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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

Sneer Club is gonna love this one!

[Edit: In hindsight it looks like I hit a sore spot of the moderators- Sneerclub. I don't know exactly what the full story is with Sneerclub but clearly there is more going on here.]

  • -27

No. What I said makes more sense. Nato has been funding this war from the beginning. The CIA worked with Nato to establish Ukraine's independence in the first place.

But there are British and American boots on the ground, likely using mercenaries as a thin veneer of plausible deniability.

  • -27

There was a breakthrough in Balakliya, although Russian contigents continue fighting within the city.


To my understanding this represents an escalation of the war, wherein NATO forces commanded by Nato leadership are directly involved in a major offensive for the first time.

Will be interesting to see how Russia responds.

I do think we are in danger of overestimating the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Yes they have had initial success, but so did the Germans at the Bastogne. I think by the end of the week it will be more clear.


It appears Russian forces withdrew from Kupyansk late last night.

  • -19

I'm getting downvoted by blackpilled neofuturists and entrenched believers in the technological singularity because they shun their outgroup.

So much for rationalism.

  • -17

As a staunch far right conservative, I unironically support the trans-officer in this situation as I did the Rosenbergs, who were time travelers, sent back to spare us from the darkest timeline, even though I do not believe that men can magically become women. (But when in clown world...) I do believe that humans are a sexually dimorphic mammalian species and that time travel is rare.


Edit: Futurists will hate me for this but my position is that time travel should be safe, legal, and rare.

  • -17

What do you have against Sneer Club? I don't consider Sneer club to be culture war, or rather, I believed reaching out to critics of the Motte and trying to understand their perspective was something to be aspired to.

"Write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion"

I assumed this also applied to Sneerclub. Maybe not...?

To be honest, I'd prefer if you didnt track each and every comment that I make. If I have been posting more than usual it's only because my power is still out from hurricane IAN so i am guilty of doomscrolling more than usual.

If it bothers you so much, I'll leave and go join Sneerclub.

All the best.

  • -14

I never saw anyone self describe as "alt right."

If you have an example, please provide one.

Maybe I'm misremembering but I believe it was a media applied label.


upon further inquiry, I still believe that it is basically a media applied label in most cases.

from the SPLC:


As I read the SPLC page about the alt-right, I am more convinced that virtually nobody, outside of Richard Spencer and of a few of his associates, uses the term alt-right.

The one professor listed as included in the movement was condemned by his own university.

It seems as if these are the same 500 people that showed up at Charlottesville.

So my initial statement stands, with one caveat, outside of Richard Spencer and his immediate associates, I don't know anybody who refers to themselves as "alt-right."

From the SPLC:

Although Spencer has positioned himself as the effective leader of the alt-right, other proponents include several well-known names on the far right, including Jared Taylor, editor of the American Renaissance racist journal; Greg Johnson of the publishing house Counter-Currents; Matthew Parrott and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network; and Mike "Enoch" Peinovich, who runs The Right Stuff blog. But the general population of the alt-right is composed, by and large, of anonymous youths who were exposed to the movement’s ideas through online message boards like 4chan and 8chan’s /pol/ and Internet platforms like Reddit and Twitter.

I looked on google analytics and it looks like the term exploded in 2015 around the time of Hillary's speech asserting a link between Trump and the alt-right, followed shortly by a New York Times article.


Hillary Clinton, speaking in Reno, Nev., highlighted Donald J. Trump’s support by the “alt-right” movement, saying he is “taking hate groups mainstream.”

  • -12

My first comment in your collection added to the total list of types of denialism.

The second one was asking how many people had been reported.

Can't find the third one.

Value is in the eye of the beholder. If you dislike my opinions, jokes, and questions I am open to hearing why but they weren't intended as shit posts, neither were they intended to be effort posts. Just obscure comments to a comment of a comment to a roundup of random threads.

It seems to me like you have for some reason developed a grudge.

For the most part my exchanges have been civil and mutually beneficial with the exception of the mods.

I have tried to be more careful about comments that fit into the definition of culture war in threads that forbid it, even foregoing a comment altogether if I am uncertain...

As for you first allegation of "shitposting," that was made in a thread that allowed culture war posts and it was merely an addition to a list in the previous comment.

Is it overly snarky? Probably.

But it's general ungrounded snark.not directed at anyone specifically in the conversation.

TLDR: What actual rule did I break? I'll wait.

You're getting downvoted but I absolutely agree with this. Bravo!


And a Reddit Admin got involved and deleted the comment?

Because that sounds kinda outgroupy to me.

Bruh the definition of culture war is overly broad. You have Hall Monitor-itis. Take a break!

Has there been any attempts to reach out to Sneer club since the move off Reddit? Perhaps we could offer shared hosting/servers? I would be willing to donate some cash for such a move in the spirit of "love your enemies" (for they keep you epistemologically humble.)

I'm getting downvoted but I absolutely agree with my comment. Bravo!

I'm merely describing my lived experience.

Reminds me of people who get offended on behalf of a hypothetical person who might theoretically be offended.

"Everyone agrees the Holocaust was bad."

Mod: "Please refrain from consensus building."

This forum is way over moderated. I'm going back to Reddit.

Is there anyone arguing that the last two years was NOT a "shit show"?

I thought pretty much everyone agreed that it was indeed a shitshow, but that the specifics were still being debated. (Happy to be shown I am wrong. Please point me to the person who thinks the pandemic went off in an exceedingly well-ordered manner.)

Otherwise, are you not moderating for an imaginary hypothetical person?

Secondarily, it's a fairly common phrase. You don't really think I was trying to build a consensus, do you? (I wasn't.)

For my own clarification, is it "consensus-building" idioms and expressions that are outlawed, or actual consensus building?

How many people have you tried to report already?

I will die on this hill!

Just don't talk about it or you will get massively downvoted.

Thank you! Exactly.

Vaccine efficacy is the relative risk difference of infection, severe illness or death (3 different measures) between a vaccinated and control groups, over a set duration.

More people died in the vaccinated group than in the control group in Pfizer's trial.

Edit: You can downvote me all you like but the simple fact remains that more died in the vaccinated group than the control group. That's only 1 out 3 criteria but a pretty big one. By itself probably nothing but you might want to check the overall excess mortality rate of highly vaccinated countries to see if it went up or down afterwards just to be safe...

I voted for Hillary so wasn't really paying attention. Another user showed there was an /r/altright sub. But I am curious how many followers it has. If it's less than 500 then I feel like my point stands. Maybe I came along later, but I distinctly recall it being used often as a conflationary slur in the same way that "white supremacist" later began to be used.

"The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires..."


Yes I read it. I didn't find it convincing. I now consider it an early proto- factcheck.

I believe it looked like a controlled demolition because it was likely a controlled demolition.

I agree but my point is that I am a 9/11 truther inasmuch no one has ever convincingly explained to me why WTC7 collapsed.Or why there wasno investigation of The State Farm Arena election fiasco. I believe a group of global world leaders are pushing an agenda called Build Back Better etc.

But none of these explain what's happening on universities. Not even Alex Jones on ayuasca would predict the content coming straightfaced out of tenured University professors.