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joined 2023 January 01 23:24:51 UTC


User ID: 2032



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2023 January 01 23:24:51 UTC


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User ID: 2032

I understand the point you’re trying to make, I just don’t agree with it.

If you want to live in some absolutely free of any regulations whatsoever place, then I also encourage you to move somewhere and create that place. My suspicion is that it will look more like Dharavi slum than San Francisco circa 2005, but I still encourage you or anybody else to try it.

My neighborhood, enacting the policies you don’t like, has been successful. People want to live here, and the success of the policies we have enacted is, I suspect, the thing attracting you to it.

What I’m asking is that if you want to try this new plan, just go do it somewhere else. There is TONS of land in this country which is empty. Go build your utopia!

Because if you own a gun you're already in your house...with the gun. So when you hear your neighbors getting executed, you take out your gun and stop the person doing the executing.

Those photos are incredibly tame compared to the videos. It’s gruesome.

The entire situation is heartbreaking.

Seems to be videos now or it being a Hamas misfire. That seems far more likely since their qassams are pieces improvised water pipes turned into rockets.

We just gifted like $100 Billion dollars to Ukraine. I think we can probably buy a few cruise ships to facilitate this.

Ah so he has no option to negotiate?

Have you signed yourself up for the Ukrainian foreign legion yet or no?

Do you apply this to Putin as well?

Am I supposed to think it's a mark against him that he tries his best to get nations to support his people in a war that might very well decide the fate of Ukraine?

No. You're supposed to see it as a mark against him that he is prolonging a pointless war.

I don’t understand the point of that.

I want to make sure I understand this, but first I’d ask you to stop using Reddit drama language like “the trains”.

There must be ground realities that we can agree on to be able have a discussion, right? Like for instance: trans people exist? If somebody claimed that the existence of trans people was an elaborate psy op and that none of them were real and they were all holograms, it would be appropriate to say “you would have to be suffering from some sort of paranoid delusion to believe this.”

Or no? The point that I’m making here is that the people claiming both that they must come for the children and you are a bigot to stop them, but also that they aren’t coming for the children and you are a bigot to suggest they are, are trying to create a sort of insane (in the technical sense) delusion in people’s minds.

Again this isn’t consensus building. This is a description of what I perceive these people to be doing.

you asking me to link to examples of my supporting points

This stuff has been well, well discussed here, hasn’t it? Are you disputing that these things are happening at all?

And you can’t convince me that a game with infinite decision making time is more mentally demanding than one that actually requires reflexive genius.

Did I try to?

Just wanted to let you know that I ordered "The Last Superstition" off of this recommendation and it just got here today. Thank you!

Is there anywhere you guys are hanging out to discuss the war in Ukraine?

Yes there are lots of people in relationships which are not working. My point is that polyamorous relationships don't seem to work because they aren't trying to form relationships. Calling a group of friends who have sex with each other a "relationship" is intentionally confusing language.

We used to just call this "friends with benefits", and the people engaged in it knew that they weren't trying to create long term stable bonds.

Yeah I didn’t know that BJ coined the term. I have no idea what the second part of your post means though. GeoHot was the first time I heard it.

I guess I was wrong.

What I meant by obvious parody account is more in line with like Bojan Tunguz, or BAP (not that these two are in any way related), where everything seems to be said with a heavy dose of irony or injoking.

Just go back to some of the very old CWR threads from the SSC sub. Low effort posts were policed, sneering was removed, and tons of good discussions were had.

Sneering is bad, rdrma, KIA and whatever cesspools are obviously a model for what not to do.

Wow cjet, I disagree with you on something, and when the topic comes up, I say that I like brevity and provide that side of the argument for it.

That makes me a leech and a parasite on the good discussions of others?

Absolutely unnecessarily mean and hurtful. Yeah that’s the only comments you see from me because they’re usually replies to you when you’re being a jerk to somebody.

Not that anybody online seems to be aware of.

I’d just like to point out that Israel is currently kvetching over wether an obvious way to enhance their own protection, might be offensive to some of her citizens.

Think about the stark contrast there. Israel is making themselves objectively more unsafe because they don’t want to be mean to the Muslims. Incredible.

Israel gains the infliction of terror on a population seeking shelter that they want to displace as much and as fast as possible.

There are many ways Israel could do this that don't involve something quite so brazen, and without this much political downside.

I don't know what you mean by this question.

I get it. Putin is the bad guy. Russia is the bad guy.

But in the real world: Zelensky has no path to realistically expelling Russia from the land they want, short of dragging the rest of the world into WW3.

If you really want to game it out: Zelensky has every reason to try and escalate this conflict. His best option is to drag my children into a war so that he can take some land back from Russia. The problem is: I’m not willing to send my children to their death so that Zelensky can have a little bit more land in the northeast of Ukraine. I’m also not willing to risk an all out nuclear conflict so that Zelensky can have more land in northeastern Ukraine.

Lock Zelensky and Putin (the bad guy Russia is bad Russia invaded Ukraine Russia bad) in a room together and demand that they hammer out a peace deal. That IS going to result in Russia keeping some of the land they’ve taken. In exchange Ukraine gets to keep a couple of hundred thousand young men alive.

As far as what is a nation: The United States is a nation too. It is not in our vital national security interests to escalate a regional conflict to the point where we are sending our children to their death. If Zelensky wants to continue his national suicide then go for it, but I’m not funding it anymore, and if he succeeds in escalating it to WW3, no promises he doesn’t end up on the other side when the US has gamed out her interests.

I am commenting on the Vice article, as well as the more general culture war climate where failed attempts at courting women are treated as some form of sexual impropriety.

Also you and the other person that commented something similar: you are both apparently falling into "wait, which side of the culture ware is firmamenti on here? Who is he accusing of being a wokie?" - this is bad form. I would highly encourage you to try to get yourself out of that framing.

If God were the programmer of a simulation that you live in, how would it look different that the God we know?