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User ID: 1472



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User ID: 1472

Luhansk ukrainophobe who rarely interacts with his former compatriots apart from on FSB controlled imageboard tells someone from Eastern Ukraine what's the general attitude of people there. Priceless.

less crime

Check the statistics?

better infrastructure and government

Authoritarian government led by a 70-year old KGB completely detached from reality hyena?

But I think that having the opportunity to choose and not being afraid of reprisals from the SBU

Dude, you live in a country where FSB can just force a kettlebell in your anus in the presence of your girlfriend, because you recited an offensive verse. Lack of self-awareness on some people, geez.

I was thinking about learning this technique, but I cannot find uses for it. So as I understand, it's great for learning ordered lists, and typically the technique is illustrated by memorizing a list of some random words: "sausage", "typewriter", "ball" — a shopping list, essentially. But other than that...

You cannot use it for language learning — other mnemonic techniques are far more useful. Not for memorizing syntax of programming languages. Or mathematical formulas. Or scientific concepts. I guess you can memorize trivia like the list of British monarchs with it? "William II had red hair, so we place a red wig before the TV set, Henry I was titled 'Beauclerc' because he had good education, so we put an academic cap on the toilet seat..."

I understand that you said "emotional-motivational", but I am more interested in scholastic uses for it.

More importantly they are superficial, morally subhuman.

But didn't you fall for the same dynamics? "Subhuman" is not much better than an "orc". And the reasoning of many people who call Z-Russians "orcs" is the same as yours — they [Z-Russians] lack empathy and dehumanize Ukrainians. Of course, there are unironic Nazis who consider Russians "subhumans" quite literally — but they are clearly in minority.

It's difficult not to feel rage at people who cry about a monument to Catherine II being removed (we even had several people like that here) or Tchaikovsky being "cancelled" while being completely silent on dozens of civilians dying every day due to Russian artillery or missile strikes.

What should be the attitude of Ukrainians faced with the prospect of "svinorez"?

Indeed, what annoys myself about the whole signmyrocket affair is that it almost allows chair-warring celebrities to pretend they’re fighting the war themselves, expect without actually having to stand around on a freezing field or risk getting a bullet in your throat.

Right, but can the same be said about Ukrainian civilians abroad or in the rear areas? Who gleefully celebrate in comments under videos of drones dropping grenades on unsuspecting Russian mobiks? Who donate large sums of cash to AFU, and then tell about that on social media? Their life is not in an immediate danger (of course, there are Russian missiles, blackouts and overall decrease in living standards — but the latter can be said about the entirety of Europe, Finland included). It's just the soldiers and civilians near the front and in occupied territories are their in-group, and Russians are out-group. And evidently in-group / out-group distinction doesn't have to be limited to national borders.

Adjust it for the cost of living which will make the difference negligible (of course, the war made everything costlier, but Russia can make drop a few nukes on Ukraine to make life there completely miserable).

Consider also that if it weren't for Russian aid and debt relief, Ukraine's situation pre-2014 would've been much worse.

Russian "aid" enriched Ukrainian oligarchs, barely anything of it dripped down to the general population, and reliance on Russian gas made investment in domestic production unprofitable. People talking about Russia relieving Soviet debt apparently forget the fact that Russia got most of Soviet assets, but also a lot of countries had debts before Soviet Union — now they had to repay Russia.

Yeah, yeah. Median monthly salary in Russia is around 400-500 USD


Just a little lower in Ukraine. Somehow this huge GDP and revenues from exporting raw materials didn't translate in passable living standards for people outside of several large cities.

By the way, how people live in Donetsk and Luhansk now? Good? Did they benefit from all those oil money? I guess people like a former MMM conman made governor, or a former bank robber made military commander did. Can they express their position freely, and not to afraid of reprisals from MGB/FSB, or "podvals"? I guess it's Russia now, life should be great.

Ah, one of the most persistent tropes of Russian propaganda. "Stupid Ukrainians/Lithuanians/Estonians! We, Russians (or rather American engineers whom we invited), uplifted you, built your industries, infrastructure, and that's how you repaid us! Just look at those stoopid Finns who rejected our generous attempt to conquer them and build industries for them, and now all those northern ooga-boogas live in squalor"

US-aligned NGOs like the Endowment for Democracy and Open Society Foundation were paying billions to politically influence the country directly

When globohomo pays "billions" to supposedly brainwash Ukrainian population — it's bad. When Russians do it, corrupt politicians and put their agents everywhere (most of ministers, head of SBU etc. under Yanukovich were literally Russian citizens even before Maidan) — it's good. Got you.

keeping Ukraine from complete economic collapse

Please don't. Allow Ukraine to reform its economy and reorient toward other markets who don't try to ensure political compliance through economic means (enriching oligarchs of both countries in the process).

I also stayed "completely silent" on the civilian victims of the Azov/Kraken/Tornado/etc. units and the SBU, of the shelling of the Donbass

That's another example of the phenomenon I mentioned. You can easily substitute

It's difficult not to feel rage at people who cry about a monument to Catherine II being removed (we even had several people like that here) or Tchaikovsky being "cancelled" while being completely silent on dozens of civilians dying every day due to Russian artillery or missile strikes.


It's difficult not to feel rage at people who cry about maybe 1000-2000 civilians whose direct cause of death was Ukrainian shelling, mines, maybe even some executions by extremists (most of those wouldn't have happened decide Russia not to intervene in 2014 and 2022) while being completely silent on potentially more than 100 000 people who died because of Russian imperial ambitions

Regarding truly civilian matters, I concur with Sgt. Makhno.

As do I. But I think people like Farion are closer to "Nazis" whom I've mentioned — they consider Russians "orcs" not because of what they do, but for who they are. The same as people who call Russians "moksha", "mongols" or whatever. And that's ironic — someone like Alexei Milchakov is quite attractive, probably has IQ above average — not an ugly "mongol" like some propaganda depicts Russians, or an alcoholic from paintings by Lozhkin. Yet it's for people like him, I think, the title "orc" is the most deserving.

Interesting tidbit about Farion — she is being "cancelled" for hitting her cat during one of her streams. I believe the same as some twitch streamer :-)

I don't think it's fair. When an American politician lies, Americans blame him personally (or maybe his party, like "GOP always lie"). On the other hand, when someone not from the US lies, the blame is put on culture like in your case "post-Soviet leaders always lie, it's because the culture of mistrust yada-yada". I guess it's sort of outgroup homogeneity?

Sure, I'll post about my experiences, and thank you.

Well, this is definitely not true for Donbass or Melitopol.

Where we see both people who are ready to kill in order to NOT be Ukrainians and people who are generally loyal to the Russian government.

Did you read it on Grey Zone?

EDIT: you can argue about Donbass (never been there), especially LDNR. But I lived for a long period of time in a small town on the coast of Azov Sea, an hour-long drive from Melitopol, I generally know attitude of people there.

To fix the historical wrongs, Russia should have given Crimea independence as Crimean Khanate. First they destroyed its statehood, then they deported most Crimean Tartars to the Central Asia.

administrative areas

They weren't just "administrative areas". Croats, for example, already existed as a separate ethnonational entity back then.

At least for now Poles insist it was a Russian missile. Just came in:


Polish MFA summoned the Russian ambassador.

They'll too take a huge credibility hit if that's indeed a Ukrainian missile.

risk that people's mental images are auto-completed to robot skeletons with guns

Maybe a lot of our criticism of those scenarios of humanoid robots wielding handguns come from our contrarianism and the desire of futurists/"serious" writers of speculative fiction to be original and insightful? Just like any would-be xenobiologist who mentions carbon chauvinism (despite boron and silicon being much inferior elements to construct complex molecules from).

I thought recently of Detroit Become Human — it is highly unoriginal and derivative when it comes to its predictions about future of technologies. But now with uncovering of Tesla bot, GPT-3, work of OpenAI on dexterous hand manipulation and such, we as well might be surrounded by millions androids who could pass as humans in a decade or two.

And who knows, maybe the spark of runaway AGI will come from these human-like robots, not some supercomputer locked in some research institute.

I agree with Scott on this one


If you hate "global elites" (or your image of them), it's convenient to have specific conspiracies at hand ("they want to force us to consume bugs and sleep in pods, while they eat expensive steaks and drink Chardonnay in their mansions and laugh at us!") instead of vague "they are evil neo-liberals who hate us!"

... you think it's normal that Biden bragged about having Ukrainian prosecuted fired for investigating Burisma, the company that was paying off Hunter Biden ?

Probably Bundestag MPs also had their children employed by Burisma.


And some guy from SBU who accused Shokin of corruption and demanded his resignation also had dealing with Burisma.


And members of Kharkiv Human Rights Group...


And dozens of Ukrainian MPs...


that you set up a Google ping for themotte when anything critical of Ukraine pops up

It's false. I read this forum sometimes, but I don't find American culture war that interesting so I rarely post.

Have you considered fighting in the war?

I did. But I have a dependant, and some of my relatives including my father are fighting, so if something happens to us, no one would be able to take care of my underage sister. Plus I don't have military experience, my father has. Also I have relatively lucrative job in IT, and I donate most of my salary to AFU. Make of that what you will.

I know Ukraine is drafting every young man they can find

It's false as well.

Or do you have a desk job with the Ukrainian military that permits you to engage in forums from time to time?

And that is comical. Interesting that people who laugh at conspiracies involving "Russian bots" fall to the same temptation of accusing anyone of being a "glowie", or an "Ukrobot".

Essentially an assassination attempt on their leader. Hmmm...

Ethnohistorical region with a strong separatist movement. Probability of Croats getting their independence as a result of Yugoslavian collapse (in itself a likely event) was quite high, Hitler had nothing to do with it.

Probably because it's beneficial for them from the economic standpoint, and also because the US is a counter-weight to the Chinese influence in the region. Not because the US strongarms Vietnam.

Right. I don't dismiss the possibility of it being an accident involving a Ukrainian AA missile. Yet I think it's prudent to wait for the results of the investigation. I don't think it would be possible to hide the results of it. Of course, if Americans and Poles will come out and say "it was 100% a Russian missile" — Russians will try to discredit this conclusion, but it will be enough for me.

Well they would say that, wouldn't they?

Also I don't really know how much Polish diplomats value their credibility and how competent they are. Ukrainians had several fuckups, like voting against American declaration on human rights situation in Xinjiang, and then backtracking; or voting against Israel in the UN, and then asking Israel for arms; so even being a Ukrainian I can imagine them screwing it up and lying, even though I wouldn't like that to be the case obviously. But I don't know about Poland.

Baader-Meinhof phenomenon? When you are terminally online and submerged into Culture War, you will perceive all Culture War related things more acutely.