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joined 2023 January 01 23:24:51 UTC


User ID: 2032



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2023 January 01 23:24:51 UTC


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User ID: 2032

This person proposed a pretty interesting thought experiment which has spurred interesting discussion. It seems foolish to ban them for this.

My ancestors settled in the absolutely barren unwanted land in South Dakota. None of them showed up in Manhattan and demanded that somebody build them a house.

Seems to be videos now or it being a Hamas misfire. That seems far more likely since their qassams are pieces improvised water pipes turned into rockets.

They’ll blame it on Trump rushing the vaccine, and on Republicans for creating the environment (not wearing masks, going to church, interacting with their families etc.) where they were basically forced to take the rushed, dangerous vaccines. They knew the risk, but they needed to save the world from the evil anti science republicans and now the republicans finally got them.

Those photos are incredibly tame compared to the videos. It’s gruesome.

The entire situation is heartbreaking.

I’m talking specifically about you getting all ass blasted and white knightey when I called a literal actual in real life whore who actually takes real money from real humans in exchange for her business of whoring a whore.

I’m not going to go dig up a link since it seems like you already do know what I’m talking about, and it seems there are other people who are critical of you for the same thing. Hey maybe we’re all experiencing some mass psychosis where we all hallucinate the exact same thing about the exact same person.

/r/cwr has been dying for like 3 years. You’re right links about the same people being not very cool is boring. Is that what you think people keep asking for over and over and over and over when they ask for a return of the BLR every couple of weeks for the last several years?

Here’s the thing: maybe YOU are so immersed in the culture war that this is all boring to you, but my suspicion is that for a large contingent of people, talking about this stuff is still interesting. Our society is at war with itself and yea the battles do keep happening. Sure you’re bored of it, but plenty of people aren’t and want to talk about it and are annoyed that you enforce poor writing skills in order to do so.

Sorry if this post is blunt, but it’s getting annoying having to retread these exaxt same things over and over where the community complains about poor modding and then you pretend you just have No IdEa what they could be talking about.

I will first point out that the question of whether or not libertarians are “right-wing” is a very hotly-contested topic, and that I would answer the question with a definitive “no”.

Let's start with: what do you consider 'right wing'?

Also, when was the last time that any of the art produced at Burning Man made any sort of cultural impact on the general public? I’m certainly not aware of a single example, although I admit that it’s not an area about which I’m very knowledgeable.

I don't think there is really a way to address this question. In my world, burning man is a massive cultural juggernaut. It defines building/architectural styles, sculpture styles, music styles, clothing styles. It's practically inescapable.

Burning man had its own exhibit in The Smithsonian: https://americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/burning-man

Hmm, man I'm really at a loss as to how to address your question of what cultural impact burning man has had.

I don't think you understood my comment. I'm not saying that leftist are trying to collapse society, but I'm saying that they're acting like it.

Consider the leftists who think Republican policy is Literally 1984. Or who assert that corporate executives are thrilled to destroy the planet. Do you think these people have an accurate model of the world?

Do you think it's possible that one ideology could be more long term stable than another one, or are they all perfect mirrors or one another?

My position is in alignment with the Catholic Church. Basically: if a mothers life is being threatened, then abortion is permissible.

Those would be the legal, safe, and rare abortion im talking about. I still support those, because I don’t see the surgical removal of an ectopic pregnancy as the same as murdering an unborn child.

The reaction from me is because before, leftists were essentially saying that they needed this tool, but that they would use it responsibly. My reaction is due to learning that their “use” is industrial scale murder of children.

Having been engaged for 2 of the four years they’ve been together, and intending to have kids but not doing it, and this is the exceptional example?

So is it spite or something? Some person won’t let you build Kowloon walled city so now you need to punish them by ruining their home?

I’m 100% on your side if you want to build a giant condo block out on the outskirts, out in the middle of nowhere, or even in the middle of the city if the residents want you to.

All I’m saying is: the people who live in a city have a right to have say in what their city looks like, just like the residents of a country have a right to say who immigrates into their county. The government should work on behalf of the people who currently live in their city/state/country, not on behalf of people who want to move there.

If me and my neighbors don’t want you to build condos here, then leave us alone.

Can anybody tell me about the validity of the claims that Islamic Palestinians have occupied this region for thousands of years? Like given a random family currently living in Gaza, when did they likely migrate there? 1000 years ago? It was there a more recent migration of people?

The sort of “we’ve lived here forever this is our land!” Narrative just feels to clean to me.

What is the culture war angle to this?

An NPC is somebody who makes statements or has beliefs but doesn’t have the basis to derive those beliefs on their own.

For instance somebody might say that we should support Ukraine in the war, it wouldn’t be able to reach this conclusion on their own from first principles.

Or they might say something about coming climate catastrophe, but be unable to articulate why, or how, or what that means, or why it’s bad.

An NPC’s worldview is entirely made up of received opinions. A great example I think most people here are familiar with are internet atheists. These are people who will make very strong claims about morality or philosophy, but generally refuse to detail why they think these things or what these things might mean. Another example (although I think it’s basically the same group) is the “I fucking love science” crowd.

Books are useful for children, for developing reading skills if nothing else.

Okay this is fair. Maybe a library for children's books? (I'm thinking like...5 years old and younger?)

I can't imagine how jealous I'd be as a postgrad at some university if high schools were getting more H100s than me

This is kindof the world I want. Some cool resources are available to high schools to the point that it makes other's jealous. Noboyd on earth is jealous of a high school library. Change that and make the "library" something cool/something to be proud of!

Because Bezos isn’t trying to manufacture consent for any wars he is waging.

Isnt Beff Jezos an obvious parody account? I don’t think he “founded e/acc” the way Forbes is saying here (maybe there a joke I’m missing). I thought the term was made as a joke by George Hotz when Lex Friedman asked him about effective altruism.

Edit: I was wrong. BBJ did coin the term.

I’m definitely in that sphere as far as I know. E/accs are like: we want more nuclear power, more rockets, better stuff through technology. AI is definitely a part of that, but in the sense that an e/acc person would point out the potential good things that AI could bring instead of worrying so much about the more theoretical (imo) bad things. There has been a huge push in the last few years to do hardware or “hard tech” startups, and a lot of the founders talk about “accelerationism” as a bit of a tongue in cheek rallying cry.

I had actually seen a lot more e/acc talk around space, energy, and manufacturing startups than around AI. I would expect and e/accist to be more comfortable in front of solidworks than in front pytorch, although now that I think about it GeoHot was talking about AI, and is doing an several AI companies right now.

I guess put me in for: this is a good term actually! BBJ was a parody account don’t let him poison the term, please! take my h200s from my cold dead hands though. (Just kidding I’m poor. Please talk slow Im autistic running this on an ancient 1060.)

Here’s the geohot clip I’m talking about: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DdZmZJHEVUc?si=g7z3yB_V_pvqc6-q

Israel gains the infliction of terror on a population seeking shelter that they want to displace as much and as fast as possible.

There are many ways Israel could do this that don't involve something quite so brazen, and without this much political downside.

We just gifted like $100 Billion dollars to Ukraine. I think we can probably buy a few cruise ships to facilitate this.

Ah so he has no option to negotiate?

Have you signed yourself up for the Ukrainian foreign legion yet or no?

Do you apply this to Putin as well?

Am I supposed to think it's a mark against him that he tries his best to get nations to support his people in a war that might very well decide the fate of Ukraine?

No. You're supposed to see it as a mark against him that he is prolonging a pointless war.

It's may not be real but it doesn't really have to be.

I have several friends who are doctors. The amount of attention they get from women is actually unbelievable to me. It's so much attention that it becomes a problem, and they have to start hiding things on social media to prevent women from basically stalking them.

So depending on the city, I could absolutely see this as being true, since I've seen a version of it be true first hand.

Is Bezos killing the families of people trying to unionize? Blowing up their homes? Maybe razing the towns they live in?


Acting like and trying is the difference between malevolence and incompetence or apathy.

I don’t think most leftists are destroying society on purpose, I just think that they’re too lazy of horrified to think through to the conclusions of the policies that they support.

But then there are some large leftist groups who say things like that their goal is to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”, and I’m not really sure what to do other than take those groups at their word.