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User ID: 1823



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User ID: 1823

If Canada wants CoL to go down they should prioritize building a ton more housing. Seems like a very simple solution, but existing homeowners are a powerful bloc.

Not sure if Canada’s zoning problems are similar to the US but it legit takes years to get projects approved here. Certainly a big driver of lower housing supply.

Ugh, I know “Twitter isn’t real life” is commonly used to refer to liberals but this feels very much like a “Twitter isn’t real life” moment for republicans. Total waste of time.

Lee fought against America and the statue was put up 60 years after the end of the civil war.

Also very confusing to me how you see Robert E Lee as an American but a statue for “black people” is for foreigners? Calling this a step to genocide is baffling beyond belief.

Really wish the GOP would adopt a strategy of being the “adults in the room” as a counter to the woke excess side of the Dems. Unfortunately there seems to be much more money to made by being an attention whore like Gaetz than attempting to govern.

Amazing to describe a bunch of Asians and Indians making $300K+ at Amazon and Microsoft as “incapable of maintaining American civilization.”

Aside from Bezos, Nadella has probably done more than anyone for property values in Seattle in the last 10 years.

The homeless are definitely a problem but it’s more fixable than this mindset of racial division that both you and the DEI people preach.

Exactly, I’d rather continue to take mandatory DEI trainings than be under the CCP.

Sounds much more plausible to me that a purple teletubby wearing a handbag caused this.

Kidding aside I also think the Gallop survey is picking up a big uptick in women who don’t identity as “straight”, but have only dated men. For example girl makes out with another girl at a bar would previously be considered straight still but now she checks bi.

China not using their zero COVID strategy to vaccinate the population with Pfizer/Moderna/J&J vaccines is puzzling. I was under the impression the entire goal of zero COVID was to buy time to vaccinate the populous. The PRCs decisions remain a mystery to me.

Your point about being held hostage by a relatively small number is so spot on and is what drives me the most nuts about the homeless situation. There really are not that many problem homeless people out there as a % of the population. If we could just figure out a solution for the very worst hundred to a thousand that would make a massive difference.

If gay marriage was seriously threatened/thrown out by SCOTUS I could see an amendment passing to ensure certain states don’t try and ban it.

Depends on how you classify a wave, but looks like Oz and Masters will both lose. Walker is in a dog fight and may end up losing. That’s three very winnable races where Trumps guys are struggling mightily.

Voting needs to come with a receipt/tracking number similar to UPS/FedEx. Should be able to enter in your number and match that your vote was processed. This doesn’t seem like a difficult control to add.

I feel like military service for citizenship isn’t a bad trade at all. Presumably the military is a strong enough insinuation to integrate all types of people. Additionally, someone willing to spend years in the military is likely someone we would want to keep in the country.

Personally think you’d have to believe CCP level propaganda to think Pfizer and Moderna are not highly effective for high risk groups to protect against the most serve outcomes/death.

I thought this would potentially take years. The relatively quick arrest makes me think the government has an extremely strong case. I’d guess he’s getting 15+ years.

Absolutely, Biden won 25 states. To get to 38 you add in IN OH MO KS IA NE TX FL NV NC TN KY AK and those are just the easiest ones. I honestly think it would pass easily. Is there serious opposition to gay marriage left in America?

Even with the US armed to the teeth we unfortunately can’t seem to stop mass shooters. In fact the deadliest shooting in the US was one man firing into a music festival into the busiest tourist area in the country. Think this is a very hard problem to solve if the shooters are motivated enough.

My question now is will this extend to DEI hiring/promoting practices in corporate America. I’m at a mega corp and we practice what certainly looks like racial/gender discrimination (for example leadership teams and # of managers have to comply with HR DEI %’s). I’m honestly not sure how we get away with it when racial/gender discrimination in the workforce is already illegal in the US, but either way would love for this ruling to push companies to reevaluate these policies or even better for another case to make it to SCOTUS around corp DEI policies.

Maybe we should start with building more housing.

I don’t even know why i’m bothering to ask this, but have you ever been to China? I’ve only been to major cities but it’s really not that different from the US. All of the major American brands are there, they love Marvel movies and have a work ethic that goes and goes. The CCP might be “communist” but the people feel even more capitalist than Americans. Think the cultures fit well together and we could each learn a lot from each other.

While I love a good bashing of smug Europeans I do think comparing the two land masses as a whole doesn’t make a ton of sense. IMO you need to get to the level of comparing finance employees in NYC vs London or a tech employee in Berlin vs SF.

The variety of people/lifestyles in both places is so vast that comparing averages doesn’t do it justice.

For example most of the European complaints about the US (healthcare, crime, weight generally speaking, food quality, no PTO) simply don’t apply if you are a high earner/have wealth. I’d imagine there are similar blind spots about Europe that Americans miss when comparing averages.

Personally am very excited for AI improvements. I’m hoping something like ChatGPT will be able to act as a super personal assistant and analyst.

For example in personal life, would love to be able to type into a box that I’m looking to plan a trip with just a few parameters (date, general budget, etc) and have it send me options. I can then have the AI send even more options for what do on the trip and finally book reservations that only require my approval.

That’s just one example but there are plenty of admin type activities that I’d like to offload to an AI. The opportunities in professional life are even greater but I think that may take longer as the aversion to giving the AI access to confidential data may be high (it’s currently banned at my mega corp).

Some of us have children and growth is great for a nation.

Unless you were on the Mayflower there is a pretty good chance you were not the first person to live in your city.

Absolutely, and there are a staggering number of high paying jobs in this country. Travel nurses can pull in $150-200k here and that’s a very attainable job.

Agree, we need to get rid of the Irish and Italians. The papists are ruining this once great nation.