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joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC
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User ID: 204



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC


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User ID: 204

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lowkey bragging about reading 3k pages in a week

I did, but I was in the third richest public school district in the country, locally recognized as a stealth private school.

By the time I graduated, I could see that bad times were ahead, even there.

I'm thinking of some of those long time WWE stars who have been so deep in kayfabe that they end up kind of seeming like their characters

I could believe that the special treatment that women receive is patronizing and demeaning if feminists didn't demand it

You're misreading me. I don't really care that Jews agitate very effectively as a class, and have an outsized influence in some industries. But they do.

They are more effective at it. But I'm not saying that we have to care. I don't really care.

I agree, but I'm not the one saying it, it's something I hear a lot. I saw a YouTube comment on some race vid, and the guy's point was "so what if it's true, bad things happen when we notice". I wanted the strongest argument against that.

When you acknowledge hbd is true, they can stereotype you as "clearly they want bad things to happen to xyz". I think it's important to not inhabit our enemies stereotypes of us, and I genuinely believe that suppressing hbd leads to worse outcomes for black people.

I believe that much of the resistance to tracking students differently based on ability is based on the idea that if x percent in the advanced or remedial track doesn't match the gen pop, then it must be racism. Therefore, we must not individuate. If it was common knowledge that hbd was true, then we could allow kids to be grouped by ability in a way that would allow them to be taught more effectively.

Or, maybe they're just rationalizing, and they'd be against that regardless. But they'd have to be honest.

How do I copy link formatting in a post?

Korea completely transformed itself from an agricultural country to one of the most advanced countries on the planet in a matter of decades. I think that goes a long way to explain their broken fertility rate.

I don't think industrialize late --> want to catch up --> over orient toward modernity is an implausible hypothesis

Maybe cultures that grew into industrialization had more of a chance to gradually adapt to it?

Or maybe in their effort to catch up, they made a lot of unwise sacrifices to reorient their entire society to be 100 percent in service of that goal? Probably more the latter.

I'm not sure if that's the explanation. But it does seem to me that Japan and Korea are ahead of the curve compared to us, in terms of tech, capitalism/life being commoditized, and culture.

They're further along in terms of sex, love and life being commoditized. We'll get there soon, though

I wanted to ask about Farewell to Alms. It's about how Britain escaped the malthusian trap through industrialization. The idea is that it took centuries of selective pressure to shape culture (and possibly biology) to create the kind of people capable of doing so. Also, inheritance laws among nobles meant that the first born son got everything, and the other sons were pushed to the middle/upper middle class, bringing elite culture with them. Apparently, the author thinks we're fucked and that we're running on momentum. Was curious is anyone knew anything. It's the kind of book that I'm surprised Scott hasn't reviewed

It won't make you less interesting, and it's cool to subject yourself to things like this. That having been said, I'm not sure you want to create a narrative where something like this is just going to change everything you don't like about yourself. It can, however, be the start of that, if that's what you want.

Edit: All that said, I think we'd be better off if more people did crazy stuff like this. Go for it, have fun, learn something about yourself, and try not to die like the dumb kid who poisoned himself in Alaska

I don't believe the parasite class weakening the host shit.

I think they are a group of high achievers that agitate effectively as a class, and may preferentially hire other Jews.

Nothing more, nothing less

I don't have any statistics, but I think Jews having outsized power in certain areas (Hollywood, banking) is fairly obvious.

I believe that Jews preferentially hire other Jews, but I don't have stats.

It also seems obvious that Jews agitate as a class.

Kanye has said a lot of crazy shit about a lot of people and groups, but look what happened when he went against Jews. They coordinated against him, and hurt him more effectively than any other group has been capable of.

Sometimes when I'm researching random shit I'll tell him about it.

He can be a useful sounding board. Basically an NYT liberal, but heterodox enough to be able to have certain conversations. It helps ground me.

I've heard about people doing this with extremely wealthy, famous people. Just send an invitation and wait for the assistant to send you a "can't make it but thanks" gift. Dunno what the success rate is, but it's funny

Jokes and motteposters, name a more iconic duo

Roughly how many users have migrated so far?

Children are more likely to stay in the religion if their father practices than if the mother practices. It isn't obvious to me why

Tyler Childers is pretty good.

I'm locked into starting a career in tech, in one of the wokest cities in the nation.

I need to make money. I'm hoping to start a family in the next few years, and if I'm lucky, I can make enough money that my wife won't have to work full time.

But I've heard a lot of horror stories. And while I was antiwoke in the past, I'm even more so today.

How can I survive in this field while minimizing the amount of "evil" that I have to be accomplice to? I'm not a great liar, and I do see this stuff as a form of mundane evil.

Man, those links are a trip. If I showed those to anyone back in the '90s, they'd think it was something a White supremacist put together.

There's massively overlap when it comes to rdrama/themotte posters

Please save us from our marseyless fate. Imagine how much more compelling ten pages of text could be if tastefully punctuated by cartoon cat emojis. I can't tell if I'm joking