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joined 2022 September 04 22:16:05 UTC
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User ID: 205



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:16:05 UTC


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User ID: 205

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I'm in a Rusty Nail phase. Just the absolute best cocktail. Trying it with various inexpensive blended scotches.

I wonder what else Drambuie is good in?

I always wondered what would happen if you just put it in the coffee grinds when making coffee. Almost certainly nothing, but man, that would be handy.

Andrew Klavan might be up your alley.

Do you think there was any particular incident that originated that fear? Not that there necessarily need be one. I'm claustrophobic and I don't remember ever being shut up anywhere. And yeah, both being shut up in close places and giving birth have real dangers associated with them.

Thanks for sharing your experience. Interesting to think that many mothers are consciously electing to push through/past a fear of the process.

Ahahaha there's definitely something to this. Several years ago, when I lived in a different town with my best friend, I bought some LSD from a strange Serbian guy I knew. Then I put it in the freezer and forgot about it.

I visited my friend this year, who still lives in the same apartment, and we remembered the LSD. We took it together and found it to still be very effective; and we had what we both consider to be the best time we'd had in many years. And indeed we had many great insights at that time.

Unfortunately I've lost touch with the Serbian, and I have not taken the time to find out where I can source additional psychedelics. Perhaps it would be worth putting in the effort.

I use dumbbells for presses! I can't get my friends to do it with me. It also has the added bonus that I probably won't be able to crush myself to death with them. It's great!

What are you gonna do with the bigger money?

If it were me... I guess I'd just pay off my house faster. Lame. I hope you have at least a little something more fun in mind.

Man, I played through the OG once and called the Second Sordish Depression. It was fun but I'm gonna feel bad about also ruining Rizia.

Thank God for Andy Murray, I guess.

That's probably what I need to do, honestly.

Any suggestions for where to start?

Yeah, I don't have a clear model of how people's priorities are set, but I think it happens at a very deep level over a long period of time. If you only see him sometimes, it's like you're nudging a boulder that is already moving downhill. You might be able to deflect its course by a degree or something, but by the time people are out of school and fully in their careers, we largely are who we are and it's quite hard to change it. That boulder keeps going.

It's good that you're trying, though. If he hits some kind of rock bottom, it might be at that point that he actually reflects on the things you've said to him.

How shit of an idea is just quitting your job without a replacement job to go to?

I've done it. I don't think it's as big a deal as it's made out to be, if you are a competitive applicant. It sounds like you have the kind of skills where recruiters are probably hitting you up on LinkedIn all the time. So I'm sure you'd be able to get a job. Which is all you really need to know. Don't just sit there and suffer, you only have one life to live.

The part where Stallone is frozen in a block of ice, in cryo-imprisonment.

I will have to research that. I know Chrysler was at the end, but I'd be surprised with regards to Ford. They sold many millions of sedans in the 90s and 2000s.

Rick Shiels will tell you all about it, in an enjoyable Mancunian accent.


I am happy to be able to report that the sequels to Magician are also pretty good! You can never really rely on that in fantasy...

Somewhat. I guess it's sort of like... I sense that you're not meant to binge-read poetry like it were a Rex Stout novel, or Wikipedia tabs, or something.

I actually find Garnett the most readable. You will find many recommendations for Pevear and Volokhonsky, and perhaps it's more accurate, but the experience of reading Garnett is more enjoyable.

This article cites multiple studies about the benefits of creatine for strength-building.


I have taken 5g creatine daily for several years. I've never noticed any ill effects; I feel pretty much fine in general all the time. I have made gains in strength that are commensurate with the amount of work I put in. In general it's so affordable, and so well-supported by reputable commentators, that I think you should go ahead and use it. That was the conclusion I reached for myself.

In the opinion of the same guy from above, BCAAs are overrated. He found that the evidence supporting their supposed benefits is very flawed, and that in general there appears to be no particular benefit vs. just consuming appropriate amounts of normal protein and carbohydrates. See below.


Unfortunately not, lol. I'm in my 30s now and it's been very strange how I continue to meet women that don't want to have children. That's a separate conversation of course, but yeah, it's just surprised me.

I drive a Buick and I really like it. Every time I see the last-gen Buick Regals I drool a little bit. There's a station wagon version that looks simply awesome to me.

I recently joined a D&D campaign as a player, and was invited to write a backstory. The act of doing that was my favorite creative thing I've done this year. Fantasy is not really my chosen genre, but it was very helpful to have that as an "assignment" to work on. I wonder if there are more ways I can take on "writing obligations."

Not of fiction, I've never tried to. I do have one legit writing credit: I wrote a section of a guidebook to the city I live in. So that's something.

I was able to go there and register successfully. Indicated that I would receive a .zip file shortly with the information.

I live in Ohio now, but I think at the time of the SSC/Motte split, I lived in Bowling Green, KY. I'm not sure if those were the best years of my life but they were pretty good ones. Western Kentucky is a wonderful place.