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joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

I'll bet this is literally true. The President on the same day denouncing their actions and shipping more weapons. That happened recently according to a report I heard on the radio.

Yes. And their male child would unite the Atreides and Harkonnen families. The emperor has no male children. His daughter would be married to this person.

The idea that the government should step into that

Public universities are, well, public. Once my tax dollars get roped into this I would like the government to be a wise steward of our finances. So I would like the government to police its own institutions.

Yeah these are anti-LGBT laws dawg.

But no, not L, G or B. I'm sure some transwomen don't at all like these laws. Almost all LGBT people aren't transwomen.

I don't know about Catholics in Europe, but in America most sexually active Catholics use birth control. The hard ban on birth control is not much respected.

I take it many American Catholics are Catholic in name only and mean to say they are Catholic in a vague cultural sense but not in any way that inconveniences their lives.

bell weather

This is a strange one. It is a bellwether. A "wether" being a castrated male sheep. If you want to more easily keep track of your sheep you would want to put a bell on one. You wouldn't want a bell on an intact male or a female sheep given all the furious ringing that would occur.

This happened to me years ago. A work computer refused to run executables that I made on that machine. Corporate security policies one ratchet click tighter than the Windows standard will cripple your ability to make your own programs as standalone executables.

Windows Defender Smartscreen shall decide when and if executables may run on your machine.

To be clear: no one is banning tiktok. They may force ByteDance to divest from the American form of tiktok. ByteDance can then sell it to non-Chinese owners. Or take their ball and go home. Their choice.

The arguments I've heard in favor of this involve the CCP controlling Chinese companies and the American form of tiktok being a horrible antisocial negative version but the Chinese version being a prosocial positive version. Which would be the CCP messing with our youth. And the black box hand-modified algorithm promoting content is not an even-handed arbiter of memetic popularity. Neither in China nor the US.

Anecdotally my Chinese American in-laws and wife agree that the Chinese version of tiktok is superior. And they use Chinese mainland Apple accounts to load it on their phones because it is the "good" version. So when some Congressman claims that, I accept it.

I thought the Russian economy lacked the ability to replace expended or destroyed high tech equipment. Or recently destroyed oil infrastructure for that matter. They could be throwing large amounts of effectively unreplacabe materiel at Ukraine. And then none will be left for other uses. Bleeding them.

I have little doubt in their ability to field many men for a long time and gradually grind at the Ukrainians. I don't take more men under arms as a sign of economic strength for them. But it doesn't matter since our ""allies"" in Europe will fund them more and more through oil purchases so their GDP will grow merely by being a petrostate.

Ukrainians have agency and I am not at all sympathetic to arguments we are egging them on when we give them the arms they ask for. Or that hastening their brutalization by Russia is somehow a moral good.

And what happens when more than one party has this attitude? Wild mutual escalation that most people people involved don't even want. Turning what could have been a mild contention into effectively a blood fued.

This is the perennial complaint against many police raids on homes. "You could have just picked him up while he was driving to work or the store." David Koresh liked to jog around town. They could have grabbed him and stuffed him into a van whenever they wanted. But the ATF wanted a showy raid, and they sure as hell got one.

if the bad actors has tried even slightly harder to keep the worst (discoverable) behavior to phone

Like in Operation Choke Point. Obama administration made sure to have in person meetings with bank leadership and not write anything down. In order to defeat discovery. The public found out eventually, Congress forced them to testify regarding their malfeasance, etc. But no one was punished. They must be doing this a lot and usually getting away with it.

I lived for a bit with my wife and kid in a smallish apartment. It was just for a few months while moving and finding a house to buy. It was very hard to find a house given the wild housing market. It is so vastly better to be in a big suburban house rather than an apartment. We were cramped in that apartment.

Also many apartments are excessively dark and have low ceilings. It is so open and bright in my house.

In my very American opinion personal space is valuable and I'll bear slightly more time spent sweeping than floor in order to get more space.

In the books the fremen are a variety of planetary slave populations mixed together. Some have red or sandy blond hair. Some have brown skin. Their religion is zensunni. If I recall correctly in the book Stilgar thinks they are the people who escaped bondage under Pharoah.

They're a blend of all sorts of stuff and I don't suppose map to any real life ethnicity. Other than being obvious stand ins for Arab oil states.

Argument by analogy is always flawed. So of course your analogy is not relevant to the matter at hand.

No Chinese company has a right to own anything in the US. They have previously been forced to divest or blocked from purchasing things in the US. I do not accept TicTok refusing to sell a subsidiary to non-Chinese owners as a ban. If they'd rather shut it down than divest, that is entirely on them. In every way unlike a mobster giving me the choice to pay him or to have him cripple me.

I am a lot less prone to ingrouping with the kind of White people who deliberately shut themselves off from the world by retreating to the ‘burbs

"It turns out I was the rootless cosmopolitan all along. :'("

I don't know about this particular case, but sometimes law enforcement "no knock" breaks into someone's home and from the homeowner's point of view are merely criminal home intruders.

the Sauron/Galadriel romance

I never was going to see it. Now I'm especially not going to see it.

I get that. And I'm a tech worker so this policy was indeed misconfigured for me. But IT was trained to ignore engineers saying they make their own scripts and obviously need to run and test them on local hardware. Which just resulted in a culture of engineers bypassing the controls in an extremely insecure manner in order to perform basic job functions. The computers in the hardware lab lacked the controls for instance.

It was anarchotyranny for IT security.

why are we banning TikTok and not everything else

CCP controls TikToc. For all their many sins Facebook and X are not similarly run by the CCP.

Tabletop Games (W40K)

Assuming this is a racial issue: Shouldn't a true to the setting depiction of 40K be full of POCs? If anything it's weird that all of mankind 10s of thousands of years in the future produces mostly white guardsmen and space marines, given their depiction in various media.

But don't delete posts just because they're downvoted. That's a one way trip to a boring echo chamber.

Post locally unpopular views that you sincerely hold and then don't be too bothered by the negative points. Reddit has trained people to be bad posters. Let's resist importing their diseased posting culture.

The only other post from Vino I recall is him praising Hitler. It's definitely bait and not of great quality.

It is really quite amazing how genetics so horribly strikes Haitians but not to remotely the same degree other black Caribbean populations or black Africans or black British people, etc. It does make one suspicious that maybe a second factor could be at play.