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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

See my comment above. Thanks for these examples. It can simultaneously be true that media outlets used the term to paint with a very broad brush.

Also the google analytics show it is not even on the radar until Hillary Clinton's speech and the accompanying New York Times article.

Basically Hillary said, look at this fringe group that totally supports Trump, (although strangely Richard Spencer endorsed the Democrat candidate in 2020,) and suddenly it gained national attention.

Thanks. And it looks nothing like a controlled demolition or like WTC7.

Does GDP get adjusted for inflation?


Not even a "fast reversal" as much as hoping to stop the exponential acceleration without allowing basic questions to be asked.

Undervalued comment. Thank you. How do I give you an award? Take this emoji.🥇

pro russian twitter accounts are outnumbered by pro ukraine twitter accounts by an approximate ratio of 10-1. This ratio among bots has actually been confirmed. That doesn't take Twitter censorship into account.


According to the researchers, 90.16 per cent of the accounts tweeting on the Russia-Ukraine war were “pro Ukraine” and only 6.80 per cent were “pro Russia”. “Balanced accounts” — those which showed mixed behaviour — comprised 3.04 per cent.

As long as you are grounded in reality and stick to your guns, then I have faith in your ethics and moral vision in a world gone mad. When the inquisition comes for you, don't squirm. Look them in the eye and hold your ground, even if it means losing your job, and inevitably later down the road, losing your life, like Bonhoeffer.

In a parallel reality where sense and rationality rules the land, your hypothetical utopia might possibly exist. But in this reality, there are very vocal trans activists that will hunt you down, dox you, petition your boss to fire you and try to get your kids expelled from their school if you say that homo sapiens are a dimorphic mammalian species.

And that's assuming that your account was suspended to begin with.

I believe a certain inevitability was granted to the Grand Inquisitor's program, and in 2022, it's hard for me to disagree with that. While I believe personally Dostoyevsky opposed it, he acknowledged its unstoppable inevitability- the cold iron logic of history.

Have the mods considered that now that we are off of Reddit, it's silly to cram everything into a Culture War thread?

I mean, I understand why it was useful when the Reddit Stazi were listening in. But now that we have fled the country, jumped over the wall, and escaped, do we really need to cram ourselves so unnaturally into on single thread?

Breathe. Go outside. Let there be many threads with many conversations, controversial ones even!

The rules that were created under oppression should be abolished when we have fled to the new prairie!

“Seven times I have despised my soul:

The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height.

The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled..."

-Khalil Gibran

Also it's not culture war. It's medical science.

Link is in the title. I should acknowledge my bias that I am a staunch pureblood antivaxxer(unexperimentally jabbed person who strongly disagreees with MRNA mandates.) I have taken Ivermectin for Covid. My significant other is fully up to date on jabs, having gotten the mouse jab just earlier today. We did have an argument, but as civilized persons, we don't believe in mandates.

That said, all things being equal, I trust doctors providing treatment on the ground more than corporate funded RCT's. Also, I tend to believe the opposite of whatever current centralized power is pushing as a message and that has served me well as a truth seeking mechanic in the past 3 years. So I agree with Alexandros and personally believe that Scott Alexander's blog on Ivermectin was sloppy at best, and cowardly at worst.

I think MSNBC viewers might have a strong class action lawsuit for brain damage caused by weapons grade military propaganda.

I love the sweet sweet juicy gossip of how horrible my censorious outgroup is.

Yes. Censors are my eternal outgroup.

As a dumb person, I still contest that street smarts exist. I would compare it growing up in in a dangerous forest compared to growing up in a gated suburb.

You learn about poisonous snakes in a way that many "smart" people never have to.

" I am not sure what is the reason for this discrepancy."

They used relative risk reduction instead of absolute risk reduction.

Honor Harrington universe? I didn't consider that a "major" space opera.

You didn't get much of a response but I enjoyed reading this post.

Tough call. You might be ignored or you might receive the Bret Weinstein treatment. I don't envy your position.

Feminists tend to believe that gender is MERELY a social construct. I think the reality is that gender is rooted in sex, biology, and evolution.

Most of feminist activism is kicking against the pricks of biological evolution at the expense of society's health.

But I should acknowledge my strong antifeminist bias.

Weak evidence in one or two videos and witnesses claiming to have hear blasts.

However the perfect collapse into its own footprint is a feature of a controlled demolition.

"If you are the Shady Cabal and actually managed to orchestrate something as complex as having fake terrorists fly planes into two big towers "

That's putting words in my mouth. I don't mind you disagreeing with me. I expect it. I mind you putting words in my mouth.

It would make more sense that this was a LIHOP for the obvious benefit of those within the military industrial complex.

Gender is merely a social construct is a first principle of feminism and also provably incorrect.

Everything follows from this faulty first step, including swapping genders and/or sex by simply declaring it so.