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joined 2024 April 10 04:39:31 UTC


User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

I think there should be consequences for everyone who tried to say "nobody supports Hamas!"

They were wrong or they were lying. They shouldn't get to pretend they never said it.

Joe Biden is not going to send the troops in to escort male athletes into the high school girl's locker room in an election year.

Are you sure about this? A huge portion of the dem activist base would cream their pants at the thought of doing this, and the white house is run by that base.
The fact that this administration already pulled out a title IX rewrite that enforces an extremist doctrine no liberal would have endorsed until a few months ago should be a sign that they are not motivated by what wins votes.

The transsexual issue is the ultimate expression of pure power dragging the party by the hair behind it, down to the fleshing table in the basement.

That's exactly the response I expected, don't know why I bothered

Thanks, that's something to chew on. I was only going off the novel, looks like I was on the right track about his takes on religion.

Jordan Peterson is a case where we know he was targeted for destruction, because the people doing it said they were doing it. The mob helped, natural social media mechanics helped, but there were malicious actors with an open goal of "neutralizing an influencer radicalizing young men by any means necessary."

I know, it's just that I'm finally hitting my breaking point. Mostly it's that a few people who were generic libs but mocked "the weird ones" have suddenly gone all-in on quoting reddit posts, with seemingly no sense that their perspective has changed.

I've always put up with this kind of thing before, but I'm this close to cutting back my circle of friends to a handful of shared hobby autists and redneck coworkers.

It's this depressing feeling that I was never really friends with a person who existed, just a living chatbot that had a new gpt lobotomy update.

I'm not talking about people online. That doesn't bother me.

I have pretty much had it with people who ranted about "trump disrespecting the troops!" now waving the flag of Hezbollah who actually killed a lot of those troops.
The next time a Democrat starts regurgitating NPR at me I'm going to end up saying something friendship-ruiningly impolite because I just can't hold in the anger at this stupidity any more. It's almost worse than 2020 because the deranged hysteria isn't happening in unique circumstances.

How do you all deal with this every day?

I need a good bio of him for my book report, do you know any? Obviously I can't trust anything from Wikipedia.

I was chuckling and looking for the retweet button before realizing this is a different site. Your friend sounds like he posts bangers

Im going to have to quote this post for my review of The Turner Diaries. "American whites are just mindless cattle, barely more human than blacks, and only the best of them are fit for redemption through revolutionary purging" is a literal quote from the heroes.

That econ history minor paying off just as well as my advisor said it would lol

I think you'd have to go back to the 1300s at least for British peasants to be as bad off as Indian ones.

Steam is so weird about it they even removed a completely safe for work game just because it had art by Muk. There's been feuding review teams at Valve since the old Hatred scandal, so their policy is schizo.

I can link some of the new aid package grants as backup if you like. There's a lot of "$950,000 for empowering equitable feminist solar infrastructure stakeholder committees in Ukraine."
The country is going to look very different when the US is done with it. And not "richer," since most of the money will end up as kickbacks to western NGOs.

Eventually? It already happened.


Fincen started to fight money laundering and international tax fraud. Now it's being used to make dossiers on domestic political opponents. Shop at Cabelas, you're on a list.

All the worst case scenarios have already happened so fast nobody noticed. The Democrats have complete institutional control of the government and zero qualms about abusing it.

I hate the current year so much. The awful combination of performative histrionic prudishness and obnoxious, ubiquitous safe-horny normie-fap-bait.

Furries go around naming projects after horse diaper fetishes and nobody gives a shit because uwu programmer socks tee hee, but this gets their panties in a twist?

But they're also one of the worst offenders attacking popular content for arbitrary reasons. They'll order takedowns of "big titty high school ninjas 7", but give government art grants to obese men dressing up in latex women masks to perform home castrations and penis bisections on themselves.

They want to ban independent production of pornography for the same reason they ban independent schooling: so it can be run by men like Helmut Kentler.

Because they don't want people making and distributing porn independently of party control. Even the "liberatory queer sexuality" team want it managed like the government affiliated "kids BDSM" clubs in Germany.

Or the Sozialwerk.LGBT+ club for kids 13+ in Switzerland that made the news recently, with the big box of sex toys on the table.

These groups don't want natural sexual expression, and certainly don't want it tainted by capitalism! They want it broadly repressed and its release carefully managed by Licensed Queer Social Workers.

Raz illegally transfered "semiautomatic assault weapons" without a background check, which is a crime in WA and supposedly an enforcement priority for the party. Needless to say there was no attempt to prosecute anyone involved, because the law was only intended to be used against political enemies.

Wth, my 2018 pc only had 16 until I recently upgraded to 32. I think you were in the top fraction of a percent of users.

Right now users just need to manually set their location to Japan to see R18 content, but who knows how long that will last.

In other news DLsite gave up trying to placate visa and MasterCard, but I'm told they can still be used to buy things through a third(?) party points system or rakuten card.

I remember articles from the activist groups demanding that body cam footage be sealed and only released at the request of the accused. Remind me to find them later.

BLM was the previous vehicle for institutional leftism to take over everything. "Decolonization" is the new one.

Diverted uncounted billions of dollars to leftist activism to give sinecures to hordes of useless college graduates, putting fringe "critical theory" activists in charge of university hiring, science funding, and formerly apolitical NGOs with massive endowments and prestige.

I don't know what goals you think they had other than "all power to us, loot the system for our ingroup"

How can people still pretend the institutional takeovers of 2020 just didn't happen?