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joined 2022 September 04 20:49:22 UTC
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User ID: 149



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User ID: 149

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It probably depends on your color theme. In the default light(?) theme, I think it colors new comments with this grey background (that doesn't go well with black text).

What would happen to all the meat animals if we stopped eating them? I'm not a biologist, but I'm pretty sure prey animals (like pretty much everything humans eat) either get eaten by something, or overpopulate and regularly starve to death.

Like, do we release all the cows into the wild, and then import a lot of predators to keep them in check? I just don't think that's necessarily a better life than humane ranching. Is the idea that we just stop letting them breed until they go extinct (which doesn't seem cool to me, but some ethical systems do prioritize "lack of suffering" over "some suffering, but life").

There's a motte logo? Is it the weird liquid metal-esque image at the top of this site?