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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057


Apparently a Pfizer executive acknowledged to some European council of wise elders that, due to moving "at the speed of science," they never tested for transmission reduction in the vaccine.

Did I miss something in the last 2 years? Why did they declare the "vaccines" to be 100% effective if they were never tested for transmission reduction? (and yes I am putting the term into quotation marks because they don't appear to be what is commonly thought of as vaccines, instead working as a kind of therapeutic with alleged short term effectiveness that must be dosed in advance.)

What does "vaccine efficacy" mean?

Why did some countries roll out a vaccine passport?

Why were people fired from their jobs and as recently as last week members of the US military were "other-than-honorably" discharged because they didn't inject the "vaccine"?

It seems people were fired for their own health, since the jabs didnt prevent transmission.

What is actually going on? I understand the argument of vaccine mandates if they prevent transmission, (even though I dislike it, and disagree, I understand the argument.) But if they didn't substantially stop the spread then why are we firing people from their jobs? For their own health?

There was also the weird never-before-tried bookkeeping where nobody was considered vaccinated until two weeks AFTER the second dose. If I dosed millions of people with two shots of saline water and only counted them as vaccinated two weeks after the second saline shot, the statistics would appear such that the "saline vaccinated" were less likely to get Covid.

On Twitter, I see many many people now claiming that noone ever said the vaccines would stop the spread, they merely reduce the severity. But that feels like a bad plot forced retcon for a soap opera. Why did we shut down schools? Why did the leaders of France, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the USA all say horrible things about the "unvaccinated" and the "Antivaxxers"?

Again, I don't like it, but I could almost understand it in the context of a 100% efficacious vaccine that stopped infection and transmission. But if it never substantially stopped transmission then

  1. None of the mandates make any sense, (except perhaps in terms of financial profit.)

  2. Geert Vanden Bossche claims that you should never ever vaccinate during a pandemic, especially with a leaky vaccine because very bad things happen. I don't pretend to know the science but he also claims that this was generally accepted knowledge up until 2020.

(Geert's website: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/)

Just for transparency, I am a staunch antivaxxer. My wife pressured me to get the jab in summer of 2020. I asked for more time. The argument of social responsibility did carry weight with me at the time. But in July of 2020 the Israeli data showed that the jabs did not prevent infection.

It feels like the push for the vaccines was a huge motte and bailey. They never really prevented transmission, that was the bailey. And the motte is that they make the infection less severe, which in theory is a falsifiable hypothesis, but I'm not convinced.

We're going through a similar process now. Reddit has become increasingly hostile - we just had a comment removed for discussing the meaning of various types of parenthesis, I'm not making that up, I'm not exaggerating, that's a thing that happened - and if the community is to survive, we need to disengage from Reddit.

I have done a cursory search on both reddit and here but I cannot find the juicy gossip. I really absolutely have to know the specifics of this incident. Yes it is salacious gossip. Yes it is an utterly irrational guilty pleasure. But please please please can someone spill the beans on exactly what went down.?

And please, just this once, can we ignore the usual motte precepts and fully and shamelessly engage in friend/enemy distinctions? Can we embrace sarcasm and mockery just this once? Can we be a little uncharitable to our censorious enemies? Can we pretend that they will never read this because they probably won't?

Please I would love someone to leak all the intimate details of the parenthetical comment being deleted while I engage in apelike disdain of my outgroup.

Thank you in advance, and please forgive me this one time for bucking the very pillars upon which the Motte rests.

What, if any pressure, has the current Whitehouse applied to Reddit, in regards to censorship?

Since it has recently been revealed that the Whitehouse pressures Facebook (and the FBI pressures FB as well), Twitter, Youtube into censoring American citizens, I wonder if similar pressure has been applied to Reddit.

Thank you. My entire lifetime, teachers warned me that we must always be on the look out for anyone infringing on free speech or authoritarians censoring us and that they ALWAYS try to start small and then move on to bigger issues.

Then one day I woke up and half of my fellow countrymen were pro-censorship. I am still confused by this.

I am naturally a conspiratorial minded person, and yet no possible conspiracy theory could account for the mass mindlessness of modern academic "science."

I have grown weary of reading science fiction because nothing exhibits such extraordinary madness and fantasy as the modern society in which I currently reside.

Many academics posit that the concept of mammalian sexual dimorphism is a conspiracy of straight white men to oppress everyone else. The true believers are 100% convinced they are making the world a better place with their feminism/leftism. The only reason one would disagree with their theories is deep rooted misogyny/white supremacy.

Truly unbelievable!

I joined a gym 2 months ago when I quit smoking. I find the endorphin rush helps replace whatever cigarettes were doing in terms of stress relief. Also I am overweight and borderline obese. I have a few symptoms of pre diabetes and a family history of diabetes.

So far so good but, the honeymoon phase is coming to a close and I am stuck in a rut- arm day, curls, benchpress, tricep pushes. Alternate days with legs back and stomach. I generally workout 5 days a week, (about 45 minutes to an hour,) and run at least one mile each time I work out. 2 miles max so far.

My question is, how do I take it to the next level? I have lost roughly 10 pounds so far but I am starting to hit a wall. I don't need to become a body builder but I fear if I cannot get past this wall that I will see diminishing returns and slowly stop being consistent. (This has happened to me in the past.) What are new exercises, weight lifting exercises to try etc? I would live to try free squats but dont have a partner and dont want to hurt myself. Does anyone have an interesting program that works for them?

I agree but my point is that I am a 9/11 truther inasmuch no one has ever convincingly explained to me why WTC7 collapsed.Or why there wasno investigation of The State Farm Arena election fiasco. I believe a group of global world leaders are pushing an agenda called Build Back Better etc.

But none of these explain what's happening on universities. Not even Alex Jones on ayuasca would predict the content coming straightfaced out of tenured University professors.

I lost interest in Canadian politics after I saw this article. I cannot say for certain that the election was rigged. But if you were going to rig the election, this is what it would look like.


(February 2022)


Almost 100,000 mail ballots not counted in federal election: Elections Canada (June 2022)

Even when you are caught, claiming it's a mistake is perfect plausible deniability.

That it happened twice in a row, I find completely unconscionable.

"The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires..."


Yes I read it. I didn't find it convincing. I now consider it an early proto- factcheck.

I believe it looked like a controlled demolition because it was likely a controlled demolition.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Desantis's campaign coordinator said they were all given brochures of Massachusetts and info on Martha's Vineyard. Seems like if that's true then your points are completely moot. Hard to argue that you tricked somebody if you gave them a pamphlet of their destination in advance.

"Not only that, they all signed consent forms to go. And then the vendor that is doing this for Florida provided them with a packet that had a map of Martha's Vineyard," said DeSantis.

"It had the numbers for different services on Martha's Vineyard. And then it had numbers for the overall agencies in Massachusetts that handle things involving immigration and refugees. So it was clearly voluntary."

If true, this doesn't cover any and all accusation of deception but it does cover the ones you listed above.

So, from my newly conservative POV, I have to say that this looks like lawfare, which has become a favorite tactic of blue team in the last five years. The point being that it doesn't matter if the investigation is grounded on any kind of probably cause so long as it can be used in media stories as part of the "wrap up smear" technique explained by Nancy Pelosi.

There was a breakthrough in Balakliya, although Russian contigents continue fighting within the city.


To my understanding this represents an escalation of the war, wherein NATO forces commanded by Nato leadership are directly involved in a major offensive for the first time.

Will be interesting to see how Russia responds.

I do think we are in danger of overestimating the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Yes they have had initial success, but so did the Germans at the Bastogne. I think by the end of the week it will be more clear.


It appears Russian forces withdrew from Kupyansk late last night.

  • -19

Bruh, I was simply responding to the prompt.

Bruh the definition of culture war is overly broad. You have Hall Monitor-itis. Take a break!

I didn't ignore the rules. I answered the prompt honestly and directly.

Vaccine efficacy is the relative risk difference of infection, severe illness or death (3 different measures) between a vaccinated and control groups, over a set duration.

More people died in the vaccinated group than in the control group in Pfizer's trial.

Edit: You can downvote me all you like but the simple fact remains that more died in the vaccinated group than the control group. That's only 1 out 3 criteria but a pretty big one. By itself probably nothing but you might want to check the overall excess mortality rate of highly vaccinated countries to see if it went up or down afterwards just to be safe...

Whenever I hear the term, "far right," what I hear in my mind is "90's liberal." You may need to clarify what exactly you mean by that, making clear how your definition is distinct from partisan media painting anyone they don't like as fascist.

If you believe that "Family, country, God" is "far right" then you should recognize that is almost half the country. And that also means over 90% of people in the last thousand years have been fascist.

Having looked at the evidence as presented by Alexandros, (and others,), the signal from Ivermectin is much stronger than previously believed.

What's disturbing is the multibillion campaign against Ivermectin. The water has been deliberately muddied by bad faith players who stand to make substantial profits so long as Ivermectin is suppressed.

When I consider these two facts, 1. Solid signal from Ivermectin plus extremely safe, (a great Pascal's Wager.) and 2. There is a well funded disinformation campaign against Ivermectin from some of the most powerful institutions in the Western world with obvious conflicts of interest,

I think it's foolish to not have Ivermectin in your house in case of Covid. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain.

"What about some kind of techno-guillotine suicide booth suspended over a nightclub where the blade is timed to the bass drop?"

Bro wtf? This comment made me lmao.

I never saw anyone self describe as "alt right."

If you have an example, please provide one.

Maybe I'm misremembering but I believe it was a media applied label.


upon further inquiry, I still believe that it is basically a media applied label in most cases.

from the SPLC:


As I read the SPLC page about the alt-right, I am more convinced that virtually nobody, outside of Richard Spencer and of a few of his associates, uses the term alt-right.

The one professor listed as included in the movement was condemned by his own university.

It seems as if these are the same 500 people that showed up at Charlottesville.

So my initial statement stands, with one caveat, outside of Richard Spencer and his immediate associates, I don't know anybody who refers to themselves as "alt-right."

From the SPLC:

Although Spencer has positioned himself as the effective leader of the alt-right, other proponents include several well-known names on the far right, including Jared Taylor, editor of the American Renaissance racist journal; Greg Johnson of the publishing house Counter-Currents; Matthew Parrott and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network; and Mike "Enoch" Peinovich, who runs The Right Stuff blog. But the general population of the alt-right is composed, by and large, of anonymous youths who were exposed to the movement’s ideas through online message boards like 4chan and 8chan’s /pol/ and Internet platforms like Reddit and Twitter.

I looked on google analytics and it looks like the term exploded in 2015 around the time of Hillary's speech asserting a link between Trump and the alt-right, followed shortly by a New York Times article.


Hillary Clinton, speaking in Reno, Nev., highlighted Donald J. Trump’s support by the “alt-right” movement, saying he is “taking hate groups mainstream.”

  • -12

Also Star Trek handles Worf's character strangely. He is a Klingon raised on Earth by human parents. Yet he is intensely obsessed with ancient Klingon rituals even beyond what the Klingons themselves are. Yet somewhere ostensibly there could highschool/college football with Worf and I think that would make for an amazing spinoff movie.

It's weird that he is never seen to celebrate Christmas or human holidays despite human stepparents living in 2170 Russia. And apparently as an adult he is still on good terms with them. It's always weird how removed Worf is from human culture.

Almost like an oversight on culture versus genetics.

I wish i knew who any of these people are or what they posted.

Bro. Take a deep breath. There was nothing "culture war" about my post.

Learn to appreciate life and if you find yourself being overly critical, take a break.

Speaking as a reverse doomer, (I believe that Covid deaths were exaggerated from the beggining with extremely high threshold PCR tests that give many false positives along with counting people who got hit by a bus but tested positive for Covid 59 days previous as a "Covid death." {With versus from.} Not to mention the flu completely disappearing from 2020, that was weird.)

So, having established my bona fides, speaking as a reverse doomer, I see Biden's statemement as the rankest hypocrisy. The emergency use authorization is still in place. Many places still have mandates for the neovaccines. Biden hasn't broached the subject of excess deaths in highly neovaccinated countries or the concomitant rise in cancers. The new mouse "vaccine" is a case in point. If the pandemic is over, then why are we approving medicine that was only tested on a dozen mice to be used on humans?

So I feel anger. This is a limited hangout.

No. What I said makes more sense. Nato has been funding this war from the beginning. The CIA worked with Nato to establish Ukraine's independence in the first place.

But there are British and American boots on the ground, likely using mercenaries as a thin veneer of plausible deniability.

  • -27

This would explain the total catastrophe of Western medicine as seen by almost everyone with eyes in the last two years.