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User ID: 583



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User ID: 583

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So... when is the right time to start taking TRT? Are you on it? What's your take?

I'm in my mid-40s. The biggest sign of decreased T to me is decreased sex drive. I don't have performance issues during sex, I just ... don't crave it as much and it seems to have downstream effects.

It's not at a crisis or anything. It's just like, if we have sex it'll be a solid week of dead feeling before I start to get flirty and affectionate and want to have sex again. I understand some drop-off in interest is normal in long-term relationships, but my long-term relationships in my 20s (with someone else) were more like me being a sex pest who was constantly physically affectionate and craving sex from my partner 5-7 days a week. A huge contrast to now where 2-3x a month is my norm.

This feels especially urgent to me because there's my partner's impending menopause to consider. It seems like the next ten years will be the time to get most of our sex in. Should I try to get on TRT to make it really count?

Or is this a bad trade? I fully believe the first 6 months of being on TRT is awesome. What about 6 months to ten years out? What about ten years to the rest of my life out?

The nature conservation movement didn't get started in the US until California was in play, so I think that's a major reason a lot of beauty is still left. Though some propaganda at the Redwoods Forest says 99% of the redwoods were cut down.

You could imagine how that spirit can make the state intolerable to live in today.

So, my wife isn't exactly a horder. In fact she's pretty aggressively in favor of getting rid of stuff. The problem is she can't throw anything out. Everything must be optimally upcycled: Gifted to friends or family. Or listed on Craigslist free. Or de-composed into rags for cleaning or kindling for making campfires. Or set aside for fabric recycling. Or set aside for dedicated styrofoam recycling runs at the dump. Meat/bone scraps? Turned into soup stock. Egg cartons re-used for next trip to the egg farm. Etc. Etc.

She even refuses to take stuff to Goodwill (across the street!) because she just knows they ruthlessly throw away everything that's not economically viable and that just won't do.

It's really a perfect homesteader attitude. She would be perfect in a Fallout-style apocalypse. When she had time for this it was very cute.

But we have kids now and all of this bullshit is piling up faster than we can get rid of it in our storage room (aka my office) and it's an unsightly mess and she just stresses all of the time about how she has no time for any of this stuff and she beats herself up because if I take the kids out to give her time she's caught up between either exercising or trying to make a dent on this gigantic pile of garbage and it's mounting and there's no actual time in there for her to just chill and enjoy the empty quiet house.

Of course we homeschool so there's really actually no other time to do this because there are kids up her ass otherwise.

How do I convince her to... just throw all of this shit out? It's such an unbelievable waste of time and energy to be thinking about perfectly upcycling all of this shit all of the time, IMO.

Is this a sub-specialty of horderism she would be diagnosed with?

On the other hand, never taking any time for oneself can be somewhat corrosive to one's sanity....

In the last several years I transitioned from being a single hedonist bachelor guy going out every night to hang with friends and go to shows to a married guy with 2 kids + a step kid who works from home and of the time I'd consider "to myself", 99% of it is working out. No drinking, no entertainment media, no friends. I probably socialize once a month at most. And... I actually feel pretty happy and fulfilled and sane?

I'm not sure what to make of this. The satisfying and fulfilling power of family life or something?

The steel manned case for banning lab meat is that it will be shitty and maybe even less healthy at first but it'll become the default/only choice anyway. Banning it pre-emptively means it'll be harder to introduce unless it's at least as good.

What would you have done differently if you were elected PM of Israel on 10/8?

what chain best communicates SV e/acc techbro

like, with the same level of intensity of an Italian guido cross chain

Have you see Hamilton, the musical? I have. I really liked it. I did think it was odd that almost everyone was black (except for the King of England) but it was also pretty awesome and I didn't mind.

On the other hand, I find hamfisted movie/TV diversity silly. This character is historically male, but is portrayed female, but otherwise acts completely male? Black elves? Okay whatever.

I suppose the difference is with Hamilton it's the entire gimmick, so it's fine, whereas with a LotR series it's more like... shameless kowtowing?

Yes, agreed. In fact, you probably have less anonymity when you use crypto given all of the KYC intersected with blockchain analytics.

(Yes yes I'm aware of Monero)

These entities are almost certainly, if they do business in the US, required to abide by KYC and AML laws.

Wouldn't Pornhub (or whomever) and its affiliates be complying with AML rules if they did KYC on customers who pay via crypto? And therefore whatever crypto Pornhub uses to convert to fiat to pay its bills is clean? Or, at least, not their liability?

Protestors in general come off like cringe idiots to me. Willing to inconvenience you for their cause, that they believe is so obviously right that the only reason you won't join them is because you're either an irredeemable bad person or are incredibly ignorant and actually being educated by their protest.

But if you are a business owner considering opening a new branch and you need, to know, say if workers or buyers will do something complex or buyers attempt to steal from you,

Business owners already suspect this and want to act on this. We call this behavior racist. Why would the general acceptance of race-IQ change this dynamic?

That is, racism doesn't necessarily stop being racism just because some of the stereotypes are true.

White House: look, we can't openly support you on this Iran thing but... do it anyway people have short attention spans

White House: also don't get butthurt if we have to criticize you later


Previous wondering aloud: from a game theory POV, if you have a huge advantage over the other party you should really hit them back 10x harder to discourage them from messing with you ever in the future. This works as long as your adversary is sane enough to respond to incentives.

Is this Israel striking back 10x harder? Not sure yet. Iran denies anything substantial happened, which could be a face saving measure since they're in no position to retaliate impressively.

Either way, Israel using Iran's drone attack as an excuse to wreck a ton of Iran's nuclear facilities would be very well played.

According to this Twitter thing, race-IQ is the most taboo topic. It's more taboo than "are pedophiles harmful or not?"

In general, I find the outrage over this topic a lot more interesting than whether or not blacks have lower IQ than whites.

Speaking of which, what are the implications if blacks have lower IQ than whites? That doesn't tell you about the IQ of any individual standing in front of you. For that, you would just test them?

What's important about this finding? What policy would we change? Is this actually a proxy for acknowledging IQ exists and that improving society through education won't work in a meritocracy because some people will never be doctors no matter how hard we try?

Stated another way, I can't think of any policy we would change to address low IQ blacks that wouldn't also apply to low IQ whites. Race is almost irrelevant.

I suppose this depends on being significantly stronger than the other party. Like, if you have nukes and the other does not.

From a game theory POV I would think you'd want to hit back much, much harder to discourage future retaliation in the first place?

Lol they actually went for it.

I'll just kind of treat this like the planes walkers are in a Rick and Morty multi-verse and stumbled on the DEI dimension and summoned a black elf and be amused.

shuts eyes

crosses fingers

trans paladin. trans paladin. trans paladin

More woke

How is this coming through in the game? Black elves? Trans paladins? Or do you mean that WotC woke corporate politics is a spectacle?

Be prepared to spend $ to keep up with the meta-game though.

Meaning, like, usual costs of socializing? Cover fees, food, etc? Or something else?

Oh, also, I'm noticing none of the starter kits at the game store involve black mana in their decks? What's going on there?

The last 27 years? Isn't the game about that many years old?

In my kid brain, since it had such an outsize impact in my life, it felt like I was playing Mtg for my whole childhood. And also when I would read about prior editions, it made it feel like I was a second generation player. But when I look it up and do the math, it seems like the game came out 30 years ago, I started playing it a year or two after that, and I stopped playing it a year or two after that.[1]

Current day Mtg game mechanics seem familiar, but there's so many modifiers? Vigilance? Haste? Flash? Wut? And yeah the tokens. Wondering what else I missed. Fallen Empires had token "creatures" but they were a different thing.

Anyway, half wondering if I play against any current day players if my ways will seem old and cringe.

The place to start catching up would probably be checking out the beginnings of the Modern format.

Oh, that's good to know! Wouldn't want to spend time and money picking up old cards that aren't even allowed in friendly games anymore.

  1. Also in my mind, I felt like I was using the internet for a whole lifetime between when Amazon came out but before Google came out, but they were only 4 years apart. Kid time dilation is real.

So... has anything interesting happened in Magic: The Gathering the last 27 years?

I walked by a game store the other day and saw a new starter kit for sale. I used to play it when I was a kid, maybe a year when it first came out, and then forgot about it around 4th edition.

One thing I remember is going to Mtg nerd meetups and seeing nerd kids there with one or both parents. They were even playing with them, with their own personally designed decks even. My parents didn't do this stuff at all. I was jealous of kids with grown-up money being able to buy rare cards and kick my butt with them.

Back at the game store I decided I wanted to try introducing this cuteness in my own parenting life. The package on the starter kit says 13+ but I thought I'd give it a try with my 6 year old. He can read and do math so... should work?

And... It does! It's a hit. My kid's hooked and we play every day. I'm probably a little hooked too.

So. What else should I do? There's a score tracking app called Lotus that seems perfect. There's a lot more "tokens" involved in modern cards, wtf? Do most people use post-it notes?

I see there's lots of online Mtg options but I don't think I want to open that door since my kid is not at all addicted to screens yet.

Any tips here on what else to look out for? I've heard Commander sucks and I should skip it.

I'm pleasantly amused to have this generational experience of playing a game I loved as a kid with my own kid, 25 years later. Surprised it has held on so long. Also holy shit I'm old.

I'm not entirely sure what happened to my old cards. Hopefully we find a massive cache of them in Grandma's attic soon and have our minds blown.

Here is the liberal-individualist boomer par excellence. He tours the world and waxes poetic on the quaint social life, yet considers himself above their primitive family and social ties. He sits down with large families to eat, he attends their communal festivals, and he transmits this all to the solitary Americans in their living room. He is the rootless cosmopolitan, an omni-tourist, an enjoyer of spectacle over substance. Seeing all these wonders of the world, he’s yet unable to internalize their moral significance and necessity.


You've really cut to the heart of what I was fumbling at here https://www.themotte.org/post/933/what-caused-the-suicide-of-anthony/202738?context=8#context

Progressive types see him as a hero. Purely virtuous, a man to aspire to. Implying his suicide could have anything to do with his spectacle is the closest one could come to commiting a sin.

"Travel is not a reward for working it's education for living" -- Anthony Bourdain

The irony. It's too much.