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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

Has there been any attempts to reach out to Sneer club since the move off Reddit? Perhaps we could offer shared hosting/servers? I would be willing to donate some cash for such a move in the spirit of "love your enemies" (for they keep you epistemologically humble.)

I lost interest in Canadian politics after I saw this article. I cannot say for certain that the election was rigged. But if you were going to rig the election, this is what it would look like.


(February 2022)


Almost 100,000 mail ballots not counted in federal election: Elections Canada (June 2022)

Even when you are caught, claiming it's a mistake is perfect plausible deniability.

That it happened twice in a row, I find completely unconscionable.

Counter argument: without censorship, online communities naturally drift rightward as the sacred cows of progressives are slaughtered one by one with simple evidence.

We're going through a similar process now. Reddit has become increasingly hostile - we just had a comment removed for discussing the meaning of various types of parenthesis, I'm not making that up, I'm not exaggerating, that's a thing that happened - and if the community is to survive, we need to disengage from Reddit.

I have done a cursory search on both reddit and here but I cannot find the juicy gossip. I really absolutely have to know the specifics of this incident. Yes it is salacious gossip. Yes it is an utterly irrational guilty pleasure. But please please please can someone spill the beans on exactly what went down.?

And please, just this once, can we ignore the usual motte precepts and fully and shamelessly engage in friend/enemy distinctions? Can we embrace sarcasm and mockery just this once? Can we be a little uncharitable to our censorious enemies? Can we pretend that they will never read this because they probably won't?

Please I would love someone to leak all the intimate details of the parenthetical comment being deleted while I engage in apelike disdain of my outgroup.

Thank you in advance, and please forgive me this one time for bucking the very pillars upon which the Motte rests.

I agree but my point is that I am a 9/11 truther inasmuch no one has ever convincingly explained to me why WTC7 collapsed.Or why there wasno investigation of The State Farm Arena election fiasco. I believe a group of global world leaders are pushing an agenda called Build Back Better etc.

But none of these explain what's happening on universities. Not even Alex Jones on ayuasca would predict the content coming straightfaced out of tenured University professors.

The maskers I see where I work are only about 5% of everyone. I see them as hardcore redguards. I know that they will likely be among those who interrogate me a few years from now before sending me to the gulag.

The Covid episode is mostly passed for now but the radicalized among us remain like sleeper agents, ready to coerce us into ever more experimental medical treatments at the slightest pretext.

I'm merely describing my lived experience.

Vaccine efficacy is the relative risk difference of infection, severe illness or death (3 different measures) between a vaccinated and control groups, over a set duration.

More people died in the vaccinated group than in the control group in Pfizer's trial.

Edit: You can downvote me all you like but the simple fact remains that more died in the vaccinated group than the control group. That's only 1 out 3 criteria but a pretty big one. By itself probably nothing but you might want to check the overall excess mortality rate of highly vaccinated countries to see if it went up or down afterwards just to be safe...

In a parallel reality where sense and rationality rules the land, your hypothetical utopia might possibly exist. But in this reality, there are very vocal trans activists that will hunt you down, dox you, petition your boss to fire you and try to get your kids expelled from their school if you say that homo sapiens are a dimorphic mammalian species.

And that's assuming that your account was suspended to begin with.

"The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires..."


Yes I read it. I didn't find it convincing. I now consider it an early proto- factcheck.

I believe it looked like a controlled demolition because it was likely a controlled demolition.

Bruh, I was simply responding to the prompt.

"Maidan was a CIA plot."

I'm sure much of it was organic. But it's naive to think that the CIA wasn't involved early and at the ground level as it was obviously in their interest.

I could always be wrong but I would be genuinely shocked if the CIA wasn't involved at all. If you concede thay they were involved, then we are just debating how involved they were and how much and how well the organic movent would have gotten without them.

Undervalued comment. Thank you. How do I give you an award? Take this emoji.🥇

I thought this was the culture war thread where we can say whatever we want whenever we want?


You're probably too young to understand this, but your self value doesn't (shouldn't) derive to how much power you wield over people online.

Again, you may want to pause and reflect.

I prefer the term American idpol colonialism.

Have the mods considered that now that we are off of Reddit, it's silly to cram everything into a Culture War thread?

I mean, I understand why it was useful when the Reddit Stazi were listening in. But now that we have fled the country, jumped over the wall, and escaped, do we really need to cram ourselves so unnaturally into on single thread?

Breathe. Go outside. Let there be many threads with many conversations, controversial ones even!

The rules that were created under oppression should be abolished when we have fled to the new prairie!

“Seven times I have despised my soul:

The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height.

The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled..."

-Khalil Gibran

because you got pulled up on the facts

This never happened.

Again, I would caution you against taking these discussions so personally.

Good luck!

Speaking of appeal to authority, we have a moderator with a poorly concealed grudge against me, speaking "ex cathedra," to apply an AP factcheck on my very true statement. Nothing you posted contradicted my factual statement in the least.

I would recommend that you not take discussions so personally as that tends to generate more heat than light, but you do you.

" I am not sure what is the reason for this discrepancy."

They used relative risk reduction instead of absolute risk reduction.

See my comment above. Thanks for these examples. It can simultaneously be true that media outlets used the term to paint with a very broad brush.

Also the google analytics show it is not even on the radar until Hillary Clinton's speech and the accompanying New York Times article.

Basically Hillary said, look at this fringe group that totally supports Trump, (although strangely Richard Spencer endorsed the Democrat candidate in 2020,) and suddenly it gained national attention.

I didn't ignore the rules. I answered the prompt honestly and directly.

pro russian twitter accounts are outnumbered by pro ukraine twitter accounts by an approximate ratio of 10-1. This ratio among bots has actually been confirmed. That doesn't take Twitter censorship into account.


According to the researchers, 90.16 per cent of the accounts tweeting on the Russia-Ukraine war were “pro Ukraine” and only 6.80 per cent were “pro Russia”. “Balanced accounts” — those which showed mixed behaviour — comprised 3.04 per cent.

As long as you are grounded in reality and stick to your guns, then I have faith in your ethics and moral vision in a world gone mad. When the inquisition comes for you, don't squirm. Look them in the eye and hold your ground, even if it means losing your job, and inevitably later down the road, losing your life, like Bonhoeffer.

But according to the doctrine of Orthodox Intersectionality, the hatred of mormons is a good thing to be encourage.