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They can't question your viewpoint without also making it a criticism of you.

I find your terms acceptable.

Better chance of catching a bullet to the skull thanks to one three letter agency or another.

I don’t think that plays out the same way for woodworking. There’s no originator to destabilize the whole community. You’d have to go straight to the top and try for mass demonetization. As I understand it, YouTube is absolute garbage as a platform, but I don’t think it tends to moderate for not saying something. I hope.

I put nothing past them. Having centralization of a hobby makes it easier. But activist and infiltrators make it work just as well, just slower, without.

Maybe it starts with a campaign for all woodworkers to start putting their pronouns in their correspondence, and announce it at the beginning of each video. It's not like everyone would do it overnight. But maybe a few would. Then maybe one of the really big channels on Youtube gets talked into doing it, and suddenly there is a sea change. Next thing you know, if you aren't announcing your pronouns at the beginning of your woodworking videos, the comments section becomes a sea of accusations of bigotry. I know, I know, comments on youtube, what do you expect? Well, at the moment, most comment sections on woodworking video are actually profoundly helpful. I know, right?

Then the pressure ramps up. Suddenly all the channels are trying to outdo each other promoting Pride, or donating to LGBT causes. A little bit later, they are just straight up proselytizing for Democrats and calling all Republican's Nazi's.

Because it's a community, and it's also a hustle. In a sense it's zero sum, because there are only so many eyeballs you can get on your content. And most of the creators network extensively, and you don't want to find yourself outside the network. Same as most Youtube verticals.

Maybe a few channels find themselves left out of the network because at some point the meat AI that is the typical mob of "creators" that's been trained by the Youtube Algorithm hits a line they simply cannot cross along with everyone else. Maybe they can't throw their family under the bus as being bigots. Maybe they actually don't agree with mutilating and sterilizing children as a form of "trans health care". When all their former friends and colleagues treat them as persona non grata, they are immediately radicalized in the other direction.

And that is the hellscape I'm afraid is in woodworkings future. Because I've seen it happen, over, and over, and over again.

America has changed, but the skills are there waiting for us to pick up and practice.

The skills may be waiting, but they are behind barbed wire, with a stern Bureaucrat handing us a dozen forms that may as well be in another language before we are allowed to touch them. Any unauthorized attempts will fine you into permanent poverty or get you thrown in a rape cage.

Not America, but watching Clarkson's Farm recently was heart breaking. Literally everything that man attempted to do on his own property was subject to government approval. And at some point, the government decided it just didn't like him anymore, and said no to everything he attempted no matter how insignificant.

I few months back I was reading a post by someone in my local subreddit about them attempting to navigate the permitting process to do some work by themselves on their own home. The entire system was literally set up so that he could not possibly complete it. It required his "business's" tax ID and other registration information. And no bureaucrat he spoke to about this could provide him any solution. They just robotically repeated that he had to complete the forms in full with all the required information. Not sure how, or if, that ever resolved itself.

I'll believe it when I see it.

But it does tickle my pickle watching Disney increasingly flounder in the global market. Allegedly. While sure, there are nonsensical BLM protest in the UK and elsewhere, and an argument can be made that our identity politics are being exported globally, it may perhaps just be Western Europe. Russia doesn't care, China doesn't care, India doesn't care, South America doesn't care, the Middle East doesn't care. I'm not even sure Africa cares. You might be able to extract money out of the PMC types who want to be Party members in good standing. But most everywhere else in the world looks at you like you have 3 heads when you shove a black Ariel in their face and the songs have been rewritten to be about respecting waman instead of romance.

I'm reminded of Tucker's debut twitter monologue, where he talks about how Americans are profoundly ignorant about what the world thinks of us, or what it's even like at all, because our information diet is so rigorously controlled. And while it's marginally difficult to believe a massive global corporation like Disney is as blind as the rest of us rubes, maybe they do believe their own bullshit a bit more than I thought. Editing black people out of their Chinese releases not withstanding.

I doubt Lucas has the money to buy back Star Wars. IP line that is worth way more today than the prices back then.

I donno. Disney spent $4.1B on it, and the viewership has consistently shrunk since they bought it. A strong argument could be made they have enormously devalued the IP. First by scrapping the entire EU, second by deciding Star Wars is now for girls, third by having different directors retconning back and forth on the movies, fourth by flooding the IP with garbage on Disney+. They're already shutting down the Star Wars Hotel they spent fabulous sums constructing. It was only open from March 2022 to Sept 2023.

In my perfect world, Lucas would offer to buy it back for $2B when they need the cash.

Additionally, the lawyer pointed to her low IQ and “lack of adap­tive func­tion­ing” to say she couldn’t have been conscious of what she was doing. This argument apparently convinced some jurors.

@HaroldWilson: Oh ho ho. Who's website is scarcely believable now?

Stop consooming.

If you reward them with your attention, of course they will make more. Just read the books again. Or buy a used copy of the Peter Jackson films and watch those.

In 2016, were you asking if Hillary was about to have her own Rubicon moment?

We probably should have given how the Clinton Campaign laundered the Steele Dossier through the intelligence services to launch fraudulent investigations into Trump and his administration, essentially getting a mulligan on the election and forestalling his policy goals for 4 years.

Turns out if the Pretorian Guard are loyal to you, it barely matters who the Emperor is.

Crab bucket mentality. Women love shitting on other women who have something they don't. Be it fitness, family, a loving husband, career, hobbies, you name it. There is always some frenemy or judgmental family member whispering evil in their ear, trying to poison them against their own happiness.

Unfortunately for women who aspire to greatness, or even just happiness and contentment, their higher agreeableness and neuroticism causes them to cave to their haters more often than they reach escape velocity from the crab bucket.

I've never in all my life seen a man effected the same way. I'm sure everything under the sun is possible. I'm sure some internet rando is going to say it happened to them and they have a penis. But I've never seen it.

I mean, if you think words don't mean anything, then I understand your confusion. Let me illustrate with some examples if the difference between nakedly shitting in someone's soul, and actual competitiveness seems too abstract for you.

My wife eats healthy and exercises. Both because it makes her feel good, is good for her mental health, and it helps her auto-immune issues and family history of Crohn's Disease. And every single one of her friends, her mother, her sister et al are constantly making passive aggressive comments about it. Weird shit implying one way or another she's gonna get fat. Or that she's actually hurting herself. Or that she's setting impossible body standards for our daughter. Or that she won't look good if she gets too muscular.

What's the competition? My wife is already married, to me. The women are already married too! These women aren't trying to beat my wife in a race, or anything else for that matter. None of my wife's behaviors have the slightest indirect impact on them, beyond making them feel guilty about their own poor choices. So they whisper poison in her ear.

Now, compare this with Mike Tyson trying to get into his opponents head before they directly clash in the ring. Shit like "I'm going to eat your children" or "I'll fuck you till you love me." Attempting to intimidate a boxer before you fight directly in the ring in a time honored tradition, and how it counts as competitive behavior should be manifestly obvious.

This is a great example. Evidently I touched a nerve, and thus total war, scorched Earth, is declared. Expand the scope of the argument without limit, and say every mean and hateful thing about the opposition you can passive aggressively throw out, as though it has anything to do with anything.

I appreciate you being so gracious as to provide such a sterling example. Takes a lot of courage to step into that role.

I appreciate you being so gracious as to provide such a sterling example. Takes a lot of courage to step into that role.

I was being charitable and kind and assuming you were just pretended to be retarded as an example. Or are you saying that men can be just as passive aggressive as women can, because you, a certified haver of a penis, are so?

  • -11

Let me put less abstractly.

Two groups break into your house and want to steal your daughter. One wants to mutilate and sterilize her, the other wants convert her and marry her off so she has lots of grandbabies.

In a perfect world, I'd love to not be forced into those options. To leave the abstract, I'd love if a conservative moral authority had it in them to say loudly, and proudly, and with their hands on the levers of power (and the monopoly on violence) "Nobody is going to mutilate and sterilize your kids, or convert them to a foreign religion and forcefully breed them".

Alas, I don't live in that world.

In this extreme example, I choose grandchildren. Even if they may wind up believing funny things.

Edit: On a side note, while at one point I used to be horrified as Islam's perspective on women and "western decadence", my native culture seems to have done everything in it's power over the last 8 years to prove Islam right. So I guess there is that too. I'm not rushing to convert. But San Francisco has proven there are worse things than an Islamic Theocracy.

My initial reaction to this was that "well, aren't you already allowing slurs on Twitter, Elon?" But then I realized that there's a distinction here - slurs may be allowed, but harassment is not. After all, he used the words "cis" and "cisgender" without any censorship, much like many would censor a typical slur such as "nigger" as "n*gger" or "n-word". You may be allowed to use "cis", but you're not allowed to directly call someone "cis" on the platform.

Good. No one has ever applied the cis label to me in a non-hateful manner. It's always been to indicate I'm their moral, intellectual, experiential and political inferior. That, bafflingly, my status as a cis man disqualifies me from having any sort of legitimate perspective on the male human condition. Or really any aspect of the human condition, period. Because alphabet people are the new humanity now. Nothing else qualifies.

And it's not like it's impossible to refer to non-trans people either. I've seen many terminologies used that are much more acceptable, such as "biological women", or "non-trans" as I've been using. There's also "assigned female at birth", but I feel like that's much more of a misnomer, as it implies that gender/sex is something you're "assigned" rather than a fundamental property that is immutable (at least with today's primitive technology).

You left out "normal"

If your primary exposure to the word "cis" is that somebody is trying to insult you, then I suspect you've primarily been exposed to the worst actors of the progressive movement (and/or people who are just trying to trigger you specifically). I know multiple people who walked in the BLM protests and it's implausible to me that any of them would use "cis" or "straight" as insults (if nothing else, remember that most progressives are cis and straight).

I mean, possibly. But it turns out all the worst actors of the progressive movement are moderators in most communities people try to interact with. So perhaps you can admit their impact might be outsized compared to their numbers.

If progressives don't like them being so visible and representative, perhaps they should do something about that. Otherwise, I assume these people have progressive's consent when they speak, and take action, in their name.

Ah jeez. Damned near nothing. About 25% mortgage, 10% food, 25% savings, another 15% for utilities, insurance, etc. I give the wife 10% to do whatever she wants with no questions asked. The rest seems to consistently vanish because of random medical bills (dental crowns are expensive), mechanical bills, or home improvement projects.

At the end of the month, I splurge on myself between $100 and $200, or roughly 1-2% of my monthly take home pay. It tends to go either towards a tool and/or rough lumber, a video game, whiskey or cigars.

When I get my Christmas bonus at the end of the year, I tend to splurge on one big ticket item for myself and save the rest. Last year I bought a Dewalt thickness planer. The year before that I bought an Ikea computer desk for my retro computers. This year I'm eyeballing either an 8" benchtop jointer or a 48KG Kettlebell.

Single-income family, one small child

My brother in arms! Now there are a whole two of us here!

5% per week on groceries huh? I leave the food to the wife, and I don't know how she's done it, but she's actually kept our grocery bill mostly level through the last 4 years of inflation. Lots of bean soups and "manager's special" meat. Although I also stopped splurging at bakeries and starting baking my own snacks.

It's not been good for my waistline. Now that I have the power to make as many scones as I want, the responsibility has been too great.

Yeah, going from DINK to SIWK has been an adjustment. Less so for me because that's how I grew up, and it's remarkable how you just grok that lifestyle when you grew up in it. My wife less so. Grew up with two working parents who made up for their lack of time with her by buying thing.

I donno. It's the only mortage I've ever had.

I feel like once upon a time, having your mortgage be 25% of your take home pay was conventional wisdom. A quick googling shows I'm not totally hallucinating, as it appears here Lifestyle inflation has obviously changed that over the years. But I'm old school, so I made the necessary sacrifices to stick with it. So far it's working out well for my family. We stick to a budget, but it's not suffocating. There are things we'd like, and we can't do all of it. But there is nothing we truly hurt for. We're saving adequately for emergencies, repairs, retirement, school, etc.

I mean... maybe. But only because woke types have decided "Whiteness" has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with encouraging pro social norms like stable marriages, property rights, staying healthy, rational thinking, etc. Which means "Blackness" is left representing anti-social norms that are being "oppressed" by causality "Whiteness".

When such a framing of race is being forced on the discourse from nearly all institutional mouthpieces, if you are still capable of forming a coherent thought in your head, it's probably gonna be "Well, I guess I want to be white then."

Ok, how about this clip covering a woman of color, and equity director, who does not believe obesity has any health consequences, or that nutrition is real at all, to the Nutrition Council?


I’ll summarize the link but you really should read it for yourself, it’s astounding how bad Disney gets the Star Wars franchise: for instance, the books need to be (in addition to all the old touchstones of diversity etc) ANTI WAR. And then there’s the characters, who are somehow all androgynous.

You know, the idiocy of Disney's "The Force is Female" push doesn't take a genius to figure out. I was talking to my wife about it, and I just asked:

"When we were kids, how many little boys did you know who liked Star Wars?"


"Did you know a single girl who liked Star Wars?"


It's the absolute height of fart huffing retardation to literally jettison your entire built in audience for an IP, and try to replace it with an audience that never cared about it one iota. Like I get the typical neoliberal line of "They're just trying to expand their market". Except now the experiment has been run, and they've wound up appealing to less people than before.

It was literally inconceivable to me, if you'd asked me 10 years ago, that I could stop loving Star Wars. I dragged my poor not-yet-wife to a midnight screen of The Force Awakens, well past her bed time. And she went with me because she knew how much it meant to me, god bless her.

And yet here I am. I fucking hate Star Wars now.

The ways they've seemingly purposely spit in the eye of every fan of the original Trilogy and EU is insane. Between turning all the legacy characters into beaten down pieces of shit, killing them off ignominiously and denying fans the reunions they desperately wanted. Putting aside all the glaring technical issues with the craftsmanship of the films, like poor writing, poor characterization, completely nonsensical plot contortions, etc. I forget where I heard it, but someone joked that all new Lucas Films are made for an audience of one, Kathleen Kennedy. Every film has to be about a stand in for how Kathleen Kennedy views herself, replacing a character that is a stand in for how Kathleen Kennedy views George Lucas. Once I heard that, suddenly it all made sense.

God I hope Disney sells it all back to Lucas at half the price.

I wouldn't count "Anakin thinks it's a great idea to spend the day at an amusement park, also having something else up his sleeve. Confessing his love to Obi-Wan!" as being genuinely a fan of the series.

They are now. Which is why I'm not.

Back in my day, Star Wars fans played the West End Games version of the Star Wars RPG, the miniatures game, and fantasized over the source books. The latest and greatest Star Wars video games were X-Wing and Tie Fighter, which were super nerdy and demanding flight sims. Dark Forces had just come out too, and was super heavily teen boy coded. It was a 90's FPS after all.

That was the fandom.

Funnily enough, all the source material written for West End Games Star Wars RPG was sent to Zahn, and he used it to bootstrap his Thrawn trilogy.

So yeah, there was no "slash fiction". A lot of the creativity of the young fans I interacted with as a young fan myself was spent coming up with RPG ideas, sharing Star Wars total conversion WADs for Doom, using the source books to try to game out if a Wampa could defeat an AT-ST walker, etc. Or, since nobody had read all the EU fiction because there were no online book stores, or ebooks, or even a wikipedia of what all the EU books even were, we'd hear tales of this or that awesome droid or alien from the random jumble of EU books our parents had haphazardly found on a shelf for one of us.

The rather obvious problem for the LGBT community and the rest of us is that we cannot even point out the bootleggers without being labeled. No matter how nicely you point out the connection between letting small children make sexual decisions (or that the adults are pushing, often covertly for sexual discussions and books without parents consent) the answer is you are a horrible bigot for even thinking like that.

Not only can we not point it out, but they can't point it out either. I've seen numerous L's and G's trying to point out the bootleggers, only to find themselves kicked out, because it turns out the bootleggers are the core of their coalition. Turns out after you get all the rights you always wanted, the people who stick around and don't go back to living their normal lives like all the slogans claimed, are bootleggers.