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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

How many people have you tried to report already?

Just don't talk about it or you will get massively downvoted.

Thank you! Exactly.

I voted for Hillary so wasn't really paying attention. Another user showed there was an /r/altright sub. But I am curious how many followers it has. If it's less than 500 then I feel like my point stands. Maybe I came along later, but I distinctly recall it being used often as a conflationary slur in the same way that "white supremacist" later began to be used.

Or people who oppose the mandatory monthly jabs required to live in the city.

Also China would first blast fragmentation bombs in satellite orbit to disable/destroy 90% of all satellites before firing their nuclear salvo.

Bro called in reinforcements???


It's the control and manipulation of the Overton window that drives the narrative. Hence terms like Antivaxxer, which was updated to mean anyone who opposes any regulations or laws regarding vaccines. If you oppose three or more MRNA boosters for infants, congrats, you are an antivaxxer!

Well I have read dozens of times on Twitter that Lyman has been taken but to this day that seems not to be the case. (Of course you're right it could change overnight.) But the quick victory seems to have stalled out at a well prepared defensive line that would lend credence to the intentionality of the move, even if it the retreat itself didn't go as planned.


It must be the null hypothesis if they hope to get through peer review.

The key difference is that claiming Russian interference in the 2016 elections was high status.

Criticizing CIA involvement in a former soviet is low status.

I appreciate you providing what I asked for here.

Here is the evidence of why I had this general perception. The Economist labeled Ben Shapiro as "alt right." Later retracted, which I was unaware so good for them.

Both can be true at once- that there were some people who called themselves the "alt right"... (which is why I asked my question,)

And the media and social media commentators have a tendency to paint with a broad stroke.

"This article has been changed. A previous version mistakenly described Mr Shapiro as an "alt-right sage" and "a pop idol of the alt right". In fact, he has been strongly critical of the alt-right movement. We apologise."


WTC7 is apparently the only modern tall building to collapse primarily from a fire.

But I've seen videos of dozens of controlled demolitions and they all look like WTC7.

No I am not. It was a silly prompt which I responded to in a silly but plausible manner before you showed up at Defon one threatening to hit me with the banhammer.

How are you any different than the Reddit mods who force the Motte to move away from Reddit? Because I struggle to see a difference.

Bro. Take a deep breath. There was nothing "culture war" about my post.

Learn to appreciate life and if you find yourself being overly critical, take a break.

The Pfizer trial is my citation. I thought that was clear.

I agree with you. Just giving the best blue tribe apologetics for Biden.

I blame anime ala dragonball z for the infinite power creep of action movies.

Honor Harrington universe? I didn't consider that a "major" space opera.

Tough call. You might be ignored or you might receive the Bret Weinstein treatment. I don't envy your position.

Feminists tend to believe that gender is MERELY a social construct. I think the reality is that gender is rooted in sex, biology, and evolution.

Most of feminist activism is kicking against the pricks of biological evolution at the expense of society's health.

But I should acknowledge my strong antifeminist bias.

"If you are the Shady Cabal and actually managed to orchestrate something as complex as having fake terrorists fly planes into two big towers "

That's putting words in my mouth. I don't mind you disagreeing with me. I expect it. I mind you putting words in my mouth.

It would make more sense that this was a LIHOP for the obvious benefit of those within the military industrial complex.

"If you are the Shady Cabal and actually managed to orchestrate something as complex as having fake terrorists fly planes into two big towers "

You're putting claims into my mouth to make me appear more ridiculous.

This is where conspiracy theorists get into trouble. It's not my job to speculate with meager information as to what actually happened.

I need only point out that the official version doesn't add up and that powerful people benefitted from the event.

If I go into a lizardman theory then I am easily debunked.

Pointing out the obvious and irreconcilable errors in the official story is a position of strength. Speculating on the unknowns is a position of weakness.

For example, is there any evidence that a plane hit the Pentagon outside of officials saying so?

endlesss scrolling through omnibus threads... no thanks. And without even knowing what year these best writers posted in?

No thanks. Keep your esoteric knowledge.