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joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


User ID: 441



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


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User ID: 441

Then you believe a civilization that would extinct itself in one generation

Come now. Gay people are capable of reproduction. We are all familiar with the existence of sperm donation and surrogacy.

the TSA doesn’t care in the slightest

I know California cops don't particularly care. But I sure would have thought that the TSA would enforce Federal drug laws. A gram of cannabis wax is probably a big problem to get caught with in an airport.

If they got caught with less than a gram of wax in an airport? Straight to jail.

Okay. I had a really good username that exceeds 25 characters. But this will do.

Also thanks setting this up, coming from a long time pre-Motte culture war roundup poster.

Edit: 2 posts in an someone's downvoting everything. Both of us are at zero. Please consider abandoning reddit voting. Having an option to downvote at all is too much for most.

Edit 2: Someone sent me the reddit suicide report message. From 'System', so they are abusing baked in features. Really off to a dramatic start.

Also testing. Just made an account.

Can the user name length rule be expanded to 35 characters?

Usually I would agree. But she is so thin and flat that she lacks a feminine figure. She's way too far in that direction.

Tabletop Games (W40K)

Assuming this is a racial issue: Shouldn't a true to the setting depiction of 40K be full of POCs? If anything it's weird that all of mankind 10s of thousands of years in the future produces mostly white guardsmen and space marines, given their depiction in various media.

There was a "as a black guy worried about my low-IQ genes contaminating my white girlfriend and our future kids" post on the reddit SSC culture war roundup thread shortly before it was permanently canceled. I didn't bother responding to it, but it was so clearly bait. Just the perfect example of intolerable wrongthink.

Weren't they losing money on every sedan sale? They didn't quit so much as fail.

The Lord (Word of God) clearly tells Moses that the ancient Israelites should stone child sacrificing Molech worshipers adulterous women

This is literally the Pharisees in John 8:5. You are now quoting the Pharisees and advocating their view in plain opposition to Jesus.

Which I guess is fine in some non-Christian sense. But both Christians and modern Jews don't follow these rules. And Christians can point to Jesus dunking on the people who tried to "gotcha" him with the laws of Moses.

Double nope: coin tumblers make it a random collection of coins rather than traceable coins from Russia or China.

Seriously. What a wild assertion to drop in like obvious fact.

Beggars in Spain

I've read it. I recall liking it. It is very obscure, right?

I read the document around page 63 like the Forbes article says and couldn't find it.


criminalizing drugs again and locking dealers in prison

Good news: they are currently illegal to possess and dealers get locked up. That's true almost everywhere in the US, Portland and Seattle excluded.

It's all supposedly nonhuman written.

At first I was hungry, then it went away. It takes a couple weeks to get used to it.

I've founded skipping breakfast and having a light lunch to be great. You are less hungry all day.

Armstrong and Getty like her, but they admit the debates and primary are a waste of time given Trump's enormous lead.

I believe population pyramids are largely interpolations or projections from few and far between official censuses or best guesses. Had the war not occurred presumably this one would be a reasonable approximation.

But whoops, it's lacking some recent demographic changes in Ukraine.

Some of those emails are clearly a code for something. Weird shit along the lines of "but we only have one slice of cheese pizza available, will that be enough for everyone tonight?" They aren't talking about a literal slice of pizza. But why document some sort of conspiracy or presumably criminal acts by email using jivey coded language?

I don't think they would have any need to to order coke by email. I also doubt they are Satan worshipping pedophiles. I don't get it.

This is actually interesting. What would you propose is a reasonable translation?

For correctly stating that the answer depends on the context or other actions but this isn't inherently forbidden by school policy? I don't suppose so. I don't think anyone is getting convicted for merely stating legalistic technically true answers.

Chicken liver mousse is great. I can't recommend it enough.

I'm going to leap to the defense of frog legs. I've had them in America and in China and they were good both times. If you like eating chicken meat off the bone, it's the same thing.

I am much less enthused about the pig kidneys and intestines that I ate. No thank you. That should be fed to dogs.