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User ID: 1823



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User ID: 1823

No politics at work is a tried and true Carrer strategy. Limited upside in political arguing and high downside.

I believe white women are both the biggest US consumers and the most progressive group in the US. Could argue that part of companies going overly woke is just to sell more things to their biggest demographic.

Honestly the donors probably love this. Anything to paint the other side as anti gay bigots likely plays well.

Don’t love the statue. It feels like they wanted a unique MLK statue and just missed the mark. MLK’s memorial in the national mall is a a much more traditional monument and looks great, especially lit up at night.

Not sure one statue ties into a wider point on “The West”. Seems like most of our statues are just a guy on a horse or standing in a military uniform. Doesn’t seem like a sign of downfall to try out new styles even if this one turned out poorly.

I’m almost positive that was added in there as bait. I’m pretty sure there are HS football stadiums in Texas that seat 12,000.

If Canada wants CoL to go down they should prioritize building a ton more housing. Seems like a very simple solution, but existing homeowners are a powerful bloc.

Not sure if Canada’s zoning problems are similar to the US but it legit takes years to get projects approved here. Certainly a big driver of lower housing supply.

While I love a good bashing of smug Europeans I do think comparing the two land masses as a whole doesn’t make a ton of sense. IMO you need to get to the level of comparing finance employees in NYC vs London or a tech employee in Berlin vs SF.

The variety of people/lifestyles in both places is so vast that comparing averages doesn’t do it justice.

For example most of the European complaints about the US (healthcare, crime, weight generally speaking, food quality, no PTO) simply don’t apply if you are a high earner/have wealth. I’d imagine there are similar blind spots about Europe that Americans miss when comparing averages.

I actually think the gender split is how the ideologues convinced the capitalists to buy into the change in direction. If you already dominate 50% of the market with the boys then the best path for growth could be to go after the girls. Obviously the risk with this is you don’t get the girls and alienate the boys. Bud light is the best recent example of this strategy backfiring spectacularly.

I thought this would potentially take years. The relatively quick arrest makes me think the government has an extremely strong case. I’d guess he’s getting 15+ years.

Not race but gender related a big payout happened in North Carolina when a man won a discrimination lawsuit on the basis of gender.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all to these types of cases come up for both gender and race.


Is the WEF powerless? The org itself may lack formal powers but it’s attended by the top business executives in the world. This isn’t some random Vegas lawyer conference.

I’d argue that being able to attract top talent and set the conference agenda is certainly a type of power.

These “statements” are so unhinged I always have to check multiple times if they are actually real. Really hope trump goes away.

I feel like attacking polling methodology is a pretty bipartisan pastime and isn’t surprising at all to me that it’s happening in the comments section.

We had multiple threads on here with challenges to official inflation data so unsure why polling wouldn’t be challenged.

It kills me that the fake outrage from Alden’s song worked. This reminds me of when GTA got blamed for all kinds of violence. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the song was explicitly written in the hope of gaining outrage to get press.

The best thing that could happen to that song is it gets “canceled” and gets publicity that way because even by pop country standards it is awful. Whole thing feels like a fake controversy.

Interesting side note Alden was the artist on stage when the Vegas shooting happened.

From my understanding these schools get massive amounts of federal funding from research grants. Did some quick googling and looks like Harvard gets over $500mm a year. Certainly not chump change.

My question now is will this extend to DEI hiring/promoting practices in corporate America. I’m at a mega corp and we practice what certainly looks like racial/gender discrimination (for example leadership teams and # of managers have to comply with HR DEI %’s). I’m honestly not sure how we get away with it when racial/gender discrimination in the workforce is already illegal in the US, but either way would love for this ruling to push companies to reevaluate these policies or even better for another case to make it to SCOTUS around corp DEI policies.

Didn’t it take years after the bankruptcy for charges to be brought for Enron? My completely unfounded guess is that the DoJ is working to get a high level executive to work against SBF in order to prove intend on fraud (vs negligence if they can’t prove intent). That process could take time to establish. I would be shocked if SBF ends up not being criminally charged eventually.

I’d imagine Tinky Winky was balanced out by Budweiser ads.

If I had to guess the boys who grew up gay did it because they were sexually attracted to men. Representation in media may make them more comfortable to “come out” and live as openly gay, but personally doubt it impacts their sexual preference.

I think the support for TERFs from the right is mostly an own the libs thing. Rowling is perfect for this because as OP states Harry Potter is the closest thing to a Bible progressive white women have. The fact that the writer isn’t 100% down with the progressive agenda is great snark for the right.

I look forward to the next version of the document where Latinx is added to the bad words list.

Your point about being held hostage by a relatively small number is so spot on and is what drives me the most nuts about the homeless situation. There really are not that many problem homeless people out there as a % of the population. If we could just figure out a solution for the very worst hundred to a thousand that would make a massive difference.

If the Greeks had full employment for years I bet they would have had recruitment problems as well. The military is a job and right now competing jobs are looking more attractive.

Exactly, I’d rather continue to take mandatory DEI trainings than be under the CCP.

I think this is tying things into a conspiracy that doesn’t exist.

Bud Light had an advertising campaign aimed at growing their audience (tik tok liberal teenagers) blow up in their face. They then spent a ton of money to try to win back their core audience (young white men). Seems like normal course of business.

Brett Favre (and tons of other celebrities) has appeared in pharma ads. Kelce being in one is hardly surprising.

Neither of these seem at all conspiratorial to me and don’t relate to Trump.