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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

I don't really comment anymore because I dislike the over moderation.

Hypothetical- this ruling is not contested. Instead GOP gives support to RFK jr.

In a state Biden would almost certainly win against Trump, he could conceivably lose to RFK jr thus depriving Biden of Colorado's electoral votes.

I came forward with evidence that a former roommate of mine was falsely accused.

The accusation was made on Facebook just after the Kavanaugh hearings. It was a surreal experience because the stories she told were such obvious lies. I was there for some, not all, of her "abuse" allegations. Pure DARVO.

I knew I would lose social capital by standing up for him. But it was more than expected. Also, to this day, many of my former friends apparently still believe her and think I was lying. In fact, I am in many ways become a larger pariah than he is.

I like to tell myself that it was worth it, to speak the truth in defense of a friend at great personal cost... but i've certainly grown more cynical about human nature.

Whenever I hear the term, "far right," what I hear in my mind is "90's liberal." You may need to clarify what exactly you mean by that, making clear how your definition is distinct from partisan media painting anyone they don't like as fascist.

If you believe that "Family, country, God" is "far right" then you should recognize that is almost half the country. And that also means over 90% of people in the last thousand years have been fascist.

Thank you. My entire lifetime, teachers warned me that we must always be on the look out for anyone infringing on free speech or authoritarians censoring us and that they ALWAYS try to start small and then move on to bigger issues.

Then one day I woke up and half of my fellow countrymen were pro-censorship. I am still confused by this.


Apparently a Pfizer executive acknowledged to some European council of wise elders that, due to moving "at the speed of science," they never tested for transmission reduction in the vaccine.

Did I miss something in the last 2 years? Why did they declare the "vaccines" to be 100% effective if they were never tested for transmission reduction? (and yes I am putting the term into quotation marks because they don't appear to be what is commonly thought of as vaccines, instead working as a kind of therapeutic with alleged short term effectiveness that must be dosed in advance.)

What does "vaccine efficacy" mean?

Why did some countries roll out a vaccine passport?

Why were people fired from their jobs and as recently as last week members of the US military were "other-than-honorably" discharged because they didn't inject the "vaccine"?

It seems people were fired for their own health, since the jabs didnt prevent transmission.

What is actually going on? I understand the argument of vaccine mandates if they prevent transmission, (even though I dislike it, and disagree, I understand the argument.) But if they didn't substantially stop the spread then why are we firing people from their jobs? For their own health?

There was also the weird never-before-tried bookkeeping where nobody was considered vaccinated until two weeks AFTER the second dose. If I dosed millions of people with two shots of saline water and only counted them as vaccinated two weeks after the second saline shot, the statistics would appear such that the "saline vaccinated" were less likely to get Covid.

On Twitter, I see many many people now claiming that noone ever said the vaccines would stop the spread, they merely reduce the severity. But that feels like a bad plot forced retcon for a soap opera. Why did we shut down schools? Why did the leaders of France, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the USA all say horrible things about the "unvaccinated" and the "Antivaxxers"?

Again, I don't like it, but I could almost understand it in the context of a 100% efficacious vaccine that stopped infection and transmission. But if it never substantially stopped transmission then

  1. None of the mandates make any sense, (except perhaps in terms of financial profit.)

  2. Geert Vanden Bossche claims that you should never ever vaccinate during a pandemic, especially with a leaky vaccine because very bad things happen. I don't pretend to know the science but he also claims that this was generally accepted knowledge up until 2020.

(Geert's website: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/)

Just for transparency, I am a staunch antivaxxer. My wife pressured me to get the jab in summer of 2020. I asked for more time. The argument of social responsibility did carry weight with me at the time. But in July of 2020 the Israeli data showed that the jabs did not prevent infection.

It feels like the push for the vaccines was a huge motte and bailey. They never really prevented transmission, that was the bailey. And the motte is that they make the infection less severe, which in theory is a falsifiable hypothesis, but I'm not convinced.

"You believe in the basic human dignity of everyone, no matter how drug addicted or retarded or crippled they are, or you're my enemy."

I agree that all humans carry the buddha nature but I disagree that...

  1. Government welfare is the solution.

  2. Making someone your enemy because of a perceived lack of compassion goes down a very dark road. And you're likely to side with the dazzling hypocrite and their honeyed words over the secretly charitable who disagrees with point 1.

I am naturally a conspiratorial minded person, and yet no possible conspiracy theory could account for the mass mindlessness of modern academic "science."

I have grown weary of reading science fiction because nothing exhibits such extraordinary madness and fantasy as the modern society in which I currently reside.

Many academics posit that the concept of mammalian sexual dimorphism is a conspiracy of straight white men to oppress everyone else. The true believers are 100% convinced they are making the world a better place with their feminism/leftism. The only reason one would disagree with their theories is deep rooted misogyny/white supremacy.

Truly unbelievable!

Correct me if I'm wrong but Desantis's campaign coordinator said they were all given brochures of Massachusetts and info on Martha's Vineyard. Seems like if that's true then your points are completely moot. Hard to argue that you tricked somebody if you gave them a pamphlet of their destination in advance.

"Not only that, they all signed consent forms to go. And then the vendor that is doing this for Florida provided them with a packet that had a map of Martha's Vineyard," said DeSantis.

"It had the numbers for different services on Martha's Vineyard. And then it had numbers for the overall agencies in Massachusetts that handle things involving immigration and refugees. So it was clearly voluntary."

If true, this doesn't cover any and all accusation of deception but it does cover the ones you listed above.

So, from my newly conservative POV, I have to say that this looks like lawfare, which has become a favorite tactic of blue team in the last five years. The point being that it doesn't matter if the investigation is grounded on any kind of probably cause so long as it can be used in media stories as part of the "wrap up smear" technique explained by Nancy Pelosi.

"COVID’s over."

People, (in the military,) are still getting fired for not submitting to the jab. The USA still has a ridiculous requirement for foriegners flying into the country to be jabbed.

Colleges still require.jabs despite elevated risk of myocarditis in young men. Et cetera.

The battle continues apace.

It seems clear to me that there's an obvious incentive for a male rapist to identify as a woman in order to go to a women's prison. That alone would explain the higher rate.

(with all due respect to people who consider themselves transsexual.)

Also don't we find the same bias against men generally as compared to women?

"It finds large gender gaps favoring women throughout the sentence length distribution (averaging over 60%), conditional on arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge observables."


I just thought of this now after coming back to your post...

but if women are just as strong as men, why do they need protection from rapists? Why can't they just fight back?

Jarring question, but I think it reveals one example of how the disattachment from reality can have unforeseen consequences.

Reality is that which, when you stop belieiving in it, doesn't go away.

'believes and repeats a variety of bizarre conspiracy theories about whole word learning as an evil plot to do x,"

There's a comment below that is a steelman of the homeschooler's paranoia- that Paolo Freiro explicitly calls for Marxist Revolutionary concepts to be taught/indoctrinated in school using techniques designed with such goals in mind, i.e. whole word learning.

It's not undue "paranoia" if the neomarxism is being pushed/funded from positions of money and authority.

Speaking as a reverse doomer, (I believe that Covid deaths were exaggerated from the beggining with extremely high threshold PCR tests that give many false positives along with counting people who got hit by a bus but tested positive for Covid 59 days previous as a "Covid death." {With versus from.} Not to mention the flu completely disappearing from 2020, that was weird.)

So, having established my bona fides, speaking as a reverse doomer, I see Biden's statemement as the rankest hypocrisy. The emergency use authorization is still in place. Many places still have mandates for the neovaccines. Biden hasn't broached the subject of excess deaths in highly neovaccinated countries or the concomitant rise in cancers. The new mouse "vaccine" is a case in point. If the pandemic is over, then why are we approving medicine that was only tested on a dozen mice to be used on humans?

So I feel anger. This is a limited hangout.

Banning discussion of the legimitacy of elections, discussion of whether the neovaccines/masks are effective or not, discussion that homo sapiens is a sexually dimorphic mammalian species on the one hand,

and explicit content parental advisory lyrics on the other hand.

Personally, I think that's a false equivalency.

So much of Progressivism strikes me as an aesthetic. Trump smells bad. He tastes bad. Same with "Magats." They are low status. It's an embarrasment to be related to one. What's fashionable changes with the wind, but what's unfashionable is easier to point to- conservatives stuck in their 1990s colorblind aesthetic.

And much like the old trope of poor conservatives voting against their own self-interest because they see themselves as one day becoming millionaires...

I think many poor progressives also vote against their self-interest because they imagine themselves as culturally elite, if not now, someday.

"Principles are what let us be predictable agents, able to work with others who aren't part of our tribe and don't share all our values."

There used to be a phenomenon where one would say, I completely disagree with person x, but he really has integrity and sticks to his principles and I respect him for that. That seems rare these days.

However, I have often seen critics of person x claim that person x is a hypocrite who abandoned their principles when a closer inspection reveals that the critic doesn't understand the original principle. (One example, many conservatives canceled their Paypal because it leaked they wanted to steal $2500 per misinformation. In a certain corner of social media I heard critics call conservatives hypocrites for subscribing to "cancel culture." But it merely shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what conservatives dislike about "cancel culture." (Paypal is a corporation not an individual. Also boycotts are much older.))

Credit where credit is due- this is a step in the right direction. I dislike Biden strongly but I agree with this.

Also, it was nice to see him share the podium in Florida with Desantis during the hurricane.

Also, I think it was a class act for Biden to personally call Peter Doocy from Fox news and apologize for calling him a "son of a bitch." It made Biden relatable in that moment, almost likable even.

Again, I dislike Biden strongly but it's important to recognize what he gets right, if only to combat one's own cognitive bias.

Ill take the pizza made by the new Italian prime minister over whatever this Noah Smith pizza is.

  1. I don't feel the dread you mention about "whites becoming the minority" but I do feel concern in relation to the genocidal glee when leftists discuss the subject. Like it's not a big deal to me but it seems like a** really big deal **for my political outgroup and that gives me pause.

  2. Regarding your employee's existential climate angst, it reminded me of this article by the Ethical Skeptic. Beware of the perdocent in your workplace. https://theethicalskeptic.com/2021/12/18/perdocent-opposite-of-the-autodidact/


/PER-dŭ-sĕnt; from Latin perdoceo – teach, educate, drill, train/ – the state of pretense, lack in diligence, or intellectual compromise wherein one bears an inability to learn and apply, outside the context of a course of instruction

As of press time, the fundraiser has pulled in $226.69, $10 of which was donated by Kay himself.

Can we all just take a moment of solemn silence to appreciate the advanced level of trolling here?

Master class.

Als0, I had to look up your reference, which I posted here in case anyone else besides me was lost:

"The Law Of Merited Impossibility is an epistemological construct governing the paradoxical way overclass opinion makers frame the discourse about the clash between religious liberty and gay civil rights. It is best summed up by the phrase, “It’s a complete absurdity to believe that Christians will suffer a single thing from the expansion of gay rights, and boy, do they deserve what they’re going to get.”"

I lost interest in Canadian politics after I saw this article. I cannot say for certain that the election was rigged. But if you were going to rig the election, this is what it would look like.


(February 2022)


Almost 100,000 mail ballots not counted in federal election: Elections Canada (June 2022)

Even when you are caught, claiming it's a mistake is perfect plausible deniability.

That it happened twice in a row, I find completely unconscionable.

Better to destroy an entire generation than to allow a conservative approach to erudition.

"What about some kind of techno-guillotine suicide booth suspended over a nightclub where the blade is timed to the bass drop?"

Bro wtf? This comment made me lmao.

What, if any pressure, has the current Whitehouse applied to Reddit, in regards to censorship?

Since it has recently been revealed that the Whitehouse pressures Facebook (and the FBI pressures FB as well), Twitter, Youtube into censoring American citizens, I wonder if similar pressure has been applied to Reddit.