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User ID: 583



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 14:10:31 UTC


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User ID: 583

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Is there a Hamas steelmanning available?

Well, yes, I'm not saying this war was good, but if Russia was hell-bent on capturing Ukraine anyway, making it as incredibly high cost yet still as drawn out and miserable as possible without giving them any rousing good story for using nukes is a good, relatively safe card to play.

Peter Zeihan, a global strategist, argues that Russia's victory in Ukraine may lead them to march on Poland and threaten nukes there if we don't acquiesce. I don't quite understand why we would but that's not a great escalation if they feel emboldened from winning in Ukraine and using Ukrainian territory and resources and people as cannon fodder. Again, this would have happened either way I guess.

I was not holding it up as a loss in particular, just pointing out it's the only visible scar from all of that self-flagellation.

The only way to help these people is to force them into institutions that will treat their mental illness and addiction against their will.

Even three months in jail (for possession) would probably work miracles. Break their cycle of compulsive using and let them sober up and give them a chance to try being something other than a junkie living in a tent in a park.

(The public thinks of jail as a fate almost like death but they’re not that bad. The best jail is probably better than the worst public school)

If I was prowling a school with a gun and they announced "active shooter! all male and male identifying persons are encouraged to form wolfpacks and destroy anyone holding a gun that's isn't a cop. this is not a drill. show no mercy" I'd consider myself done. An entire building full of teenage boys given permission and encouragement to kill you sounds like you have approximately a minute tops before you're beaten thoroughly to a bloody pulp.

I guess I consider the odds that your online communications will be intercepted and used against you are much, much more unlikely than your house burning down or being in a car accident.

I think this is because in the back of my mind I don't expect to receive at any time a call that we must start pitching molotov cocktails at the courts and then escape the state's retribution, whereas I suspect deep down a lot of people harbor that feeling. Or some other fanciful counter-cultural notion. And in that case I will regret not having swung everything over to Signal several years prior.

Hasn't China developed reusable rocket tech? ( despite not owning a single emerald mine!)

Not that I would expect the CCP to be awesome with allocating capital, but if you assume they're not completely incompetent then it would blow up the theory that SpaceX can't possibly gain economic advantage from it.

Do they?

It was cracked down on in the US in the late 90s due to adjacency with organized crime. Techno producers had to just up and move away from NYC to Berlin to continue their work. I'm not really sure what it was like in the 90s in Germany vs now, but it seems like it's all over the place in Berlin today.

Have you see Hamilton, the musical? I have. I really liked it. I did think it was odd that almost everyone was black (except for the King of England) but it was also pretty awesome and I didn't mind.

On the other hand, I find hamfisted movie/TV diversity silly. This character is historically male, but is portrayed female, but otherwise acts completely male? Black elves? Okay whatever.

I suppose the difference is with Hamilton it's the entire gimmick, so it's fine, whereas with a LotR series it's more like... shameless kowtowing?

But if you are a business owner considering opening a new branch and you need, to know, say if workers or buyers will do something complex or buyers attempt to steal from you,

Business owners already suspect this and want to act on this. We call this behavior racist. Why would the general acceptance of race-IQ change this dynamic?

That is, racism doesn't necessarily stop being racism just because some of the stereotypes are true.

Agreed. Sounds like we've settled on: a man of Huberman's status can't organize a harem for himself and have it consist of high-tier women. If you're of Huberman's grade, you have women eager to date you but you need to mislead them about your relationship status if you want your harem.

So... how much more status do you need to actually pull this off? Can Sergey Brin get away with it?

Mm, I'll take your word for it. I'm pretty unimpressed by SQLite :P

I don't think there's a valuable moral lesson to be learned from me sending a trolley at 7.888 billion humans to divert it away from my children.

I consider myself in good shape (I work out a lot and lift) but even a cold seems to knock me on my ass and exercising through it seems to set my recovery back. Feels like it's the new normal where I just lose 5 points off my VO2 max during winter respiratory ass-kicking season and gain it back in early spring.

I haven't tested positive for COVID yet though. Kinda suspecting it's a scam at this point... /s

One obvious confounder I just thought of: if a twin dies isn't the other twin going to feel, like, super bummed and like their life isn't worth living anymore?

According to ChatGPT4

Twins, particularly identical ones, often have a very close emotional and social bond. The loss of a twin can lead to significant emotional stress and grief, which might impact the surviving twin's health. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the "twinless twin syndrome," where the death of one twin can lead to deteriorating health in the other.

An alternate title for this study could perhaps be: Twinless twin syndrome kills more than good lifestyle habits protect

Makes sense. Can't smoke, drink alcohol and do drugs if you're too busy exercising.

(Unless you start running with the Hash House Harriers)

Of course, this isn't going to happen because Hamas is an apocalyptic death-cult comprised of guys who thought that the Muslim Brotherhood and PLA were booth "too chill" for their tastes, and due to some unfortunate quirks of Islamic political and moral theory no one else is really inclined to stand up to them.

Right. I’m asking how can a moderate leader succeed given the Hamas death cult. Is this hopeless?

The current border contention made it feel like an appropriate analogy.

It's a scam. If a panel of Joe Biden, Abe Simpson, and Muhammad Ali can't understand how it makes money, it doesn't.

That's pretty good. Did you invent this?

Kind of a silly question: is being concerned with living a moral life a reliigous/ideological affliction that you shouldn't need to concern yourself with if you're enlightened?

Is there anything, well, "wrong" with being 100% self-interested? E.g. when you do work for mutual benefit, it's to build credit, not because you inherently care the benefit of others.

Is this nihilism? Or something else?

All I'm saying is the CEO of the company that developed and deployed FSD has an obvious edge in AI and is well positioned to capitalize on it.


Be prepared to spend $ to keep up with the meta-game though.

Meaning, like, usual costs of socializing? Cover fees, food, etc? Or something else?

I've had a reasonable amount of hands on time with Claude Opus, and I would rate it as indistinguishable from GPT-4 in terms of usefulness, or at least I can't tell any obvious disparities after tens of thousands of tokens of conversation.

So, if I'm only going to pay for one, ChatGPT4 or Opus, is it worth switching from ChatGPT4?