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If DeepSeek can make such a capable model with a relatively small team and scrappy budget, what does OpenAI need $500 billion for?

Is it possible DeepSeek is lying to discourage the US from making the capital investment?

Do they not cover this in media training?

"Very important. If you want to pantomime giving your heart to the crowd, you must use two hands. It is not a one handed gesture"

The interviewer sounds too dumb for this but I wonder if it's performative, in an attempt to identify with the more typical NYT reader/listener who (e.g.) can't believe sacred cows are being questioned.

But I also realize Yarvin doesn't make his points too well, and this is also actually my normal experience with his writing? He mostly throws out controversial claims and only weakly justifies them. That makes him a fairly normal intellectual in that sense, though not what you expect from rat thinkers who argue against themselves to elucidate their points more.

Still, I had this sense he's doing a Motte and Bailey. He throws out a sensational claim like democracy sucks and dictatorships are effective but waters it down considerably when pushed a bit? Sure FDR asked for a ton of power but he still asked and he presumably got it within the framework of the democracy. Like, fine, but not exactly where I thought he was going with this.

This again may be the interviewers fault, though I think I am not alone in being frustrated by his writing in a way that I don't feel frustrated by the median rat writer.

I really enjoy the cyberpunk aspect of putting contact lenses in. Can't believe how long they've been around.

This post is interesting and good. My response to each one of these is basically "oh shit".

Have you considered contact lenses? If you're not sensitive to them or creeped out by putting them in or out, your eyes just feel naturally like they can see better in every direction. I forgot my vision sucks, until I take them out at night before bed, whereas I'm pretty much always aware that I'm looking through glasses.

Additionally, you can just add sunglasses without getting a prescription specifically for them.

They're surprisingly robust. I can get water in my eyes while showering and even in the pool and not lose them. I primarily got them so that I could look through a rifle scope without my glasses making it more complicated and fell in love with them for primary use.

I use daily disposables. After practice I can put them in and take them out in about 30 seconds.

(I'm not actually a doctor)

You also don't need ultrasound to confirm fetal heartbeat. You can use a much more commonly available fetal Doppler monitor. You can find them on Amazon for like $100. Really nice ones that are "medical grade" look like they cost $1000 tops.

But perhaps an ultrasound is more reliable for "evidence of no heartbeat" rather than "no evidence of heartbeat".

Firstly, don't hold back out of fear of offending me.

Are you sure it's similar? My parents are Sicilian born during WW2 and something like 80% of my extended family in my parents' generation GTFO. Just packed up and relocated to America, whole hog.

In my obviously anecdata view, if you can leave Sicily, you do.

Southern Italy and Sicily have been backwards since literally the Roman times.

Not to blame everything on colonialism but if you look at the history of Sicily it's conquered over and over again throughout the millenia due to strategic importance to empires since it's in the center of the Mediterranean. My vibe from the place and the culture is that trying to coordinate above the familial unit level is considered for schmucks[1]

This can of course make you relatively retarded if you stick to farming instead of exploring (say) lending and accounting as a profession.

  1. I don't agree with Taleb about much but I think he's onto something when he describes the "Med" ethnotype.

What country map are you talking about? One can't average the whole of Italy due to it effectively being two countries stitched together. The differences are very big.

Yes. That's why I was asking. The map in the post OP links to just treats Italy as a whole unit.

Lots of studies show Sicily having an average IQ of about 90 with northern Italy having slightly above 100, with the GDP per capita difference being over 100%

Okay. But that's explained by upwardly mobile Sicilians leaving after WW2.

I'm not even disputing it necessarily. Cousin marriage is high in that culture, for example.

It would be interesting to see how diaspora Sicilians test.

But why are Japanese smarter than Britons, Britons smarter than Sicilians, and Sicilians smarter than Sub-Saharans?

What's your evidence that Sicilians are lower IQ? On the country map it's as green as the rest of Italy which is as green as the UK.

One could look around modern day Sicily and note the obvious dysfunction and say well duh, but emigration from Sicily since WW2 has been high.

But the writing is already on the wall for HBD realism and has already gone mainstream IMO.

I am surprised by the claim it is mainstream. I consider bringing this topic up in your work Slack to be a great way to get fired, for example.

I'm on good terms with exactly zero of my exes and I'm trying to imagine what it would be like if I had 10x as many ex-lovers, we were poly, I did BDSM and CNC with them, and I was famous. Ugh.

I guess I'm going to be that guy, but: what the hell was Pavlovich doing going back there after the first time? Losing your babysitting gig hardly seems like a powerful coercion to being possibly raped a second time.

Or, what was she doing getting naked and into a bath outside at some guy's house? And then just chilling there when he jumps in unexpectedly?

That's obviously not an excuse to get raped but it really makes me wonder if this is a faithful accounting of what happened. I can't really imagine just going along with all of this.

Maybe I'm conservative now but this reminds me of the hit piece on Huberman the other day for having a harem of girlfriends all a secret from each other. My takeaway from that was even the most high status males, or especially high status males, can't make poly work and have to lie about what they want.

I'm not saying Gaiman is not a dirtbag or sex criminal. But I think I am agreeing that it's probably impossible to be a gigantic kinky man slut if you are Gaiman without being accused of being a dirtbag or sex criminal.

This is not a neat comparison, some of Gaiman's related sex practices seem pretty fucked up (like the thing with his kid in the room) but I think the article exists even in the universes where that stuff didn't allegedly happen.

Have you forgotten what they taught you, though? I find with a lot of non-fiction I lose episodic memory of the book but I retain semantic memory of much of its theses

Let's take Guns, Germs and Steel for example. It's a scholarly tome, as far as books go, and I read every single page of it. But I don't think I was better off for it than reading the Wikipedia article about it.

If the book was an ultimately awesome information resource, it would present the thesis and allow me to interrogate it further in whatever parts I needed more detail or evidence about. Instead it just went on in exhaustive detail from start to finish. This wish isn't a novelty, I spent hours upon hours reading it and it felt completely unnecessary!

(And despite the monumental effort he put into writing it and justifying it, his thesis is probably wrong)

I live in Oregon. My vehicle is supposed to have a front license plate but I never put it back on after having a front panel replaced three years ago. I've never been stopped or ticketed because of it. And no, it's not because I'm doing some best effort thing by leaving it on my front dash. I just don't display it at all.

I would fix it but now I want to see how long it takes.

For some people, being killed in a car wreck is a less upsetting worry than being sexually assaulted on the subway, even though being killed in a car wreck is more probable.

I don't think people are wrong to feel this way.

This feels like some new standard Yglesias invented. Public company CEOs normally feel free to openly criticize the president of the US? But they're now scared to criticize Trump?

Rightly or wrongly, this isn't new. It's never a good idea to criticize the President if you are influential and run a company whose fortunes depend on the regulatory state.

One thing I miss about taking the subway to work is that I don't read 1-2 books a week anymore.

And some writers have written books that have changed my whole way of thinking.

But one thing that bothers me about reading books is that for something I have spent an incredible amount of time on, I have forgetten most of them and they're still rather cumbersome to refer back to. Despite drowning in information technology, books are kind of crappy. Additionally, a ton of books could have been an interesting blog post series but they've been puffed up and watered down to fill a 300 page book with a dumb title.

Remember, your company didn't take on any downside risk.

They took the risk of training them only to have them leave, actually.

Hmmm, fair points. Need more info. OP did any of the trained people get raises?

Of course.

That said, jobs aren't really fungible though? People take jobs for all sorts of reasons, including pay.

It doesn't matter to the employee whether it's worth it to the employer to pay him the $105k. As long as someone else is willing to pay it, it makes sense for the employee to leave.

Yes, I was not quibbling with that at all.

But the phenomenon of "I can make 1.03X by staying, and 1.20X by leaving" is so common in tech (and often applies to employees going both ways between similar jobs in two companies) that most of the time it probably is employers taking advantage of employee reluctance to switch jobs rather than employee cost exceeding value.

That's plausible but I guess I'm not sure it's that common. A lot of employers are just bad at making money, and this is the norm, and they're not positioned to pay people their market value.

The best career advice for devs is to not just do what you know but to try new things and learn. Constantly try to do things faster, better, with other tools and from another perspective.

notices your username is functor

checks out

Aren't you assuming the employer was positioned to pay $105k in the first place? It may be, but not every company is capable of paying employees their market price.

Employees that work 10% harder don't necessarily create 10% more value.