of software jobs. But am I missing something? It is an obviously easy decision to leave to work for a billion dollar company? Is it a big boon to my CV?

AFAIK they do, but the report frames it mostly negatively:

Some dating apps and websites include features that allow users to ‘unmatch’ with or block other users. While these are important safety features that are intended to protect individuals from being contacted by problematic users, unfortunately they can also be used by perpetrators of DAFSV to remove evidence of violence and abuse, specifically conversation histories that can support reports of DAFSV to the platform or law enforcement. Alternatively, perpetrators can also delete their own account on the dating app or website to remove evidence of their conversations with victim-survivors.

How do I comfort and console others? I could do with some guidance or principles because I am never sure what to say. Some example situations:

  1. A friend goes through a breakup with a long term girlfriend.
  2. A friend calls me and is stressed about his job.
  3. A friend brings up feelings of inadequacy, and that he doesn't feel very successful in his career/life.

I don't want to say "don't worry, everything will be okay", because it is not necessarily true.

My guess is physical space + wealth.

When I watch woodworking videos, I am in awe of the size of these guys' garages and workshops. Google suggests the average US house is 3 times larger than the UK's. Plus these guys have the cash to buy the tools and the wood, and a big truck to transport it all. Americans are just richer.

Yes last it heard it was reduced to 25 messages/3 hours, and that they were possibly reducing it further.

"If only you knew how different things could be" . My favourite version has a different image with the same quote, but I can't find it. Hope, optimism, imagination are powerful forces and the meme triggers all of these for me.

And unrelated, but I find there's something profound about this meme.

Where do you actually meet women though? My hobbies are all men.

On war crimes, I feel like people forget that hostage taking is a war crime, and it is undeniable that Hamas has captured hostages. And then you have the complimentary war crimes of Hamas using human shields, and Israel killing "excessive" civilians because of the human shields.

I'm pretty sure Hamas does operate out of hospitals. Here is an article from a few years ago, but I'm just a guy, I can't speak for the veracity.

It wouldn't surprise me if thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Gaza claims 20,000 deaths just from this current war. Even if that's a 10x overestimate, it's still thousands.

Yes I can do it now, hence the post. Personally I don't think of it as strictly a 1st January thing. And the changing Gregorian calendar can provide a psychological framing that aids behavioural change.

Has anyone done this for other regions?

Have you tried demonstrating it? Maybe prompt "blow the water out".

Buy your own Motte & Bailey, comes with 10 bedroom house. Only £1.7MM


Perhaps a long shot, but there was a website I came cross in the LessWrong comments, where you could click a button and it would give you random "interesting" thing to read from a seemly large curated list of sources. Does anyone know what that website is?

Why language models specifically? From a cursory google I found a couple of papers which may make more sense to you than me



To overcome the challenges faced by manual gating, many computational tools have been developed to automate every step of the cytometry data analysis, including quality control (5), batch normalization (6, 7), data visualization (8–10), cell population identification (11–16), and sample classification (17–20). The tools utilize a wide range of computations methods, ranging from rule-based algorithms to machine learning models.

Do you want LLMs so you can "talk to" your lab results? Otherwise it's easier to analyse masses of data without the LLM middleman.

It sounds like an anxiety disorder. Has no one offered to treat it as such (diazepam, CBT, etc)? Almost all your symptoms can be manifestations of anxiety.

This is a Sybil attack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack

I don't know how, or if, it relates to the Collatz conjecture

Did the greeks/romans/ancients write about leadership and management? (surely they did) Any specific recommendations here? I have not read much at all from the classical world, other than Seneca's letters, which are mostly about personal matters.

Yes, he is a comedian first and foremost. If he thinks something is funny, he'll say/do it. That's the main driving force. Most of the time he is mocking people he believes deserve to be mocked, or putting people into uncomfortable situations. He will make racist jokes. I don't believe him to actually be a virulent racist or antisemite or whatever. I don't even think he is a particularly political person.

Is he smart?

98th percentile sounds right. I think he's currently running his own company with a few employees. He is not a moron.

Is he a sociopath?

No, not for my understanding of 'sociopath'. But he is willing to commit to the bit and put on a production, like what he did to idubz. Again, in the name of comedy, and in that specific case, because Sam thought idubz was going to negatively portray him.

Are you reading it right? The numbers in parens are the differences.

E.g. looking at 'The primary reason I interact with Aella's web presence is a (dimly) conscious desire to do something sexual with her.'

The male average is -0.33 (between neutral and somewhat disagree)

The female average is -2.21 (disagree)

The 'bang a hot 15yo' is -0.5 male, -2 female

So both of these questions are disagree, but women disagree harder.

Also, an affinity for making up new terms. Maybe we could call it neologophilia.

I think 135 is about the average self reported iq on the SSC surveys

Maybe Scott could give us money via one of his fancy ACX grants.

I can believe that doctors average 130 IQ (though it seems a little high), and I totally expect that IQ correlates with performance.

Maths is far more g loaded than medicine. People who study maths will talk about eventually hitting a wall and no longer being able to progress. At a certain level you no longer have the cognitive power to comprehend the ideas.

I've never heard anyone talk in such a way about medicine. In medicine it seems like there is not much to "understand". Is it possible to get stuck on a question in medicine and not understand the answer? My impression is no. Are there 10x or 100x doctors? Doctors who can do things the average doctor can't?

You don't have to answer these, but

  1. Why do you let clients demand things like that? Can't you clearly define deadlines and turn around times upfront? Make them pay rush fees if they really need to?
  2. Why when others have plans, are you expected to do the work? Is this reciprocal? Can't you make "fake" plans and stand firm?
  3. Why do you work after work hours? Do other people do this? Is it part of the industry or is it just you?

I had my red-pill moment in 2015, after reading about these absurd things Trump was saying, deciding to watch the primary source for entertainment. I noticed that the second hand reporting was taking things out of context, or reporting things in the worst possible light.

I wonder, why not have a news source that is just primary sources? Maybe because, Hansonian style, news isn't actually about news, it's about being entertained, or about learning the 'correct' opinion on things. Maybe because the value of news in the in the added context it provides, but journalists are not capable of adding unbiased informed context, thus it's simply a skill issue. Maybe because there's no real market for such a thing, and people want simple articles they can glance at for 30 seconds, or a headline they can retweet.