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User ID: 1823



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User ID: 1823

Agree, we need to get rid of the Irish and Italians. The papists are ruining this once great nation.

Some of us have children and growth is great for a nation.

Unless you were on the Mayflower there is a pretty good chance you were not the first person to live in your city.

I mean your argument really breaks down when comparing the gun deaths in the US vs countries that are even more liberal like Canada. More guns and easier access to them certainly lead to more gun violence.

Nationally support is over 70% for gay marriage. Obviously differs by state but the opinion of the country is clearly on the side of allowing gay marriage.

He was in a senior leadership position. This wasn’t some rank and file conscript grunt just following orders.

IMO it’s even worse that he could have chosen the Union but decided to fight to keep race based slavery alive as an institution in his home state. The man is the opposite of an American hero.

Well just this morning I was “told” about 22 more people killed in a mass shooting. The police and CCW holders may have stopped “plenty”, but I think the idea that US gun owners could stop a Hamas attack to be a pure fantasy.

I don’t buy this argument at all. Law firms represent all kinds of people/companies. If murderers, rapists and big tobacco can find legal representation i’m sure employees with documented discrimination will be able to.

Meh clickbait/outrage porn nonsense.

I don’t see Matt Gaetz voting trump for speaker as a principled stance to take.

I suppose in the end it doesn’t really matter, but just another disappointment from politics.

I disagree completely. There might be 1-2 states who would try to ban it (even then I think they would approve “civil unions”) but think you easily get to 38 who would pass it and call it marriage.

I think a poor kid from Central America will probably do the same as a poor kid from Texas who is joining to get free college.

I may be overly cynical but I think Weinstein saw a big opening to get a following by going against the vax (he’d already had similar success going against academia) and he ran with it to great success.

He could sound very reasonable by preaching a pro vaccine message as well but then he’d just be another fish in the mainstream media sea.

The GOP is my in group! It shows how far gone parts of the GOP base has gone (the part that is responsible for losing the senate majority) that my criticism is making me out to be a liberal. Matt Gaetz voting Trump for speaker is just another example of him and his followers not being serious people.

Except the game isn’t rigged. To win you need to win elections and then govern once you actually win. The Dems managed to pass quite a bit of legislation while in power recently and it’s debatable if republicans would be able to do the same if given power again.

Moderna had a sample size of 30K for their phase 3 testing. Not sure where you got the few hundred number….


Why would I view Brett as the enemy? He’s just another talking head. I think he’s acting to build and engage with an audience. This is the same incentive structure as the rest of the media.

There was clearly an unmet market for a contrarian take on the vaccine and Brett jumped whole heart into it.

Just because someone has a different take than Maddow and Hannity doesn’t mean they don’t have the same incentives.

Really wish the GOP would adopt a strategy of being the “adults in the room” as a counter to the woke excess side of the Dems. Unfortunately there seems to be much more money to made by being an attention whore like Gaetz than attempting to govern.

Absolutely, Biden won 25 states. To get to 38 you add in IN OH MO KS IA NE TX FL NV NC TN KY AK and those are just the easiest ones. I honestly think it would pass easily. Is there serious opposition to gay marriage left in America?

The post references religion as an answer. The US is substantively more religious than Canada. I mostly just used liberal as a stand in for “less religious”, bit sloppy but I don’t know many who would argue Canada is more conservative than the US.

Gotcha that makes more sense. I agree the FDA should be more open about experimental treatments being an option.

It’s a consistency thing. I’d like the GOP to consistently show that they are serious about governing. It’s been difficult for me to take the republicans serious since Trump and the midterms.

True, 15 is likely the low end. Sounds like he has a real possibility of a 50 year type sentence.

The red tribe still has significant political power. Especially in state legislatures where they are not afraid to flex their power to do things like ban abortion.

Which of those states do you think wouldn’t pass it? Gay marriage has over 70% support nationally and it seems to me there is no organized opposition to it. This is all a hypothetical exercise but I think it would pass fairly easily.

Well it’s also weird that the statues were erected decades after the war ended. The Confederacy lost too fast to put up monuments to their glory while they existed.