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Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

I know that in German there are dialects that aren't mutually intelligible with the standard

Those are few, and spoken by very few people, and even then most of them are very well able to modulate their speech to find some compromise in which they're intelligible while still retaining as much of their dialect as possible. Unintelligibles used to be more prevalent of course, but they're nigh-nonexistent by now.

The question still stands: why don't inclusive German leftists fight for the proud right to speak dialect and fight against linguicism, encourage dialect use as a form of diversity etc? (maybe they do)

Because tribal ideologies aren't designed in advance and built on rigorously logical foundations. Instead they coalesce around condensation nuclei and after that only shift under pressure. German leftism coalesced around cosmopolitanism, antinationalism and high german with as many anglicisms as possible as its common tongue because this distancing from dialects and even your own language signals that you have no actual national allegiance.

That's not even the issue here. There are practically no speakers of dialects remaining who cannot make themselves understood without switching to the so-called standard. What we have is the remaining dialects, which are almost universally mutually intelligible given any but the dumbest or deafest listeners, being opposed by the dominant strain of cultural leftism.

Superficially they do, and even substantially in some ways, but a leopard can't change its spots and more often than not they drift towards the same old uniformity-for-uniformity's-sake that most people here love.

I know this feeling and I have no advice. You could do like I do any worry even more about totalitarian collectivism than about the decline of ethnic homogeneity in western societies, but that doesn't really solve your problem. Our children will most likely live in a worse world than us, mostly due to political and social developments, and it doesn't look like there's much that can be done other than becoming rich and forming large communities with like-minded individuals. Which, to be fair, I am failing to do.

In my experience it is our being here and able to talk about controversial topics in depth and usually with someone poining out errors in reasoning or judgement that enables us to not feel trapped in our heads with only TV or social media for input and talking to ourselves as the output.

The overton window has become very narrow lately, and I am not at all surprised that many people find themselves unable to go with the program but also unable to find productive ways of communicating their disagreement.

And finally, some people just are like that old lady or that uncle - but if they're within the overton window they can just join a socially acceptable club of crazies. See PETA or the Last Generation for examples. If they aren't, then shouting into traffic or ejaculating into unrelated conversations are possibly the only channels left to them.

This entirely is true in my experience.

If you want actual friends, go and do things with people and if the chemistry is good suggest doing more things with them.

Sure, it happens. But how often?

Where did you meet those people? I used to be among far-leftists and I used to be among academics (STEM though) and I never encountered even one far leftist who so much as knew what his opposition's arguments actually are beyond a forest of strawmen. At least I cannot recall any.

Aye, guess that's a far cry from my provincial German surroundings, and some kinds of people simply cannot be found here.

Like people who are into specific kinds of literature. Downright impossible. They don't exist here.

It seems like a decent heuristic to me. Why is it outright wrong?

Official papers, passport etc.

Credit card or similar.

Whatever you need for your business.

Any medication you might need.

At least one set of spare clothes; you never know.

A little cash.

Probably your phone and a charger.

I regretted not bringing binoculars to my last trip, but depending on where you're going you might not benefit from those.

We're probably mostly grey tribe, aren't we?

Where are you fleeing to? Relatives abroad, a hotel booked in advance, or just straight across the closest border and see about where to stay afterwards? How do you strategize? And are you even willing to post about that or would that violate OpSec?

I just set up a 17.50€/M patreon donation to The Motte. Money is tight here, so this wasn't done without a little pain. Zorba, make it worth it!

Discuss: Donations like these should be made publicly to encourage others.

Nah, I'd cancel it before it comes to that, and the Motte is giving me a lot of value in return. It's fair.

It's an anglophone community the largest nationality of which is American. It's hardly surprising that in aggregate it has less to say on and less interest in stories from the Old World.

Which isn't to say that I wouldn't appreciate seeing more of them. Hell, I'd post them if I currently had the stomach to consume much news.

We get plenty of coverage on American insider baseball and X-wrote-Y-about-Z-saying-K-about-J-which-may-not-even-be-real in agonizing detail when it pertains to the least significant facet of the CW in America. Significance is hardly the only criterion here.

Cormac McCarthy, Melville, Howard, Homer, Grimmelshausen, Gene Wolfe to name a few. I know exactly one person who read George MacDonald Fraser.

Alright, "don't exist" is speculation - they might. I just never met any, and I did ask around.

What is that conference and why does it matter?

Oh boy. I remember seeing AfD election campaign posters for the very first time back when Greece was the big topic in general and the centerpiece of their platform. And that was under Merkel, who had the benefit of benevolent coverage in a way that Scholz can only dream of. I don't expect lightning to strike twice, but I do wonder what would happen. Which isn't meant as darkly hinting at anything; I'm genuinely morbidly curious.

Overregulate everything into stagnation either out of naive Staatsgläubigkeit or in order to create an entire ecosystem of grift in which economically illiterate leftists and amoral opportunists thrive, submerge it all in woke lingo until there's not a refugee you can turn back nor a woman you can say no to and not a single thing you can refuse to do for the climate, burn money and ruin economies with a vengeance because that far up and so many layers removed from the taxpayer what do you care. Look at the EU and see what the progressive left desires for America. Or, if you aren't American, what's wrong with that particular flavor of pan-Europism is that it's just plain not viable in the long term. It will make Europe poorer, reduce social trust, weaken important national and cultural institutions and slowly builds up a bureaucratic monstrosity that becomes ever more expensive to maintain while it provides next to no service of value but plenty of disservice.

IMO it was doomed from the start. Since the mid-20th century practically all institutions are being taken over by big-government leftists, and creating one from scratch that's too big for anyone to take down and too far removed from the people for anyone to keep it in check just meant giving the institution-eating left a giant gift that keeps on giving. An alternate, politically neutral EU was never an option.

In Germany there's a very large part of the population who are deeply and solidly pro-russian, some out of anti-americanism and some out of genuine sympathy for russia (there are lots of russians and russo-Germans in Germany, after all), and this used to extend into politics as well. Those were not just the fringes, but large parts of all political parties - though the fringe parties had a larger share each, to be sure.

They're all silent now. They might emphasize the risks involved in prolonging the ukraine crisis, our dependency on russia or the need for peace, but always on the back foot and ready to go into hiding. The overton window here has grown very narrow very fast.

Sure, but that's pretty risky. If Russia or Ukraine do it, that's just war, to be expected - if any other country does it, then that's them being willing to blow up other country's infrastructure do destabilize them and to harm their economies. It may be worth it in some strategic sense, but the consequences if found out may be too severe to justify the risk. At the very least they'd need some very believable and reliable catspaw.

Yeah, but they released it in China. That's a lot easier to swallow as an excusable "oops" than blowing things up in Europe.