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investments: META/FBL, TSLA, TQQQ, TECL, MSFT ...

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Among the first social networks, Facebook and Myspace, were founded in 2004 and 2003 . Twitter came later , in 2007. Things were going well until 2016, when a certain favored candidate lost an important election. We're still reeling from the aftermath of that. The left is not going to let this go.

Pre-2000 the ability of either side to censor was more limited, but also the stakes were possibly lower. From a personal perspective it's not that big of a deal if a school bans a book, but losing your fakebook , gmail, paypal, or twitter account way worse, because you lose all those contacts/friends that took years to accumulate, and also you need those services for daily life. There are too many points of failure, in which people have entrusted their identities and livelihoods to these large, impersonal companies. Tech censorship is much more personal, whereas pre-2000 censorship affected communities or groups more than individuals (like a school banning a book or warning labels on records). Social networks have thrived because they are a very efficient way to consume new information and connect with people, but this makes them more vulnerable to censorship.

I think boys who are slow early on in school are destined to be that way throughout life and and end up in the lower rungs of society. Relative positions do not change, and giving slow boys a boost early on is not going to change this once the effect wears off, like with with universal pre-k in which any early gains were quickly erased. Boys who grow up to be engineers, STEM jobs, etc. probably don't have this problem as much as boys who grow up to work in service sector. Even in elementary school you can identify who has potential compared to who doesn't. Boys may underperform relative to girls but struggling on the classroom to some extent suggests an IQ problem, not a sex differences problem. Hoping that intervention will remedy innate differences reminds me of people hoping that their crypto portfolios will recover. let's assume there is a 2 year difference in brain maturity between boys vs. girls..this would suggest that slow boys can make up the difference after their brains mature and perform better at school, but how often does this happen?

you don't have to subscribe to read the articles. archive.is works

d BAP can more or less say anything he wants

This is not his original account though, which was banned a year back.

If scott's IQ is as high as he claims, he may just be smart enough to not be banned

A lot of cult classics like Fight Club and Taxi Driver had already impended signs of a male crisis. Combine with this the growing wealth inequality.

Hasn't it always been this way. Taxi Driver is already almost 45 years old. It's not so much indicative of a male crisis but that socially maladjusted protagonists make for a more interesting story/plot. As for the rest, this sort of male fatalism gets tiring. Life does not have to suck or be directionless . Even in spite of biology, humans are still endowed with some capacity for reason and decision making abilities.

AI art can be thought of as the next level of Photoshop. Like Photoshop, it does not replace the artist but rather gives artists more tools. Like regular art, there is a learning curve . Second, AI generated art has a distinct appearance. This may be fine for applications in which this does not matter, but the the examples of art produced with Stable Diffusion look weird. like pastels, or deformed.

I personally was behind in school until 3rd grade when I suddenly started reading a number of grade levels higher.

you are probably a major outlier though, like most people on this sub. How many slow boys in elementary school later ace standardized tests. very few unless their IQs test high. It comes down to IQ in the end. ADHD + low /average IQ will not make a superstar later in life, just a hyperactive adult

Is classwork actually primarily measuring IQ?

I think there is some correlation . Meaning that kids who struggle probably are on net not that smart , but some smart kids may get low grades if they are bored with the work. I don't think this sub is representative of the average kid who dislikes school and then does really well later in life.

Here we see a strongly positive correlation between IQ and the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement that holds on all IQ ranges though:


Furthermore, it's not established that women have higher IQ than men,

I never said they did

What, in the sense that it's happened several times before (across the market and with individual portfolios)? That this reality can be easily shown by a 20 second google search?

I chose this one because it involves hope. no one hopes pigs fly, but many parents hope their slow kids excel at life later

then how does it account for the cluster of cases initially at the Wuhan market? Robert F. Kennedy jr. got his facebook page suspended..goes to show how little power this once mighty family has now. old money is weak compared to big tech and new money, same for trump's suspension from twitter.

Diversity for thee, not me me. 'Red' areas, in general, tend to be much more diverse ,especially economically, and culturally , and even racially, compared to wealthier blue areas. If you go to any urban red area, the full spectrum of America represented...poor people, rich people, blacks, Latinos, conservatives, liberals, girls with piercings and tattoos , rednecks, single mothers, etc.

The demographics of Martha’s Vineyard are also a relic of the past. It is 2% Latino and .3% Asian, 88% white with some parts 100% white. Its 0-9 age group is 94% White, 0% black, 0% Asian, and 0% hispanic, with the rest “mixed”.

Probably white includes Jews

wired: standardized testing is unpopular because the white upper class is losing out to Asians, but they can't say this so they use discrimination against blacks as an excuse.

i think it's this one. good insight

I mentioned other forms of diversity: cultural, educational, economic. These are often more important than just race.

Red states in the midwest, for example, tend to be somewhere between very and overwhelmingly White (in the 75-90% range).

That's probably because it includes large rural populations.

consider the racial makeup of Austin Texas:

White (Non-Hispanic) (48.2%), White (Hispanic) (21.2%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (7.65%), Other (Hispanic) (7.58%), and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (7.4%)

Berkeley, CA actually has a higher % of whites (50%) and smaller % of Hispanics (14%)

Think it's because it's implied. Rappers do not need to rap about supporting George Floyd..they can post BLM stuff on social media instead or rap about how bad white people or cops are. Also, rock and roll was major medium of protest music, which as a genre has been in relative decline for the past 2 decades compared to pop, electronic, rap and other genres.

The 60s and 70s had protest songs that were keep alive in the public consciousness through tv and movies in the decades that followed, notably Forest Gump, but nowadays I think entertainment has become more fragmented, so it's hard to find protests songs that are emblematic of generation like in the past. Green Day , Rage Against the Machine had some notable protest songs in the early 21st century.

I mean something akin to the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) in which the necessities of life (healthcare, housing, minimum subsistence) are essentially guaranteed, while maintaining a market economy.

as others have already observed when this comes up, such welfare states tend to not scale well for countries as big, and diverse, and low trust as the US. A prosperous, homogenous, small country having generous welfare is sorta analogous to a breadwinner providing for his family. Now try to scale this to a stadium.

c. "The Scandinavian countries only could do this because they are ethnically homogenous, tightly knit societies. Look at Sweden right now, it's falling apart as they let in more immigrants." Response: This goes more to the political problem with instituting this system rather than the desirability of the system itself. The fact that present-day social democrats are pro immigration does not make immigration a necessary part of a social democracy. One can easily imagine a social democracy with Japan-style immigration restrictions.

Too late for this to happen, and no political will either. American history going as far back almost to its inception has been tolerating immigration. Japan had the advantage of being close knit from its onset.

"Eliminating poverty will cause more pain in the long run because the economy will collapse or at the very least growth will slow, leading to a decline in living standards for everyone."

Poverty largely has been eliminated in America. Americans even in the poorest of states have higher living standards than people in the UK. There are so many programs for poor families in the US, like free education, up through college, dental, healthcare, subsidized housing, etc. People fail to avail themselves of such options due to addiction, mental illness (the two often go together) , or other problems, not because of America being against the poor. Controlling drugs would be a much more useful step for ending poverty.

This might be low effort, but is anyone else shocked by how little coverage there has been over the terrible performance of the stock market? My 401k is actually down overall over the last 3 years. I’ve put about 20k into the stock market this year into pretty safe stocks like Apple and ETFs like SPY and I’m losing money like crazy.

It's all over the news. Google: stock market falls, bear market, etc. It's probably not discussed much here because this forum for culture war stuff, although a falling stock market and high inflation bodes poorly for Biden (or whoever the democratic nominee is) come 2024.

All my pandemic gains are gone.

SPY, QQQ still above Jan 2020 levels, before the pandemic began. Plus you are earning 2%/year dividends from SPY, so this is close to 5% just from that. If you lost your pandemic gains then you probably bought overhyped garbage like ARK or the like. Index funds still the best bet.

I feel if Trump were still in office this would be a much bigger deal.

Possibly, but the media is not going to cover for Biden. I sorta disagree with the right about the media covering for Biden, or any politician. The media makes more money from doom and gloom sensationalism than they stand to benefit by covering for Biden or Trump or whoever. Here are a bunch of headlines from the NYTs about the stock market falling:


Which I think lends evidence to my point.

exactly, if you are worried too much then your timeframe/horizon is too short.

Martha's Vineyard

Was it legal what DeSantis did? As far as PR stunts go, it was a huge success and way boosts his odds for 2024, assuming he isn't criminally charged for this stunt.

it helps that those NGOs and staffers have the establishment on their side

This's why I don't like donating unless I know the people . Great, you just blew your $ to promote something that isn't aligned aligned with the original stated goal or understanding of the thing you donated to in the first place. Once you send the $, it's out of your control. How about putting your $ on something in which you do have control? How many people watching the game are going to care enough to be convinced to do anything or change their minds? .001%? Solidarity for overpaid, ungrateful athletes, i guess.

I can think of other cases even just related to BLM within professional sports that are much less marginal. Cases where an athlete was explicitly fired for opinions expressed off the field. For example, Seattle Mariners catcher Steve Clevenger was suspended without pay and had his career ended explicitly for insulting BLM protesters on a private locked twitter account. Professional soccer player Aleksandr Katai was cut from the LA Galaxy because his wife insulted BLM protesters on social mediea despite the fact that he disagreed with and apologized for her comments. As far as I can tell, FIRE has never even commented on either case.

This is why wokeness is so pernicious. It insidiously extends its reach to anything it can get a hold of.

The work is rich and fulfilling, the students are extraordinary and curious, and I have found a feeling of purpose that always eluded me in Industry.

Hmm...this seems to conflict with the IDW-view that college is becoming adult daycare. Maybe this just applies to certain institutions and social-justice subjects . Or maybe the problem is/was overblown or overstated.

unless it involve trans kids, covid, or BLM, on one really cares that much. even some on the left have to admit this political correctness has gotten ridiculous or at least can poke fun at some of the excesses of it. .

I think acceleration is a good idea because it gives talented kids access to resources that may help them in terms of careers or continuing education, instead of having to wait.

For talented people, things are much better today compared to in the 70s and 80s, when the boomers were coming of age. Being smart and talented, even despite political correctness today, didn't; confer nearly as many benefits career-wise compared to today. Talented teens today can pick up coding and get internships or land lucrative jobs by their early 20s, instead of having to do the dead-end summer job grind for 5 years. Boomers didn't have a choice because society didn't as much use for cognitive talent like it does today.